The Rest Of Your Life

Story by Pharyth on SoFurry

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This is a short story describing the situation showed in this image! That was commissioned by a close friend of mine, featuring both of our characters!

Set in a cyberpunk/sci-fi setting!

Artist is fjorge on Furaffinity

Home. Sabot was home and it was peaceful. An ordinary dreary afternoon on the Rex, yet something seemed off to the tiger shark. He couldn't focus on anything and everything seemed out of reach, no matter how hard he tried to strain his arms. Confused, he wandered around his apartment, seemingly getting lost on his way to rooms he should know like the back of his hand, but no matter how hard he tried he seemed to have hazy thoughts, not really being able to concentrate on where he was going or what he was doing. Before too long a strange and unfamiliar presence loomed over him, something unknown and oppressive, freezing him in place. He couldn't move. Not even his neck, regardless of how much he thought he was turning his gaze, and before too long he saw it... A wave of crashing water bounding towards him from around his corridor's corner.

Shock, coldness and pain greeted Sabot upon his awakening, as well as an unfamiliar scene; not that he expected any different considering what preceded his slumber.

"Good morning, sunshine." a voice unknown to him spoke, outside of his field of vision. "Sorry about the uh... Means of your waking but I hear it's quite popular with, well... Your kind?" It continued to chatter with a playful tone of voice. A male with a common Rex accent. Sabot painfully turned his head to try and find the owner of the voice, revealing a Tonkinese looking cat with dark fur and with very stylised, dyed blonde hair. It was also at this point that Sabot realised he couldn't move properly, and his tail felt uncomfortable and almost unnatural in how it was positioned. Looking down and around himself he could see very clearly what his situation was.

His hands were bound behind his back tightly, and his feet were wrapped up against the legs of the chair he was sat in which seemed nailed down to the ground, refusing to budge as he squirmed weakly. The painful feeling in his tail was due to it being wrapped and then tied down to a pillar a few feet away from his position...

"Wha-" began Sabot, slurred speech being all he could muster at present before being cut-off abruptly by the confident cat's voice.

"I'm sure you're wondering, Sabot. Who am I, where am I and what do I want? I'll fill you in, don't worry." he begins, smiling down at the helpless shark, using one of his hands to angle his sunglasses a little which revealed his piercing amber eyes. He glared at the beige coloured shark in sadistic satisfaction.

"You are somewhere no one can find you. I want information regarding your partner, who my employers say you are... Pretty close to, as well as any useful little tidbits about your unit within the force, naturally." the feline explained with an unusually chipper attitude, not one you'd particularly align with your captor. Turning on his heels, the cat faced a small table that had sat behind him, beginning to unzip something. Sabot could hear him reaching inside and placing things on the counter, some objects making a heavy clattering sound as they hit the metal table and some softer. The captive shark couldn't see what exactly he was pulling out, but it gave rise to his anxiety tenfold.

"I'm Asher!" the Tonkinese cheerfully said, now turning back around with a pair of brown gloves tightly fastened around his hands. Smiling sweetly; the kind of smile he might give a loved one.

"And I'll be your torturer for the week. But, I suppose you could just say; for the rest of your life."