Exceed, Part Three
, quant commanded.
Tournament of Champions
quant said as he read over the paper. "yeah your a really good duelist and you could probably win this.", tina said as she looked as virgil with her eyes. some called them pretty others, mainly virgil and quant called them evil.
Exceed, Part One
Behind him stood quant his friend slash rival. he wore a blue jacket with a black undershirt. he had black jeans. he had red hair the flowed down his head. "i bet i could beat you, quant.", virgil said with a snicker.
Exceed, Part Two
, quant commanded. * * * this is the monster quant just summoned cyber twin dragon! !
I love you, My everything
Though the ocean in front of me was calm and quant. alone i stand on the beach, the sand beneath my feet was cold and uninviting. as i walk to the unmerciful ocean's shore, i try to hold back the tears. i let my feet touch the chilling water.
Draco - Chapter 1
Hurla l'autre silhouette dont la voix faisait quant à elle penser à celle d'une femelle. à peine eu-elle fini qu'un autre éclair lumineux atterrit juste à côté d'eux. - ce n'est pas des éclairs, c'est de l'énergie pure, fait attention!
Forever Autumn: Shadows of Red and Silver- Part 3
Although the castle gave the village a dark and deadly atmosphere the peasant village was quant and beautiful, the streets were lined with tiny straw thatched cottages, many of which would have a daily business including butchers, bakers and merchants that
The Cottage
"there is nothing up here honey" anna said looking at the shelf before she seen a quant shimmer of light catch her eye. looking closer she seen the transparent outline of a small woman standing with her back against the wall.
Il est temps de sortir
Rien de vraiment spécial ne s'est produit depuis et, quant au reste, kayla pourra toujours demander ce soir. le kangourou dépose son verre. -voilà. tu verras, tu devrais l'apprécier.
Quand le danger n\'est pas là où on l\'attend
quant aux deux autres, avec le soleil maintenant au crépuscule, il ne sait pas bien les voir. ce qui l'effraye le plus, c'est qu'ils semblent préparer un mauvais coup et qu'à part eux, il est seul sur le pont. maudit tableau.
la peintre
quant à vous me dit-il, donnez nous votre carte d'identité, nous vous la rendrons demain, vous ne quitterez pas cette ville jusqu'à nouvel ordre.
A quant little flower shop just down-" i pulled back the bat and pushed it hard into his gut. " **_what the hell did you do to them_**." i said, with as sinister of an edge that i could muster.