The Adventures of Mike Stormwolf, in Equestria

And that the planners are ready to start discussing the creation of a centeral storage area for the fruits and veggies that can be used as a manufacturing point, for making things like cerial and other things, that the ponies have come to enjoy that were popular

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The Fairy

"Gotcha..."Megan said as she grabbed Jessica from under the stairs. "Aww, dang it."I always get caught." Jessica said while throwing her arms up into the air. "Comon sis. You are making this way to easy." Tell you what I will be it again, and this...

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The Cottage

"Here we are" David remarked placing the compact in park before looking at the 2 bedroom Wales cottage. David's grandmother Angie passed the cottage down to him after her death. Per the agreement in the will David could not sell the property without...

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