
When all the lies you told me it seems are coming true the bitterness of my anguish is calling out to you the power that i give you in everything you take my living in this nightmare from which i do not wake memories still remain though broken

Dear Heartbreaker

The broken will always be able to love harder than most. dear writer. damaged people love. dear writer. you are broken and damaged.. love will come. dear writer. never alone in this insane world.

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I had a place at your side

I used to be there by your side Now I can't handle this great divide The separation of our souls What is cold was once burning coals Your gentle touch your harsh claws I endured it all to be held in your paws Your strict discipline it was...


Poem of a broken heart #2

#2 of poems of a broken heart just a poem of a broken heart ?''

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Love is False Hope

To some love is blind To most affection is fine But to me love is false, Being is a lost hope And hope is affection In a loveless life What is there to hold Where does a husk Go to find hope, Where does an empty existence Go to find...

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The Broken Woman

"s... she..." the chocolate skinned child spoke, yet only in a broken mumble. still, the woman was surprised by this, almost scare by this. even a broken mumble was a surprise. "sh... she... she di... die... died."

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a poem from a broken heart

#1 of poems of a broken heart just a poem of a broken heart ''three years my heart had been, three years my heart had longed, three years my heart has weeped, three years it has grown, and in three years it has shown.

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Thinking of you...

When something new or unknown happens, I grab for my phone, A smile on my face, Loud bouts of laughter is worse-case, As I look at the device, I have to think twice, As my smile fades a little at a time, My best friend won't be at the end of...

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Glass heart pg 1

What is love? its pain, its good for nothing. boys are good for nothing and only hurt in the end, and girls are just competitive bitchs. ive been hurt to many times to fall for the same trick again. i truged through the night, it was pouring rain,...

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Red Rose , Black Rose

They were beautiful, so full of life and happiness, Red Roses Black Roses A sad but True symbol of death, Beautiful even after; the fall of something nice, Black Rose Red Rose Both Beautiful in there own way....

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First Day of School

My heart was broken when i heard him say that. he has a girlfriend? than that means he's straight. "y-you have a girlfriend?" i asked. "of course, she's my 8th actually." eight? he had 7 exes? mother of god, he really is straight.

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U.O.P.I. Chapter 1 page 3, memorys of the fallen king

_See here my grandson, see how the world burns benieth us, see how one day you will take it all? let no one stop you let nothing stand in your way, if anything does get in your way, you will kill it! Drag your enemy out of bed by the hair, remind them...

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