The Krookodile Epidemic
Tiran sent out chandelure and had it use flash. the group went in with their pokémon out, "be careful there are a lot of sandile from what i've seen."
I traveled around the region, getting new pokemon: cryoginal, chandelure, zebstrika, garbodor. but none were more precious to me than my little blue fox, sebastian. he was my partner in crime when i needed money. my best listener when i needed one.
"sir," i said in my best homeless kid impression, "i only have this chandelure, eevee, and zoroark. can you spare a thunderstone? it would mean so much to me." apparently he saw through my façade. "battle," he said. "one on one."
Gates to misery ch: 8
And behind us, two chandelure appeared. we were outnumbered, but zorua was dark, so maybe she could handle the two ghosts. we only one because of my powers. i think i'm getting stronger.
Last Minute Check Before Adventure
Daimon: "ummm... there's the shedninja wearing that blue cloak on it's back, then that chandelure with the green flames instead of blue, that honedge that looked like it had a v shaped crack in it's sword... body?
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: The Scarlet Explorer: The Town
The chandelure smiled and floated out of the room, closing the door behind her. "you get nightmares too star?" she said softly. "yeah..." he replied without energy, laying his head back down on the bed.
Arc 1 - Pebble - 4: The Extensions
\> came a slow and mournful voice speaking in the pokémon language as dripping candles flickered with a ghostly flame from the form of a chandelure before seraph.
News wouldn't be on until lunch time and that gave me a bit of time to try and breed a better chandelure. news came on at 11:30 with a still shot of a backyard had a tree with ropes for a destroyed tire swing lying beside it.
Luna and Thief, OI Ch: 4
"my goodness, i believe there to be a chandelure beyond us." the seviper expressed with his softened hisses. "the vibration past the cavern, it all appeared to have stopped." a human had begun to walk past them, one with a houndour by their side.