Counter Earth Chronicles Dual Realities Chapter 56: Twenty-five Thousand Kinds Of Fear
#56 of Counter Earth - Chaundoon Chronicles: Two Futures
Last Chapter:
On Free Counter Earth Cody Spenser sat out the latest trip to an alternate Counter Earth opting to babysit the reality observation machine in Arthur's place. That turned out to be a good decision because on their visit to Creature Controlled Counter Earth the away team got to interact with the locals in a way they never expected... or wanted.... Meanwhile Alex tended to his mistress' sore but beautiful rump, finding out that she and other senior leadership from the knights had been paddled by their master for failing to meet his expectations on the KLIS situation.... Elsewhere Dr. Pina with a little help from a delivery carrier, successfully deployed the anti-KLIS weapon. When they returned to the planet's surface the weapon was gone but they had brought back something in its place [AND] In the realm of fire and magma Diamantopoulous and his minions screwed with Minka and Midnight Black's minds by creating a false reality in order to learn their darkest fears and then he and his minions really screwed them.... On Conquered Counter Earth the emissaries of ONE arrived at Capital Stadium to look for and spread the good word to the apocalypse survivors living there. There were survivors there, just not the ones the group was expecting.... And on Chaundoon far and away from Conquered Counter Earth, Pestle started his first day in the field as an adjunct medic. While on a call to the observation tower he and Alex received a message via aerial avian that one of the away teams in the field was in trouble.
Counter Earth Chronicles - Dual Realities
Chapter 56: Twenty-five Thousand Kinds Of Fear
November 30th, YOE 35
11:23 PM Free Counter Earth (Technology Museum, World Three)
Cody Spenser was beside himself with worry. Twelve hours had passed since Primrose, Arthur and Minka had entered Master Koala's invention to explore yet another alternate Counter Earth. The cat had hoped that the away team, his friends were safe. But if that were the case why were they so late?
December 1st, YOE 35
12:01 AM Creature Controlled Counter Earth (Volcanic Peak)
"Everyone! Everyone! Please listen to me!" Edelweiss the leader of the free people shouted calling out to the inhabitants in the foothills surrounding the semi-dormant volcano.
A great assembly was called as the free people converged to listen.
"We are in peril! There are forces in motion that seek to destroy how we live, our way of life and all that we know." The two eyed puddle of goo announced to all that would listen."
"Not destroy supreme leader, but to correct it." A humanoid reptilian goo creature who towered over all the other creatures in attendance announced.
"Maalo is that you?"
"Yes supreme leader."
"What, what happened to you?!" Edelweiss asked staring at the canid and feline humanoid creatures standing on either side of Maalo.
"The same thing that happened to Yoana and Iiaca; we matured."
"Supreme leader, the old ways are just that old and no longer relevant." Iiaca said stepping forward letting those in attendance view her new feline humanoid form.
"Today we announce a new world order." Yoana said joining her friends.
"What order is this?" Edelweiss asked.
"One where the strong conquer the weak, where might makes right and the weak perish." Maalo announced proudly.
"Maalo, what type of madness is this?" The supreme leader gasped.
"I want a civilization that is not dragged down by unending societal issues. Either thrive or die, it is simple as that." A canid six foot tall humanoid goo creature with long limbs, distinctive paws and teeth announced.
"And who is instigating this new order?"
"That would be us supreme leader, the Triumvirate." The reptilian created said proudly.
"But for it to happen you must die. So sorry." Iiaca said scanning the crowd that had assembled who gasped.
"Those of you who submit and cower in fear... well we might just let you live." Yoana announced.
"Those that resist well- you get what you get." Maalo announced letting all present get a good look at his new reptilian body.
"You three we soon learn a very hard lesson about leadership and what it is like to rule." The supreme leader warned as Maalo, Yoana and Iiaca closed in on him. Those were his last words.
Those in attendance watched in horror as their leader was extinguished.
"No. kneel before your masters!" Maalo ordered the rest of the free people.
The other goo puddles just stared.
Maalo looked at Yoana, Iiaca. "Then sing a song of sorrow!"
"It is squishing time!" Yoana announced.
Screams echoed across the foothills as the reptilian, canid and feline humanoid creatures executed their reign of terror.
"I am your god!" Iiaca shouted as she trampled those who would not recognize their new leaders.
*squish* *squish* *squish* *squish* *squish* *squish*
"Kneel before your master!" Yoana shouted.
*squish* *squish* *squish* *squish* *squish* *squish*
"Stop!" A purple puddle begged raising an appendage. "I submit!"
"Is that because you recognize us or are you just scared to die?" Iiaca asked the quivering two eyed puddle.
"Both. Hail the Triumvirate! Leader of the free people and our masters."
"Wise decision. Order up an assembly of all who remain." Maalo replied.
"Why wise masters?" The new convert asked.
"Everyone will be ranked from strongest to weakest of course." Maalo responded.
"I say we make volcanic peak the center of our providence." Iiaca suggested.
"Agreed and that cave there our royal court. I can't believe how easy this was!"
"That is because of our new bodies." Yoana observed.
"Something is wrong! I can't move!" Maalo gasped.
"I can't... hold myself together! I am melting!" Iiaca shouted.
"These bodies I think they are out of energy!" Yoana said looking at her deteriorating form.
The goo creatures lost their six foot humanoid forms as they reverted.
"Our new forms were only temporary?" Iiaca asked.
"Apparently so." Maalo said looking at the hedgehog boy he enveloped. Arthur was laying on his side arms and legs outstretched. He tried to envelope the beastial to resume his six foot reptilian form with the paws, claws and long limbs but failed.
"So weak." Arthur murmured.
"Iiaca, Yoana get these three some nourishment!"
12:30 AM Free Counter Earth (Technology Museum, World Three)
"So that is what you have been up to." The chubby wolverine boy said to the cat via his communication cube.
"We were here to see Master Koala and took shelter during a KLIS attack. One thing led to another and Arthur, Primrose, Minka and I started combing realities trying to find ways to beat the KLIS."
"You what?!" Panda Lee shouted into the cube. "You know how dangerous that is right?!"
"You could run into some very bad people." Milo said piling on.
"I think that is just what happened." The cat said pointing his two index fingers together nervously.
12:39 AM Creature Controlled Counter Earth (Triumvirate Headquarters, Volcanic Peak)
"Here take a sip." A voice ordered Primrose.
"Yuck! What is this stuff?!" The she rabbit asked.
"Nourishment, now drink." Another voice ordered.
As her vision cleared the away team leader realized that she was staring at three puddles of goo with eyes and tentacled limbs!
"You chased and captured us and now you are concerned about our well being?" The leader of the Ghost Hunters asked staring at Maalo.
"You were useful to us." He responded.
"How?" Arthur said propping himself up against a rock.
"We were power-ups for them silly!" Minka said drinking from one of the cups she was offered. "Hey, this isn't bad."
"Good now you too as well. I am anxious to power-up again as you say." Yoana admitted.
"Yeah, I liked having a physical form it was quite invigorating." Iiaca added.
"It was more than that, Arthur. They used us to commit mass murder." Primrose said realizing the big picture. "We are accessories to that."
"Murder... toppling the leadership... regime change blah, blah." Maalo said waving his black tentacle.
"What is this horrible feeling?" Minka asked her companions.
"Just us losing our souls." Primrose exclaimed.
"You three hurry up and get your strength back." Iiaca ordered.
"There is much to do." Yoana said eyeing Minka hungrily.
"Like what?" Arthur asked.
"Corpses to bury, enemies to eliminate and subjects to subjugate." Maalo said petting the hedgehog, monkey and rabbit on their heads. "It is much easier in our ALTERNATE forms."
"I am starting to like our alternate forms!" Yoana giggled.
"I guess it is safe to say we ran into some bad people." Arthur admitted. "Really bad."
9:02 AM Free Counter Earth (Lady Ursa's Chambers, Castle Wundagore)
"Dr. Pina I could really use some good news right about now!" My nude she beast said as she lay face down on her bed.
Looking at that magnificent physique, her nubby tail and her sensitive backside, I struggled to figure out where to begin. As Sir Ram's replacement began his report, I made my decision.
"Well commander your delivery boy was most helpful in aiding me with my mission. INTERCEPT was successfully taken by extraterrestrials." The dall sheep replied.
I looked up from kneading my mistress' trapezius muscles.
"AND?" The stressed out fierce ursine warrior asked.
"All contact with her has been lost. I am not sure of her status, her whereabouts or even if she was abducted by the right aliens." The dall sheep admitted.
(Geez!) I thought to myself as my she beast grumbled.
"What about the human that they dropped?"
"You mean the one that I recovered?"
"Yes. Dr. Pina." My fierce ursine warrior asked, her body growing tense.
"She is still unconscious. But what is even more intriguing is that there isn't a tracking chip on her or any identifiable marks on her person at all."
"Can you determine if she is from Counter Earth?" Lady Ursa grunted as I moved from her lower back to her beautiful posterior and that nubby tail of hers.
"Her physiology is comparable to our humans. But I won't know for sure until I can interrogate her."
*grunt* "I want to know the minute you learn anything with her or INTERCEPT."
"Yes commander." The dall sheep said ending the communication.
"You seem irritated." I observed squeezing ointment to my hands and then gently rubbing it on my brown bear's butt.
"The High Evolutionary feels we are not doing enough against the KLIS threat." My warrior bear said placing her head on her paws. "But we are doing all that we can."
"But to him it is not good enough." I observed.
"Yes, he wants his senior leadership to do better, be better."
"That is why you are irritated."
"Yes, pet but it goes even deeper." She said raising her head.
I looked at her.
Knowing I wanted to ask her a direct question but couldn't, she anticipated.
"You are familiar with acting commander Ignatius?"
"Yes he took over when Gary Gator was um, taken." I replied lifting her tail and adding ointment on its underside.
"The position in World Two is open- he was de-evolved yesterday."
"Oh my!" I gasped.
"There are now just four commanders left. Which one of us will be next?" My bear said placing her paws to her face.
"Sounds like you could use a distraction." I replied finishing her massage.
"I could pet. A big one."
"I think I could help with that." I replied moving to the head of her bed. I leaned forward, knelt and kissed my bear. She reciprocated.
I soon found myself on my back underneath this mighty she beast.
"MY TURN." She said as her snout met my lips.
9:30 AM Free Counter Earth (World Three Library)
"Kiwi is there a reason you wanted to meet me at the library?" Song asked her charge.
The brown haired pre-teen nodded. "There is something I wanted to show you."
The boy took her paw and guided her inside the structure.
"Well I guess I could use the break. It is not like business has been that great." She said scanning the sky.
Once inside, the chakat noticed that the building was largely empty. She adjusted the grey shirt and removed the yellow bonnet she was wearing as she followed Kiwi to a secluded research wing.
"This way." The pre-teen said as he walked toward a virtual terminal.
Song followed.
"Access latest issue of Conspiracy News." The boy ordered the terminal.
"Today we are investigating the REAL reason that human protests and disobedience have ended across the empire. Hub reporter hopeful Price Challenger here..."
Song traded glances with her boy as he invited her to join him.
"Conspiracy News? You actually watch this?" She asked him.
"Are you ready for this?! Rumor has it that the fuzzies have created a mind control device to keep us under their paws! We can't question, argue, disagree or even talk back to them! We are forced to unequivocally obey whether we want to or not!"
Together the beastial and the human watched the entire news report, even the portion about the secret sex dungeon.
"Is... is...?" The pre-teen tried to asked but couldn't. "It is..." He said realizing that he couldn't directly question his beastial superior.
"It is true Kiwi. Naka told me about this some time ago. It is how the empire is...."
"Controlling human's actions." Mr. Goodfellow replied.
"Yes." She said pulling her boy close. "I wasn't aware of the extent until that day I worked you past exhaustion without realizing it... I am sorry."
"That is why the knight's scrutiny has diminished."
"Well at the moment, the empire has more immediate problems." Song replied. "So what will you do now that you know the truth?"
"I... don't know. I don't think I can look at a beastial any beastial the same again wondering if I will ever be manipulated for personal gain, greed or selfish self interest."
"Kiwi, you have my word I will never do that to you. Our friendship means too much to me. Now come here." She said hugging him again.
"Um, you just did... master." The boy teased.
"Please don't call me that." Song said correcting her boy as an addendum was made to the news report.
"Update! There will be no further reports from Price Challenger. It appears this budding reporter and host of Conspiracy News will be unavailable for quite some time to cum! Err... come." A mysterious voice said, aiming the red haired boy's camera at him.
"Isn't that right slave?"
"Yes my beastial masters. I uncovered something that I was not supposed to and must keep it secret." The boy dropping to his hands and knees as four silhouetted beastials surrounded him.
"Smart boy. We will give you a participation trophy for your efforts!" Another voice off screen snickered as the image faded to black.
To Be Continued....
November 30th, YOE 35
11:23 PM Chaundoon (Stab and Impale's Hut, Perna Pride Village)
Kiwi felt uneasy as he laid upon Stab. She and her brother were fearsome warriors within the pride. If those two desired you deceased they could easily make it so. But it was on this night that Stab wanted help with something; sex - exploration. What did it mean? He would soon find out.
The feline warrior tried to calm her frazzled squire by applying soothing oil to his shoulders, back and behind. She took her time rubbing it in. Stab was so fascinated that humans only had fur on their heads. The rest of their bodies were bald, but so smooth. She paid particular attention to the crease down his butt and the fact that it was tailless.
As she finished the massage she ordered the boy to raise his head, as he did so, she angled his jaw just so and then pointed it at her left breast. He hesitated for a moment before she assured her squire that it was alright.
Kiwi started kissing and liking it. The feline warrior closed her eyes and took in the sensation. She imagined that the boy was her cub nuzzling against her chest. The sensation was weird and uncomfortable. "Suck." She ordered pointing to her other breast. Her assistant complied.
(So this is what it will feel like to feed my young?) Stab thought to herself. The sensation was more pleasurable than the kissing and the licking.
"That is enough scout."
"What would you like to do next?" The pre-teen started to ask.
He received his answer when the female warrior grabbed his chin and brought her lips to meet his. They shared that personal intimate moment for a long while. As the two finished, Stab looked downward at the boy's groin. He was starting to get stiff there! It was quite easy to tell because human penises didn't have protective sheaths.
"That was enjoyable." The female savage said breaking he kiss.
"I catch Naka, and Song doing that on occasion." Mr. Goodfellow added. "What's next?"
"Isn't it obvious?" The nude warrior replied rolling Kiwi on his right shoulder while she presented her sex in front of him.
The boy had never seen this side of her! Her vaginal slit had always been closed. It was at that point Mr. Goodfellow's nose tried to bleed.
"Oh no you don't." She said pinching it.
Kiwi took the hint and rolled back on to the savage feline. With her help he aligned himself just right.
"GAH!!" The boy gasped.
"First time?"
He nodded.
"Let me guess, you watched the canine do this to the feline many times?"
Kiwi nodded again.
How does it feel?" She asked him.
"Squishy, soft, warm and wonderful." He moaned.
"You had often wondered why Naka pulled Song close and why he howled when they mated. Wonder no more."
Stab let her little virgin enjoy himself for a moment more before instructing him on what he should do next.
Kiwi, thrusted, pulled back out and thrusted again under the watchful eye of the feline warrior.
*gasp* "Take your time. Don't exhaust yourself." Stab said closing her eyes. Oh now this... this right here felt really good! She had stumbled up many a mating session in the canyons while on patrol and had always wondered what it actually felt like. The sensations she was feeling were beyond description!
"OH!!!" Kiwi moaned. "Oh Stab!!"
"Something going to come out?" She asked opening her eyes to look at him.
The boy nodded.
"Good." She said laying his head down on her chest.
(So this is what it is like to breed?) The warrior thought to herself expecting to be flooded as the boy ejaculated. But nothing happened; it was a dry orgasm.
That was when Stab remembered that the boy's testicles were close to his body instead of low hanging like the adults in the tribe; he was not sexually mature. But still it was a good learning experience for the both of them.
"Not bad for your first time." She said petting Kiwi on his head.
"It was your first time too wasn't it? You wanted to know what to expect, what it would feel like?" He asked the feline warrior.
"Yes. As I said..."
"Intimacy is best shared with someone you are close to, someone you care about, someone you trust." Kiwi said looking up at her.
"Exactly little scout." She said pulling him to her chest again. Soon slumber found the two of them for the moment, but only for the moment.
"My don't you two look comfortable." Impale said arriving home.
"Kiwi was worried about you." Stab replied as her brother put down his javelin-pike.
"I was." The pre-teen replied as the male feline watched the embraced pair and decided to join the two of them in Stab's hammock.
"There was really no need to be. I was talking was Pummel, Pound and Smash."
"Talking?" Stab said squeezing her brother's scrotum.
"Easy! I am a little tender there." He gasped.
"You were doing more than talking brother."
"Alright Pummel, Pound and Smash agreed to let me be their sire."
"And what else did you learn brother?" Stab said staring at him.
"Pummel likes to mate on all fours, tail held high looking straight ahead."
"That must have been a site." Stab said as Kiwi couldn't believe the candid admission.
"Pound likes to mate standing up leaning against a wall." Impale continued.
"What about Smash?" Stab asked.
"She likes to be mated lying on her back her legs standing straight up smile on her face." Impale admitted.
"I think that is called happy sex." Kiwi said to the two warriors. "Wow, your cubs are going to be monsters!!!"
"Monsters?" The feline savage asked confused.
"Never mind." Stab said placing their attendant between them. "It's late. We will speak again in the morning."
Time: N/A Prominence Hotel (Penthouse, Suite 225)
"UNF!! UNF!! UMF!!" The demon scalie said as he pounded the horrified monkey girl's pussy. "Aw yeah!!"
It was like he hadn't gotten some in a long time.
(Is sex hard to come by in this realm?) Minka pondered as she was being stretched.
"Get ready mortal, I am about to make messy!" The green demon warned her.
Minka was horrified. The scalie had pinned her to the heart shaped bed in this false simulation of a hotel penthouse and was in the process of raping her; she was completely at the creature's mercy.
What was even scarier was he going to do with her when it had finished? Those thoughts gave her the chills. That was when she remembered Flo's advice; how the orangutan managed to survive in the realm of fire and magma despite being a demon's slave.
"RRRRRRRRGH!!!" The scalie shouted exploding within Minka's vagina. "I haven't had a girl around for that in a long time!"
"Really? I don't understand why? I mean you are handsome." The she monkey said rubbing her rapists' head.
"You think so mortal?"
"Not as much as my akita- but you have a pleasant enough face, a nicely shaped torso and a rather pleasing butt. However, it would look better with a tail."
"I lost it in a battle." The demon scalie admitted.
"You poor thing. Do you want to tell me about it?" Minka asked smiling.
Time: N/A [eternity] Realm of Fire and Magma (Outside Terror Tower)
"UGH what was that?" Bine thought to himself. The last thing he remembered was being blipped. Diamantopoulous said something about giving him and the akita assassin a tour of Terror Tower.
But he found himself strapped to a long rotisserie hoisted over a pit of hot coals! The wolf demon had lied and now he found himself in this precarious predicament. In the background he could just make out shadowy forms watching as he was being baked.
Bine managed to free his arms as he was being marinated. It was going to be very difficult getting out of this fix without getting burned.
(So soft, so frail.) He thought looking at his hands.
Something seemed different though. They weren't soft and smooth but rather fuzzy. Wait a minute! These weren't hands but paws! His paws! He felt his face... fur, teeth, a snout and ears! He looked at his butt and a tail was peaking out from it! What happened to the human girl's body he had been inhabiting?! It was gone!
"NOO!!!" He screamed. Laughter was heard from the bystanders nearby.
Time: N/A [eternity] Realm of Fire and Magma (Terror Tower)
"UGH!" Midnight black moaned as he came to. He was being carried by the wolf demon like a new bride.
"Hello lover. Was it good for you?" Diamantopoulous teased. "I wrecked your furry ass REAL good. You won't be walking for some time- if ever."
The akita assassin acted like he was about to make an idle threat but was cut off.
"Think carefully about what you are going to say mutt." He warned his prisoner.
"Where are we demon?" The akita asked the wolf carrying him.
"Since your ass is mine or soon will be, I thought I would give you the grand tour I had promised." The wolf said as he walked by a beautiful marble art gallery.
"What is that place?"
"It means different things to different people." Diamantopoulous said. "I used it to keep track of the living and the deceased after the cataclysm on your world. Now it is used for documenting new arrivals."
The wolf demon allowed the akita to take just a passing glance as they moved on.
"Now this is one of my favorite places in the dungeon..." The dark wolf said as they strolled by a large wooden door. "Souls of the newly damned are stored here."
Midnight Black looked at the craftsmanship. There were several depictions of the doomed and wailing individuals as well as an inscription.
Diamantopoulous held the butt hurt akita just so, so he could read it. It was in a language he did not understand.
"In case you are wondering, it says hippy hoppity your soul is my property."
Midnight Black's eyes went wide.
"Now over here we have the torture room this is where we..."
"You torture your prisoners." Midnight Black said he was carried through the entrance.
"You betcha! Over there we have the whipping chamber, the shiner, the beater, the pulverizer, the dipping pool and my personal favorite, the soul stretcher."
The akita assassin looked at the white orbs that were being tortured, beaten, pummeled and pulverized and his jaw dropped. But the demon wolf was not done yet! He carried the akita over to the soul stretcher for a little interview with what appeared to be a yellow and brown spotted sheet.
It wasn't a sheet at all but a small ghost stretched like saran wrap on the lathe.
"A new arrival master Diamantopoulous?" It asked.
"You could say that soul. Having a nice eternity?" The dark wolf asked the female entity.
"I have come to terms with it sir."
"That is Leopa, she was an oncilla and a very bad one."The wolf demon said smiling.
"I died during the green sickness outbreak." The ghost said wistfully. "Now I belong to him."
"As you will be Midnight Black and I am planning some very special things for you!" The demon wolf said snuggling and kissing the horrified akita on his nose.
"I bet." Midnight Black said trying figure out what could possibly be worse than rough male/male sex with a demon in his realm. Oh yes, spending eternity in this realm.
December 1st, YOE 35
9:02 AM Chaundoon (Unexplored Wilderness)
*It is a shame we couldn't use that carrier to guide us back to the sender.*
"That thought occurred to me too Overwatch." My warrior bear said from behind the wheel of the blue prototype.
"However that bird took off after delivering that parchment mistress and here we are, conducting welfare checks on our away-teams." I replied. My eyes glued to the co-pilot monitor as I looked at the returns from the probe.
"Anything pet?" Lady Ursa asked me.
"Let's see un-contacted mudfolk tribe- they are a different color then the tribe near World Seven. Isolated tree folk tribe, they look different then Laurel and her clan. Mysterious plateau full of rock creatures, a lava marsh of fire creatures, another unexplored gigantic forest. Damn, Theresa and Oliver would be going nuts if they saw this!"
*That is why we are looking for them Mr. Winter, in case one of those un-contacted isolated tribes is xenophobic.* The automated assistant said correcting me.
"Yes there is so much of the planet we haven't explored. Hey, there is where we tried to erect that communications tower mistress."
"This would be so much easier if telecommunications worked on this planet."
*Agreed Lady Ursa. But for some reason they don't. Even our science teams are at a loss as to why.* The automated assistant observed.
"I think I know why." I said smirking.
"The planet is enchanted. No matter how much we try to update it or tech it out, it will resist."
"That is an interesting theory pet. So what other options does that leave us?"
*Carrier pigeon and smoke signals.* Overwatch replied sarcastically.
"We completed this sector no signs of our humans or their S'mar companions." I replied.
"Let's head back, maybe one of the other teams has had luck." My fierce ursine warrior suggested.
9:30 AM Chaundoon (Perna Pride Village, Marble Canyons)
"What a beautiful morning." The chatkat said to her adoptive son.
"It certainly is." Kiwi said smiling at Stab who he now saw in a brand new and different light. "I mean the two suns rising and the golden sky look exquisite."
"It is one of those types of days where you feel the possibilities are endless." Song replied as she fixated on a bowl of berries. She offered some to Kiwi and Stab.
"So what do you have planned today?" The pre-teen asked his adoptive mother.
"Salamanca is continuing my education about the indigenous plants here in the canyons. You two?"
"Kiwi will be learning advanced tracking skills." Stab said petting her squire on his head.
"How is he doing?" Song asked reaching into her bowl again.
"He is a quick learner." The female savage said bluntly. "A very quick learner."
Suddenly there was a commotion from the outskirts of the village.
A few warriors left their huts to investigate. Then a few more. Then even more.
Song pulled Kiwi close to her as Stab reached for her Sais.
"Song, Kiwi you never told me how beautiful and unencumbered the females are around here!" A familiar canine said interrupting the trio's breakfast.
"Titanous!" Song and Kiwi gasped.
"I will be your captive any day of the week gorgeous." The jackal said to the female warrior who was carrying him by the scruff of his neck.
"That can be arranged." She growled.
"She's into me." He smirked.
10:14 AM Chaundoon (Search Party Headquarters, Manassas' Spaceship)
"Your majesties!!" Panda Lee said bowing as King Dragon and Duchess Jua entered the bridge.
"Welcome!" Milo said looking up from his station.
"We wanted to check on the progress of the search." The leader of the sand folk said as Sorren looked around fascinated at the circular design of the room and the three platforms and three monitors that controlled the operation of the spacecraft.
"Well after that vague message was received via air avian, the knight core tried to ascertain who it was from." The rotund wolverine boy said.
"The sciences division has teams in the field studying the planet- Dawn Stern, Theresa Branch, Hue Manassas and there is our recently departed knight and councilor." Jua said.
"Well it wasn't us." Panada Lee interjected.
"But that distress message could have come from any of the other teams." Milo said looking back at his station.
"And with the inability for sophisticated communications on this world it is going to take some time to find everyone's whereabouts." King Dragon said addressing the Alien Hunters.
"Knight Command decided to take three of their four hover vehicles and Titanous' RV and use them to search the planet." The panda girl replied.
"And you are coordinating the search?"
"Yes your majesty." The panda said to the sand dragon leader. "Each of the four search parties has been assigned an area. If they encounter one of the away teams, they will check on their status and report back here."
"That could also be dangerous too." Sorren said out loud. "It is a big world and each team is by itself with no backup."
"Yes your majesty. We have been trying to figure out what on this world is prevent us from establishing a communications network- but so far all we can determine is that we can't determine it." Milo replied.
"That really isn't a scientific answer?" King Dragon teased.
"Knowledge is in short supply my liege." Panda Lee said bowing.
"Very well. Please keep us updated on your progress." Duchess Jua said escorting Sorren off of the bridge.
12:01 PM Conquered Counter Earth (Capital Stadium)
"Uh guys, I don't think this was a good idea." Ed replied looking around the playing field of the former sports arena.
The eagle, ewe, dawn horse and bull had been captured by the inhabitants of the stadium and seated in its center for nearly twelve hours.
"You know when we were captured by our competition in World Four and were about to be sacrificed to their master?" Dane asked.
"Yeah, what about it?" The ewe asked the dawn horse.
"This is worse, much, much worse." Dane replied. "We are surrounded by a horde of monsters!"
"How many are there?" Ed asked.
"I lost count." Dane said looking down at the ground.
"This is bad." The eagle said, joining him.
"Raier please do something!!!" Jonan pleaded.
But the swordless, loin-clothed bull remained silent- his eyes closed.
"Master where have you gone?" Raier mind-asked. The entity that had destroyed the former empire was silent.
"It is like he is meditating." Dane said looking at the bull.
"Or powered down." Ed added. "What if ONE betrayed us!"
"Why? He said we were useful to him!" The dawn horse replied.
"Then why would he willingly send us searching for apocalypse survivors in this den of monsters?" The eagle asked.
The dawn horse started freaking out. "What if... what if our usefulness has come to an end?! All I wanted was to live out the after empire era in ease and comfort! Was that too much to ask?!"
"If I could get a running start I could fly to safety, maybe take one of you too." Ed theorized.
"No they would tear you apart before you could get off the ground." The ewe said. "Look at that humanoid green thing with the long arms, and the deformed face."
"That is nightmare fuel." The dawn horse replied trying not to make eye contact as the creature waved at him.
"Or that grey cat-faced thing with the bone spikes and elongated limbs." The eagle observed.
"It seems to be smiling." Jonan said.
"Probably thinking what it is going to do to us." Dane theorized. "Where did they come from?"
"I think they might be lab creatures who escaped during the fall and formed their own tribe and decided to relocate here." Ed said eyeing the creatures surrounding him and his friends.
"That would explain all the bones lining the stadium." Jonan said to her friends. "Remnants of their meals."
"And the luckless souls they found wandering around after the fall." The eagle replied. "Why are they waiting?"
Hearing that one of the creatures circling decided to approach. It was tan-ish brown, with yellow eyes, long rabbit-like ears, a slender frame and long blade-like claws extending from its paws.
"I am going to swallow this one whole and take my time digesting it." It said greeting Ed.
"Please don't kill us!" Ed screamed.
"Not going to happen." The creature responded.
"What is the delay then?" The eagle asked trembling.
"ED!!!" Jonan and Dane shouted.
"We were waiting for our leader before beginning our feast." The creature responded.
"Waiting is good!" The dawn horse said, trembling.
"When it's time- I am gonna slit that one lengthwise." The creature said moving a claw up and down the dawn horse. "I will let you bleed out over there." It said pointing to a blood stained drainage grate, then chew on you and before swallowing."
"You are too kind." Jonan said trembling.
"I am tired of waiting! Let's feast!" A purple bodied white skulled spider creature shouted.
"Yes, if leader misses out on this, it is his own fault!" A winged six eyed salamander-creature added.
Dane, Ed and Jonan huddled together as the monster horde moved in on them for the meal deal of the day.
"Guys this is it! This is the end!" Dane said.
"Well if it is to be the end, I am glad I am going out with good company." Jonan said as she hugged her friends.
"Yeah me too." Ed said joining the group hug. "I HOPE WE GIVE YOU ALL INDIGESTION!!!"
"Warrior, it is time." The synoptic announced to his meat puppet.
Raier awoke up from his meditation. He saw the ewe, eagle and dawn horse trembling as the monster horde closed in for the kill.
He reached out and touched Jonan. She vibrated, trembled and quaked. The affliction spread to Ed and then finally Dane.
"What is this feeling? It is like a thousand climaxes all at once!! The dawn horse proclaimed as a goofy grin appeared on his face.
"We are of the ONE." Raier announced to the synoptic's new meat puppets.
"IT FINALLY HAPPENED!!! WE HAVE THE POWER!!!!" Dane said raising his right paw in triumph.
"Undesirable, but given the circumstances, acceptable." A voice not his own uttered through the dawn horse and his companions.
"MEAT!!!" The horrifying creatures shouted.
Dane was immediately tackled while the cat monster went after the ewe.
"Here kitty kitty." She taunted the monster. Jonan was pinned to the ground by the monster. It opened its jaws preparing for its first taste of mutton but instead found its prey laughing. The next thing the cat monster felt was its essence, it very being pushed to the side as something else took control.
So did the green thing that tried to fight with Raier or the monster bunny with long claws.
"What is happening?!" The lapin monster shouted.
"Welcome to the family." Dane taunted it.
Each of the creature horde that had been possessed spread the 'good news" to their immediate neighbor soon all on the playing field of the stadium were of the ONE.
"Ah!!! Such agile bodies! They will serve us well." The synoptic announced taking stock of his possessions.
"So this is what it feels like to be an other! It is beyond wonderful! Beyond amazing! It... it... is gone!" Dane said as the entity left him.
Jonan and Ed were similarly rejected.
"Well done emissaries this group has eluded us for sometime. Now their uniqueness and this place will be added to the collective."
"Master their leader, the king is still out there." Raier warned.
"He will eventually return and to his subordinates and when he does our set will be complete. Jonan, Dane and Ed, we are most pleased with how you have served us."
"But... you... rejected me!" The dawn horse complained as the group watched the possessed leave the field to spread the 'good word' to their brethren elsewhere in the stadium.
"You can best serve us by being adjacent to the collective."
"Thank you master." Jonan replied to the being speaking through Raier.
"And you will continue doing so until your last breath."
"Thank you sir, you have are most kind." Dane added.
"As a reward we will let you chose where you wish to reside."
"CRYSTAL CITY!!!" The three responded in unison.
"No offense sir, but that city is much nicer than Diamond City and that office park in World Four." Ed said adding his voice.
"It will be done."
"Can Raier come? I think he and I have this connection." The ewe asked holding the red bull's paws. "Besides, I haven't had some beefcake in a long while."
"Perhaps when we are finished here." Raier felt his mouth move- but the words coming out of it were not his own.
Raier shook his head no while the ewe ran her paw over his pecks, before moving it to his rump making sure it was the area underneath his loincloth.
"So master when can we depart for home? I mean our permanent home?" The eagle asked.
"We have one more mission for you."
Dane, Jonan and Ed looked at the red bull.
"Your next assignment will be helping us establish a permanent settlement in World Two."
"Isn't that one of the most dangerous places in the post empire era?" Ed gasped.
"We know you love a challenge." The bull said solemnly. "There is much competition in the former city vying for survivors; we have lost many assets trying to take over that area. Perhaps you three would have better luck."
"WHAT?!" The trio gasped.
"Warrior?" ONE asked his meat puppet.
"Just having some fun master." Raier said smiling.
To Be Continued....