Legend of the OmeletWings - Chapter 15: Abandon

Sure, he had heard that it was supposed to hurt to lay eggs, but it had always just been a tidbit to him, he'd never considered it to mean anything before.

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Legend of the OmeletWings - Chapter 26: Omelet

"when i met embryo," he continued, trying to remain strong in the queen's gaze, "she believed her only purpose in life was to lay eggs, but you were wrong, she's much more than that, she's always been much more than that, behind that egg laying body

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Legend of the OmeletWings - Chapter 27: Cracked

Em lay there moaning a moment, feeling the angstiness of her existence. she'd just wanted to help the queen, does pain _always_ have to be the result of doing the right thing?

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Legend of the OmeletWings - Chapter 11: Market

It was all normal, she tried to tell herself it was all normal, that egg laying was something to be proud of, but by now, there was no going back. however heroic and amazing egg laying was, embryo knew there was something embarrassing about it as well.

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Legend of the OmeletWings - Chapter 17: Breakfast

Even though embryo hadn't yet known personally the pain it took to lay an egg, she couldn't help but feel moved by the love the mother dragon felt for her egg.

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Legend of the OmeletWings - Chapter 12: Growing

She expected to feel herself blushing again, thinking about it, how her feminine egg laying self was so out of place in the contrast of summit's male non-egg laying self, but strangely she didn't.

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OR: Varandions

**Varandions** ** ** **Species Name: Varandions** **Origins/Homeworld:** Deyin IV **Average Height:** 5'2 to 6'4 **Average Lifespan:** 140 years earth time, 90 years on their planet **Intelligence Level:** Sentient **Civilization Level:**...

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Legend of the OmeletWings - Chapter 25: Heist

Thousands of layings; thousands of dragons, all female, who had suffered so horribly to bring them forth. the memories of the screams of every dragon em had ever heard laying once again rang through her head.

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