The Draconian Story: Chapter 12
"a velociraptor." "it got spiky back..."
Chapter Nine Operation Evacuation
He ran to the back of the lab, the velociraptor followed him and then jumped out between two cylinders, one of which had been broken. darin turned left and went down a hallway. he slowed when he saw an open door.
Chapter XXII: I Don't Mind You Hanging Out
The last was a blue footed sleeper like the one he used to wear to bed before 'upgrading' to pajamas, though this had an intricate embroidery of a velociraptor on the right breast.
Meet the Black Stars; Wintro's Story
The alien that sat beside althea had a smug around her scaly face; the velociraptor-like alien had an unlit cigarette in her teeth as her right claw played with the lighter by turning it off and on that set the short pink creature on edge.
Hotel Emperador - Chapter 5: Alderocobaladrite
The velociraptor wasn't able to see anything but the current date and time. alroc brought himself up to his feet and walked towards the back of the room where several cardboard boxes were laying around.
Chapter V: Time of the Vampires
"you son of a bitch, when i get off of this velociraptor i will murder you!" darian screamed as he tried to get of the dinosaur. "careful, you're riding a lifeform smarter than you.
All Things Quiet And Sweet 16 - Now Accept It
Growing from inside her splitting skull, like an insidious weed, were two bloodied and burnt velociraptor heads, hissing towards fg: _"james...our son...what happened to you?"
Midline Shift 2 - A Vagrant Among Many
I never heard of a velociraptor before, and i can't find anything about them in my codex."
Party Monster
Her teeth and claws had further enlarged to the point that multiple fangs beyond the two saber teeth gave her a significant overbite while each of her fingers look like they were tipped with something rivaling the dewclaw of the velociraptors from jurassic
From the desk of the General. Mission 6.
From the desk of: General Sir Anarchy Warlock (Idiot) Senior Commander of the Kaos Army: Black Planet Leader of a bunch of idiots Smartass Military tactical idiot Occasional best friend BP date Mission notes Re:...
Zippy Zipperdale--Moderately Mad Scientist: The 2nd Experiment
It wasn't a small herbivore . . . it was a velociraptor! everyone ran screaming for the back of the classroom, people hid behind their desks as the six foot carnivore rasped and hissed, looking warily back and forth.
Hell on Earth. Chapter 9
The outside gardens were suitably designed for such a place as this; the trees were twisted and skeletal, the ground uneven and boggy. Pieces of masonry were half-sunk into the mud, tufts of sickly yellow grass sprang in clumps around them. It was...