Glass heart pg 1

Story by avon_black on SoFurry

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What is love? its pain, its good for nothing. boys are good for nothing and only hurt in the end, and girls are just competitive bitchs. ive been hurt to many times to fall for the same trick again.

i truged through the night, it was pouring rain, cold damp rain. i walked through the road, my paws clanking on the hard cement. my long waist long red hair danced behind me like fire, my blazing green eyes half closed using the rain to cover the fact that i was crying. i was half wolf half human, i had pale skin, white wolf ears with black tips and a long wolf tail that was white and also had a black tip. i had paws instead of feet.

i slowly wandered down the road, knowing where i was but feelings so lost. so alone. It was like being an empty shell, not caring where i was going, just going. they say the only way to heal is through love, what if its love that injured you in the first place?

the roads where empty, bare. the moon was covered by grey clouds and the dim light of the road lights flickered on the verge of dying. the weight of the bass that was strapped to my back by the case made my shoulders sore. the pain was nothing compared to the mental pain i suffered, the stones that dug into the pad of my paw sent sharp bolts of pain up my leg.

pain.... the only reminder that we are still human, the only reason we know that this life is real. i geuss carama decided to kick me in the ass, after everyone i kicked punched and yelled at, i get hurt by anyone that ever mattered. anyone who was ever there for me, decided to throw a pebble at my glass heart.

Now after they all took there turns, its cracked and there is probley no one that can mend it.