Fishy Rumors

Tiran looked over to the shark girls who now noticed him and were waving to him. "well, i guess since he's doing it..." the big shark walked over to the girl sharks and started his new life as a shark.

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Punk Rock Talks Shop: A Roadie Prequel

Slumping up against the band van she borrowed, the shark sighed. she needed a workout. \*\*\* she couldn't stop staring at him.

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Regeln des Ozeans Kapitel 1:

Auf der klaren, glänzenden Oberfläche des Wasser spiegelten sich die strahlen der Sonne und einige schneeweiße Wolken. Jenes Wesen jedoch was gerade unter der Wasseroberfläche durch die wogen prescht intressierte dieser Anblick herzlich wenig. Naarlia...


The Volantis Corps-Ch4

"that shark can go to hell for all i care." she wasn't joking, eric was a shark, a white shark, to be precise. and nico, was a hybrid of a giraffe and white shark. it shouldn't have worked, but it did.

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Chapter V: Burn, Part One

Dustin tried to ignore the voice, seeing the body of the just a blue shark in the corner, dustin pushed himself forward. he found himself trying to put everything into avoiding the shark behind him.

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The Rest Of Your Life

I'll fill you in, don't worry." he begins, smiling down at the helpless shark, using one of his hands to angle his sunglasses a little which revealed his piercing amber eyes. he glared at the beige coloured shark in sadistic satisfaction.

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Tournament of Champions

It was his first card and his usual deck master, besides his duel with with quant most were won with bahumut shark.

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A Dream of Twilight 1a; Swimming with a dragon

Why'd he be interested in a shark? dragons flew in air, sharks in water. most dragons could breathe fire, sharks could breathe water, kindof. there's not much.. to.. give._ feeling slightly less happy with himself, carch slipped back into the lake.

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The fang Ch 1

They were a trio of anthro sharks, each a different species.

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Explanations, At Least!

And without saying another word, the wolf started to walk away, leaving the lion and shark behind, both slightly shaken, kion clearly much more than the shark.

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Trials of Love, the Frostclaw Chronicles 4

A few minutes later, tenchi, lyra and peridot stood on top of the castle walls, both the shark and dragoness being ready to show off as tenchi soon took to the air, "go!"

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