A Child's Need Drakonian part 6
#1 of A Child's need
A Child's need; Drakonian part 6
**I understand that many of you are disappointed by the story on how this was based on real life. Again, this is different from the first four and has nothing to do with the real life incident before. This one is based off another one and I sadly saw that I was there to know the true story and pains my heart.
The sex parts were not part of the real life thing.**
A child's need; Drakonian part 6
Draco stood dumbfounded as he looked upon this drakonian woman who claims to be his mother. Katie was also dumbfounded but was becoming a bit confused and something in the back of her mind told her that this day will end badly.
Delsy on the other claw was waiting for his response. Draco was just still astonished but then a dark look over past him.
"No!" he said in a loud voice. "You are not my mother!"
Delsy was surprised by this but hurt.
"I know that you are mad at me and all but I am your mother."
Draco just glared at her.
"No you are not! My mother wouldn't abandon me at two years old with a criminal. My mother wouldn't let me be near death. My mother wouldn't come back years later when I am safe to tell me that she has a son that she lost!"
Delsy was hurt by all of the words and it put her to shame.
She lowered her head.
"I know. I know and I am sorry son." She looked back at him. "But please you have got to believe me that I was scared of him..."
"Scared!" he said to her loudly and angrily. Katie flinched at his loudness, never once hearing him like this.
"You were scared of him! You don't know what it meant to be scared of him! I suffered with him for three years of torment. I was scared knowing that he might come around and hurt me anytime at the night!"
Delsy was had tears running down her face and Draco was unaffected.
"You have no idea the fucking torment he put me through!!" He yelled at her. "He tried to kill me! And her." He said pointing to Katie.
"He wanted nothing to do with me and he was willingly to get rid of me just for the fun of it! I died for a short time and it tore my heart knowing that I was dying and for what? Some bitch that was afraid and couldn't take her own son with her!"
By now, Delsy couldn't even look at her son any more and just let the tears run down her face. Katie was standing by and watching this before her. She couldn't tell if she should be angry for this woman for abandoning her son or sorry for her because of the punishment she is taking from her son.
Draco just growled at her.
"So again, you are not my mother! My birth mother died on me when she left. The only mother I have is the one who toke care of me and tried to protect me from that monster! She is my mother! For ten years she has cared for me. For ten years she looked after me and loved me when no one else did! She loved me!"
"But I did..." she tried to say.
"But you didn't!" he said, nearly roaring to her. Delsy could not longer deal with and just broke down crying.
Draco scuffed. "I'm surprised you're not in jail for what you did to me. The police should have found you and arrest you for what you did to me. For abandoning me, for leaving me to endure torment." He turned his attention back to Katie.
"If she doesn't leave the house, call the police on her. Maybe she could be in the jail in which the monster came from. She could learn her lesson that way." He turned his attention back to Delsy. "And I never want to see you again!"
With that, he grabbed his backpack and walked away, heading to school. Delsy just sat on the floor and cried her heart out.
Katie didn't know what to do in that moment. She was stuck in between emotions of anger, pain, sadness and bitterness.
Surely this woman deserved to suffer for her mistake but she was just scarred. Still, she had no right to leave her son and yet she wants him back. But don't all living creatures deserve a second chance?
She cursed herself mentally for having such a kind heart. She lowered herself and patted the sobbing woman. She knew her son would be angry but maybe she can find a way to find some way just to calm him down. She helped the crying women up.
Delsy looked up at Katie who seemed to have a light smile.
"Come inside. Maybe we could talk." She said in her sweet angelic voice.
Delsy heard her voice and couldn't help but stop crying as she was helped up by the one her son was raised by. She slowly got up and followed her inside.
The walk to school was hard for Draco. He constantly growled to himself. The furs and scales on the streets thought of him mad and ignored him most of the time.
Not even when the twins, Natalie and Samantha ran up to meet him did he stop.
"Draco," asked Natalie. "What's wrong love?"
He didn't look at them but spoke.
"I'll tell you guys later. Let us just get this day over with." He said as he walked a bit faster. The twins looked at each other in worry but quickly followed him.
The whole day was pure agony for Draco as sudden flash backs of his bitch of a mother came in and out of his head. He would get distracted from the lessons and often curse himself when he missed the problem, causing the whole class to look at him.
It was like that for all the classes and it was hard for the twins to deal with it like this.
During break, he just sat at the school bench and stared down at the floor angrily. The twins tried to talk to him but he wouldn't answer.
When break was over, he went back to class and tried his best to make it through the rest of the day. This time, he had sudden outbreaks in the middle of the lecture. Everyone had his eyes on him and he just angrily looked at everyone before walking out of the class. The twins wanted to go after him but decided to leave him alone for the time being.
They haven't seen him for the next class and when lunch came, they didn't find him in the cafeteria. They went to the only place they thought he would be at.
It was behind one of the two story buildings outside of the school forest in which was small was with a pond and a few large trees were for shade. Nobody went back there because nobody else wants to go back there except the three of them for their lunch sex times.
As they went there, they saw Draco sitting down and looking down at the water watching the fish swim around.
The twins approached him and sat by him.
"Draco?" asked Natalie.
"Yeah, you have been acting angry all day." Said Samantha.
He just remained quiet before he grew tears and brought his knees to his and brought his arms to cover his face. He then began crying.
The twins were surprised by this. He has never been seen crying and yet, he was crying like a hatchling. They both wrapped their arms around him and hugged him.
He slowly lifted up his head with his red shot eyes and muzzle soaked face.
"My mother came back." He said to them. "My biological mother. She came back." And with that, he began crying again. The twins looked at each other before hugging him tighter. He cried out and they all missed the last class of the day.
Katie spent the whole day trying to help Delsy, taking many breaks on her work and it was not helping that she really tried to speak on what had happen.
For Katie to sum it out, Delsy had Draco which made Stone angry when he didn't want to do anything with a kid. He wouldn't try to help her in taking care of her and his son. She had missed work a lot of days and for the two years that she had tried to take care of Draco, Stone was pissed that he couldn't have sex with her anymore.
She left home and couldn't deal with him anymore and forgot about her son. She loved him but she didn't want her son to be with her out on the streets.
She couldn't go to the police because then Stone might try to kill Draco. She had no way of knowing what was happening to him.
She left for three years and went out of state, trying her best to forget the passed and find a better life. When she did find a decent job, she forgotten all about him and spend the next three years on it.
However, when she heard on the news about what had happen and how Draco got involved, she was devastated when she heard that Draco had not lived. Since Draco wasn't born in the hospital and had no birth date, nobody was able to find the mother. It tore her knowing that if they knew who was the mother, that she would end up in jail.
After that, and for the next ten years, she tried her best to forget about her mistake. It wasn't till eight years later that she started having repressed memories and started having nightmares and sudden breakdowns at work. She needed therapy and was told that she must meet the women who toke care of Draco for a short time.
It took much of her time to find out were Draco was buried but found out that he was never sent to the ground below. Even though she lived in the area at one point, she tried to find the place in which Draco was taken in. However, several times she passed Draco without knowing it and several times, she had to ask anyone who had known him.
For a year and a half, she tried follow any Drakonian that was Draco.
Twice she was nearly caught by the police and it was only once that they thought suspicion of who she was.
She was about to give up when she passed by the schools and found only a few Drakonians in each one and found a year book for each.
She had found one with Draco on it and didn't know if it was him. When she saw him get out of school, she followed him home. It took her awhile to figure out it was him but it took her a longer time to find a way to meet up with them.
All the events lead up to now. Delsy was still stricken with grief and mental breakdowns after so many years.
Katie was kind enough to tell her to give Draco time. Although she tell her that she was mad her for the mistake, she still believes that she could make everything all up.
School was done and Draco walked home slowly, still a bit down on the earlier events. The twins walked with him home, trying to stay with him if he needed them.
When they were within eye view of the house, Draco stopped. He saw that a nice grey looking car was parked on by the driveway. Draco realized that it was still Delsy's car.
He sighed heavily and looked to the twins.
"I want you two to go home. I'm fine now and thank you both."
They looked at him and then at the care and realized what was going to happen. They both gave him a hug and a kiss.
"Be strong love." They both said.
He nodded and kissed them back. They walked home, giving him a last look of worry. He just gave him a reassuring smile before they disappeared from view.
He walked towards his house, taking in a final deep breath before slowly lowering his brows in anger and slowly went in.
Inside, he saw his mother Katie tending to Delsy. They both heard him and looked up at him.
Draco just looked at his mother with disappointed eyes.
"Why are you still here?" he said in a dark yet calm manner. "I thought I told you that I didn't want to see you anymore."
Delsy just nodded, still fill with sadness and shame. There were deep lines in her face from all the tears running down and her loving eyes were red.
She slowly stood up and slowly approached Draco.
"Draco, please you got to understand that was I did was wrong... and that no mother in the world should ever do what I did and leave you behind with that monster."
"But you did anyway." He said crossing his arms.
She felt the blow of that and lowered her head.
"I know and I know that you hate me right now..."
"Hate." He said, darkly. "Hate comes no where near the word I am feeling right now. Right now I am feelings, anger, disappointment, pain and sadness."
Delsy didn't look at him. He looked up at her.
"So what now? You can't even look at me. To see what you have done to me."
"Please don't..."
"To see what kind of son you didn't get to raise."
"Draco please, I...I" she tried to say with fresh tears coming down her eyes.
"I what!" he yelled to her. "I what? I am sorry that I left you? I am sorry that I was too afraid to take you? That I couldn't even come when you needed me? You did nothing! You stood by the years and watched me be raised by the man who wasn't a father. You were too much of a scared bitch to even risk your life to save mine!"
By now Delsy had broken down crying again and Katie was now truly heart broken by the scene before her. A son angry had his fallen mother.
Draco just looked at her before looking to Katie who was not sure what to do with this. Draco just shook his head and walked to his room. He stopped before entering.
"Leave the house by the night. And if my mother doesn't call the police, I will." He walked in and slammed the door.
Katie just sighed sadly and walked over to Delsy. Delsy just slowly raised her head up and looked at Katie. Katie wanted to reassure her or same something but couldn't.
Delsy slowly stood up straight and began walking out of the door.
"Delsy wait!"
Delsy just stopped at the door way.
"I'm sorry Katie. He doesn't love me anymore. He doesn't even want to see me. Maybe I should just drive off the bridge and die so then he can be happy." With that she opened the door and closed it behind her.
Katie wanted to stop her but couldn't. She watched from the window as the woman approached her car and opens the door. Delsy stood at seat for a moment before pulling out the keys from her purse in which she left. She put it in and tried to turn it on.
Still crying, she grew angry and tried to start the car but wouldn't. She hit the wheel and growled, with tears still running down. She tried several more times before she couldn't and began crying again. She cried and screamed in her car before slowly laying her head on the seat next to her.
Katie sighed and looked away from the window before returning back to her work seat. She laid her head on the desk.
It was a disappointing day and she still had a few more hours of work left.
During the time Delsy sat in her car, Katie brought over snacks and meals to the woman. Delsy refused but Katie insisted. She gave her anything that will keep her fed for the rest of the day.
"What if he calls the police?' she asked scarred.
Katie shook her head. "I won't let him. If you don't want to leave you, you don't have to. Just park somewhere on a corner and wait for a bit. Just give him time."
Delsy nodded and gave a small smile.
"Thank you so much Katie." As she turned on the car, she sighed.
"I can see now why you are such a great mother Katie. You take care of him like if he were..."
"Like my own biological son?" she finished.
Delsy nodded.
"If anything, I am glad that for the rest of his life, he will have the loving mother that I could have never been when he was younger."
Katie sighed and leaned into the window.
"Well, maybe you can't be that now that he is older, but maybe you can spend the rest of his life with him."
Delsy lowered his head.
"He won't need a mother in a few more years. By that time he will already be old enough to take care of himself."
Katie gave a nod.
"That may be but he will always need a mother in his life. I was there for ten years for him. Maybe you can live with us and make up those ten years."
Delsy gave another nod with a smile.
"Maybe. I hope that he can forgive me."
Katie gave a reassuring nod.
"Time heals all wounds, even though it takes time."
Delsy nodded once more.
"Thank you again Katie."
"Your welcome and please, don't kill yourself. I know that he is angry now but he has a kind heart and I know that in his heart, he still loves you."
Delsy gave a smile before slowly switching gears and drove up slowly by the side before turning the corner and parking away from the house view.
Katie gave a light sigh but kept her smile. She went back into her house and continued working.
When the night approached, she finished her work and turned off everything. She hadn't heard Draco nor has he come out of his room once. She knocked on the door.
"Draco? Sweet heart? Can I come in?"
There was silence for a moment before a weak voice spoke out. "Yes."
She opened the door to see Draco on his bed. His head was on a pillow which was soaked with tears. Katie slowly approached her son and sat on the bed and picked up his head. She pulled him up to rest it against her breast.
"My little Draco what's wrong."
He didn't answer but fresh tears just rolled down his check which already had rows of deepened lines from the water.
"She left me!" he said a bit loudly. "She left me and I hate her!" He began crying again and Katie hugged him tightly against her.
"How could she leave me?!" he nearly yelled with a weak voice. "Why did she do it, why?!" he said before finally breaking down and crying on his mother.
Katie just held and began growing tears of her own. He cried his heart out for the rest of the night. Katie just held him all the hours into the night.
A block away, Delsy was also crying, making the night become a weary one.
Another episode which was hard for me to do. It still breaks my heart to date of this one. One of many incidents I have seen in the real world.