Seekers Tale Part 33

Story by Wolf Seeker on SoFurry

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#34 of Seekers Tale

Part 33

"Left.... Right.... Block.... Dodge...." I bark out attack commands while pacing back and forth in front of my pack, members of Wolfie's pack, all four of my new guardians, and several villagers who have all come to receive some training. Today we are focusing on sword and shield usage.

Winter has started to make room for spring as the snows are all melting away and the first buds of new leaves are beginning to show on the trees. A flock of birds takes flight from a nearby tree as I pass nearby.

I turn and begin passing in front of my students again in full instructor mode. Moving past Eve I raise her shield arm a bit, "Your leaving your head to exposed, shields are there to protect, so make it protect."

Moving on I continue down the line I adjust Jasper's stance so that he isn't over balancing himself to one side. Rosalie stands to stiff and rigid probably her body remembering its former age. Shadow has the best form of those present but still has room for improvement.

At the end of the line set a short distance away from the rest is Haran. He has been throwing every ounce of his strength into his training and into helping everyone in any way that he can. I have kept quiet about his and Rosalie's growing relationship, except to Shadow.

When I first told him he was shocked to say the least, but has grown to tolerate the idea at least. I don't know if their relationship will ever be what a father and sons relationship should be or not but at least what grounds they made were not damaged. As for everyone else they seem to have come to a level of acceptance to having Haran around though he has yet to officially ask to join either pack. I think he still holds himself responsible for the many atrocities he was unable to stop while possessed.

Upon reaching where he is standing I look over his stance and posture pointing out only a few small areas that need correcting. After his son and myself he is perhaps the best swordsman here. Turning from Haran I look back to the rest and watch as they are all breathing heavily with their clothes soaked in sweat from the training I have been putting them through today.

Letting out a sigh I call out, "All right that's enough for today. Put away your training gear and have lunch. Once everyone has eaten then break into your normal groups and begin your studies."

With a collective grumbling and rubbing of sore muscles the class breaks up and moves apart separating into their individual groups heading inside for lunch. I watch with a small measure of pride as each group is not the separated groups of villagers and members of the same packs, but instead a consistent mix. No one group is dominated by any other. Everyone is working together and growing together as friends and a community better than I could have hoped.

A soft panting and footsteps announces the arrival of someone behind me. I turn and see Wolfie walking up beside me watching the rest walk off as well. With a nod and a small grin I acknowledge his presence before turning back to watch my pupils more. For a moment he stands beside me watching as well. Eventually he takes a breath and begins speaking, "You have sure taught them a lot in a short time. But I can't help but wonder if you are perhaps pushing them a bit too hard to fast? I'm not criticizing you my friend just asking."

For a moment I just stand there quietly letting his words sink in as I think them over. Shifting my weight from one paw to the other I answer him, "I have wondered that myself and perhaps I am pushing them a bit harder than I normally would have when teaching these skills. But all the recent events around here have shown me that I have either been negligent in teaching or that we are woefully out matched. One of those I can correct, but the other...."

I let my words hang in the air between us not saying what is obvious to us both. Silence lingers between us for a minute before Wolfie says, "You may be many things Seeker, teacher, scholar, leader, friend, mentor, but you are certainly not negligent as far as I can see. Also I don't believe that you are all that out matched. I have seen you and the other guardians do some incredible things. The others are just new and inexperienced to their powers and I'm sure that if it had been a fair fight your brother...."

My muscles tense up and I take a sharp breath at the mention of Aduro but make no other motions.

Wolfie pauses for a moment before continuing, "Sorry, I just mean that if it had been a fair fight I am sure that you would have come out on top easily."

I remain silent as I watch the other lounge around outside enjoying plates of food. I stay quiet for so long that Wolfie turns and begins to walk off saying a softly, "Any way that's just my view."

Before he has gone two steps I speak just loud enough for him to hear, "The thing about that fight that most people don't realize is that it was extremely unbalanced.... in my favor."

I hear him step back up next to me and feel his gaze on me as he asks puzzled, "What do you mean?"

Turning my gaze from the yard I look at Wolfie straight on, "The fight took place during a storm. My water abilities were magnified considerably because of that, any normal fight and I would have easily won without breaking a sweat. On top of that I am a water master, the strongest level of guardians in my class."

I look down at my right hand and turn it up so that I can see my tattoo, "Perhaps I am even more powerful than that. When you combine that with the fact that I have been around for so long and trained with some of the best warriors in history and some who are not in the history books, then I could easily be classed among the elite of the elite. Sure there are others out there who can beat me in fair fights matching me blow for blow, but what happened that night...."

Looking back at Wolfie and I can see understanding and a bit of fear in his eyes as he says, "That night he was able to toss you and the others aside like dolls. Even after you sent a bolt of lightning into his chest."

Nodding I let some of the anxiety I have been keeping at bay seep into my voice, "It took the creation of not one but two new guardians to just drive him away and even then I had to channel a great deal of my own strength into Rick and Jasper just to give them that temporary advantage. If just one servant of that evil was able to hold his own against five guardians like that, just imagine what more of them could do."

Wolfie's eyes linger on me for a moment before looking out over our combined packs. He nods towards them, "How many of them know?"

Following his gaze I answer, "Only you, Shadow, Haran, and Jasper know my true feelings on this subject. Though I get the feeling that Rosalie knows and perhaps a few of the others who have known me longer."

He mulls it over for a moment before asking, "Shadow and Jasper I understand, but why confide in Harandoom?"

I notice his use of Haran's full name as well as the slight hint of distaste that is there. I can't blame him, Wolfie and the rest of his pack suffered a great deal while Haran was controlled. I let out a small sigh, "He is privy to that information because of his unique insight into the darkness that we are facing. I don't know how much he knows for sure but he has been honest so far in telling me when he has remembered something from his time being possessed. no matter how insignificant he thinks it is."

A faint growl emanates from Wolfie's throat before he speaks, "Logically I can see the sense and tactical need for that. But from an emotional one I can't help but see the monster that nearly got us all killed and did in fact kill so many of us."

I place a paw on his shoulder, "My friend I know exactly how you feel. But something you should know is that no one on this earth hates Haran for what he did as much as he himself does. He holds himself responsible for what happened to all of you. On some level I think that he sees it as his fault entirely that the creature was able to possess him and make him do those things. That he failed in some way."

We both turn our gaze to where Haran is sitting under a tree eating alone. Every once in a while he glances up at the others and I can tell that he wants to join them but is resistant to the idea. Wolfie and I just stand there watching for several minutes before he breaks the silence, "I guess I never thought about it from his view. As bad as things were for us it must have been many times worse for him having to watch that every day and night."

As I pat his shoulder before turning to walk off towards Haran I make the comment, "Let's hope that you never have to know what that kind of self loathing is like Wolfie. believe me it's something you never recover from, and I have had a few centuries to try."

I can feel Wolfie's gaze linger on my back as I make my way to the tree where Haran is sitting. As I get close Haran looks up and when he sees me he hastily gets to his feet almost dropping his plate muttering, "Seeker, I didn't see you coming."

Chuckling a bit I wave at the ground, "Relax Haran, just wanting to come join you under the shade. If you don't mind."

He shakes his head as he sits back down, "Not at all. Just didn't expect anyone to want to talk me."

I ease down beside him feeling some aches and pains as my joints pop a little betraying a few of my years. Physically I may look young but I'm still getting up there in years after all. Once seated I lean against the tree and watch the yard bustle with activity. For a few minutes we just sit there in silence before I break it saying, "You still don't feel like you belong do you."

It wasn't so much a question as a statement. Haran's ears droop as he looks down at his plate with his one eye. His voice echoes the loneliness his stance shows when he speaks, "How can I ever consider asking to be a part of either pack after what happened? With Alpha Steele and his pack all they will ever see is the monster who destroyed their lives and home for many years. With yours there is my son who suffered and nearly died at my hand, not to mention all the damage I caused during the attack."

I let out an exasperated sigh, "Haran, I know you blame yourself for what happened and I know how that feels. But you have to realize you did not do those things and I don't believe for a moment that you ever would have had you been the one in control for all that time."

At that moment Rosalie comes bustling out of the house barking out orders about the food and making sure that everyone cleaned up their messes. I can't help but smile when I see Haran's gaze follow her every move and hear his tail thump softly on the earth beside us. Suppressing a laugh I say, "Besides I know there is at least one person who holds no grudge against you what so ever, and she lost her home and business that day."

Haran's tail stops thumping slowly, "Yeah but I'm doing all I can to help her rebuild. Course that's pretty much limited to just the heavy lifting seeing as how I don't have much in the way of resources to offer her."

I smile at him as he continues to watch Rosalie, "She has never really been one for material things. Sure she likes the odd gift now and then, who doesn't. But what Rosalie has always enjoyed most has been good company and you have been giving her that."

He looks down and I can see a slight blush in his ears, "Well she is a lot of fun to be around."

Grinning slightly I say, "Well like I said before she is the closest thing I have to a daughter and I haven't seen her this happy in years, and you look good with her."

I stand and stretch before saying, "Just make sure that you keep making her happy, she is a once in a life time catch."

He nods as I start walking off but I stop and turn back to him, "One piece of advice though Haran, don't be afraid to try and make friends. There are a lot of people here to talk to."

With that I turn back to the house and head inside. Opening the front door I am hit with a blast of noise, there are easily a dozen or more individuals inside all talking up a storm in their own groups. I give a few waves of greeting as I pass through the crowd making my way to the library to begin this afternoons history lesson.

Once in the library I quietly step over to my desk and begin looking through the notes I have made for this lesson. While I may have lived through most of the history that I teach it never hurts to get some refresher to keep my memories sharp. Sometimes the books that are written these days are pretty accurate. At other times however they are so far off that I find them to be closer to humorous fiction rather than history.

Fortunately today is one of those days when the books got it right. I place my reading glasses on my nose and begin skimming over the lesson I have planned for the middle ages. The only thing that history seems to have trouble with is the story of King Arthur and Merlin. No one can seem to decide if they were real or not. But then that's how Merlin always like to work things.

The door opens and closes softly and I turn to see Marcus walking in, in his human form, laughing softly to himself at some joke. He stops abruptly when he sees me standing by my desk. With a slight stutter he says, "Oh.. uh.. Seeker sir. I didn't know you were in here already."

I take my glasses off and set them on my notes smiling, "Quite alright Marcus you're not disturbing me. Ready for our lesson?"

He nods a bit excitedly, "Yeah, I came early to make sure I got a good spot. I never liked history in school in the village very much but when you teach it just seems to come alive for me."

I grin and probably blush slightly under my fur, "Well I try. I may be old but I do remember what it was like to be bored in history class. Granted the last time I was in one there was a lot less history to learn."

That gets a chuckle from Marcus as more people start to find their way into the library. Once all the chairs are full and seats are taken on the floor I begin the lesson, "Last time we started talking about the middle ages so today we are going to continue that talk....."


"...and that is what lead to the end of Camelot and the eventual end of the Dark Ages." I look out over the faces I have been lecturing to for the last couple hours, "Any questions?"

One hand goes up in the back and I nod to a young wolf from Wolfie's pack who asks, "When you started talking about Camelot your version began to differ quite about from what little is mentioned in the history books. Why is that sir?"

I grin slightly, "Well that would because the history books only had a few fragments of the real story and filled the rest in with myths and legends. They can't all agree on what really happened. This particular book that I have been using for this class is the most accurate that I have been able to find. But it still needs some.... minor corrections."

He gets a small chuckle from some the group before Marcus speaks up, "I'll say, you basically just threw that entire chapter out of the book and rewrote it."

The whole room laughs at that including me, "Well I wouldn't say I threw it all out... The names stayed the same didn't they."

This gets the loudest laugh yet. Once everyone quiets down I say, "If there are no other questions then we are through for the day. Everyone have a good evening and I will see you back here next week when we will begin the start of the renaissance."

I sit down behind the desk as they file out of the library talking excitedly about the lesson. When the last student steps out Shadow stands up from where he has been sitting in his customary corner listing to today's lesson. He walks over to the door and pushes it closed. I smile up at him as he walks over to me and sits on the side of the desk next to me smiling back, "That was some lesson today."

I roll my neck getting a few pops out of it, "They sure seemed to enjoy it today didn't they. But then everyone enjoys hearing about King Arthur and Merlin and I know the true story behind the legend."

He leans back as he looks out the window at the valley currently bathed in the golden light of the setting sun. After a moment he says, "I forget some days just how much you have seen and experienced. I mean, I look at you love and I see a wolf just reaching his prime. Someone who I would swear was barely older than me. But then you will talk about something that happened centuries ago like it happened yesterday. Then there are the times where you get this look on your face like looking into a deep well and I realize that you have seen and done things I can never imagine."

Looking up at my mate I can't help but having a feeling of concern and trepidation as I ask, "Does our age difference bother you love? Cause it doesn't bother me at all."

He looks at me and smiles, "Of course it doesn't bother me. I just can't help wondering why after all the years you spent alone that I was the first one you chose to build a life with. I mean three thousand years is a long time, especially for a guy."

I reach a paw out and take Shadows left in both of mine as I look up at him, "Love you were the first person that I ever felt that I could build a life with. I'm not saying you were the first person I ever had any feelings or any kind of relationship with because as you said three millennium is a long time. Sure there were a few over the centuries but none were like what we have. As for why you became the first one that I had that feeling for I don't know for sure. Just that you are and I am more than happy that you are."

He leans forward and raises my paws up to his muzzle where he places a soft kiss on them then holds them against his face for a moment before speaking, "I'm sorry love, guess I'm just having a moment. I just don't see what a guy like you could see in a guy like me is all."

With a small huff of exasperation I stand up and pull Shadow to his feet as well before cupping his face in my paws and looking into his lovely silver eyes. In a soft voice I answer his comment, "Shadow you are one of the smartest, most courageous, honorable, loyal wolves I have ever met. That alone drew my attention to you right away."

He grins but doesn't say anything as I keep talking, "On top of that you have a thirst for new knowledge and experiences that keeps me on toes and challenges me every day. Through you I am able to again see the wonders in this world that I long ago started to take for granted every day."

That causes him to blush and try to speak but I put a finger on his lips to let me finish, "If that wasn't enough, you are easily one of the hottest wolves I have met in centuries. From the color of your fur, to the color of your eyes, the way your body fits against mine in bed... need I go on?"

Shadow chuckles, "Well I don't know about all that love, after all I think you're the better looking one."

I just smile and lean forward and close my eyes as I press my lips to his and start a slow kiss between us. At the same moment the sun sinks below the distant mountains allowing the stars to begin shining for their nightly dance in the heavens.