I love you, My everything

Story by Jorda on SoFurry

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This is NOt based off my series "Jordan and Aiden."

The chilling breeze blows against my fur; it's a cloudy day eager to rain. Though the ocean in front of me was calm and quant. Alone I stand on the beach, the sand beneath my feet was cold and uninviting. As I walk to the unmerciful ocean's shore, I try to hold back the tears. I let my feet touch the chilling water. I look down at the water and see the reflection of an emotionally broken apart wolf. I gaze off to the distance and whisper to myself "I'll follow you.....You follow me." Then I get lost into a day dream of another time

It was a warm afternoon; the sky was flooded with a pink orange and purple mesh. It was the same beach though I was not alone. Next to me was my other half, Aiden. He was a gorgeous wolf; he gray with a white belly and white ears. Both of us were in our swimming trunks, we surfed all day. It was time to relax; we lay on the beach exhausted. We stared at each other for a few moments I could see the sky in his ocean blue eyes. Every word he spoke, every time he hugged me or told me he loved me or that I was his life, it meant the world to me.... He leans into kiss me for the first time

A Loud thunder snapped me out of my day dream. I looked up at the sky and my ears shot down, I knew I had to do what I came out here for. I pulled a blue rose out of my sweat shirt; It was Aiden's favorite flower. I placed it gently in the ocean that took his life; a tear followed the flower to the water. I tried my hardest to say something; the words finally came out of my mouth "It's been hard without you here. I miss you more than you could imagine." Tears start flowing down my muzzle into the water "I...I still need you." I fall to my knees into the ocean. I felt as numb as the day I got the words that he would never return to me. It was so unfair that he was taken from me, taken out of this world. "Why didn't you just stay home with me that day?" the words came out of me with quiver in my voice, I almost was not able to finish the sentence. Something got my attention I look up; the clouds opened up and let a beam of light shine down from the heavens above causing the water to look like a million diamonds shimmering in the light. I smile and said

" I love you, my everything, Goodbye."