Counter Earth Chronicles Dual Realities Chapter 56: Twenty-five Thousand Kinds Of Fear
The pre-teen said as he walked toward a virtual terminal. song followed. "access latest issue of conspiracy news." the boy ordered the terminal.
Ragnarok - XXI
The grey pre-morning dark drew barely back. the skin upon his neck twitched and shuddered. the graves around him were just visible. and then he saw her from behind.
Raised by the Machine - A Memoir (Chapter One)
Instead, i was to be constrained to the pre-k room near the entrance of the building for eight hours every day, only allowed to leave for the purpose of playing outside.
Some Disassembly Required
Her exterior shell being that of a protocol droid popular with pre-imperial politicians. humanoid of form, with idealized female proportions.
No Frills: Daniel "Baoh" Jones
This was an uphill struggle at times, as daniel saw the other children at pre-school with their dads and would wonder where his own was.
No More
Focus wished to be rich despite the lotus in my mind spoke to a higher power can't go another day, can't go another hour can you take me to a different world maybe wake up liking girls can you make me another size maybe wake up not alive (pre
#3 of pre-made poems the woes of an introvert in love. happened to me far too often. there is nothing i could say about you but much that i could think the words, they live inside my head but die as they hit my tongue.
Wasteland Survivor – Building and tearing down - ch4
Just as we announced ourselves at his door, some pre-fabricated buildings had been brought in, he beckoned us in, "i hear you two may satisfy the sergeant that you won't be a danger to everything in a 5km radius one of these days, but i wouldn't count
Arc 1 - Pebble - 4: The Extensions
"zero, load extensions and immediately begin pre-flight," he called out. "roger, roger commander!"
Side Effects
#4 of pre-made poems written when in the agonies of a long distance relationship. love hurts most when it can't be shown properly. what is this that has begun to occur? you did something, and now it won't leave.
The Search for Sethis: Part 6
It was one of the more popular one in the frontier region due to the variety of the show and the menagerie near the blood arena where they showcased beasts and sometimes pre-space aliens.
Need a Story Written?
If you request a story with a pre-existing character from a tv series, book, or movie etc, i do not do cross-overs. please leave characters in their own respective stories. if you want to request a story, shoot me a pm.