OR: Varandions

Story by RaiRaijinn on SoFurry

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#7 of RH's Lifeform Repository

Hmmm.. Don't know to what for a description.


Species Name: Varandions

Origins/Homeworld: Deyin IV

Average Height: 5'2 to 6'4

Average Lifespan: 140 years earth time, 90 years on their planet

Intelligence Level: Sentient

Civilization Level: Tier IV, the Warp Age

Civilization Age: 5000 years

Population: 7 Million

Culture(s):Varandions have an ancient story that delves back to their tribal days, a story of great race of beings known as the Solskips that had a vast trading empire that spanned the great celestial disc named the Milky Way, traveling from planet to planet, encountering countless civilizations and exchanging treasures that would found their way to other worlds, including Deyin IV. The Varandion's homeworld was a part of the Solskip Empire, meaning the entire world is littered with decaying ruins belonging to the mysterious race that built the megalithic metallic structures four thousand years ago. It is what has motivated their entire race to develop the technology have now.

Beyond that aspect: these reptilian humanoids have a rich vibrant social culture, they love entertainment such as actors, musicians, and dancers, an young Varandion can become quite popular if they pursue such talents even to the point of earning benefactors for a tertiary education at a State sponsored university. Artists do not tend to receive the immense recognition that performers do but artistic works often find their way amongst elder Varandions who appreciate the detailed intricacies of a finely painted mural to adorn a home as well as to impress any significant others whom happened to dwell with them. Writing is a bit more popular medium due to the Varandions lacking a means of long range communication, along with the fact that a pair of pen pals will play written games that involve cryptography or roleplaying.

Varandion cuisine is mainly vegetarian, consisting of fruits and leafy vegetables as a part of their diet although they occasionally consume insects for their additional dietary needs for proteins and other nutrients. The approach they take to medicine is preventive, killing the chance of an illness to strike them their later years, many physicians on Deyin IV are educated in a university and establish private practice offices without hassle from local governments as long as they meet the State's standards of Health. Varandions take a Laissez-faire approach to economics, letting individuals and companies freely practice business as long as it doesn't interfere with rights of personal property.

Factions: There is very little in the way of nations on their planet, except numerous City-states instead that normally govern some of the more isolated regions of the planet.

Tol'Ris­ , A massive City state, located on a large tropical island off the coast of a massive desert continent; it has population of 1.2 million citizens and miles of land to expand upon, this is the most powerful governing influential body in the world. It dominates the planet's economy by laundering funds that certain countries wish to keep hidden from rivaling nations, loaning funds to developing states and companies, as well as funding economic ventures for industrial purposes including astrological expeditions that involve slaving efforts. The Government of Tol'Ris is a representative democracy where anyone with a third level education and enough support can participate in their diets, a number of other City States use this model of government which Tol' Ris uses as a weapon by backing politicians who'd support any actions that this powerhouse would take, creating alliances as a means of protection.

The Ga'Roa Corporation , this company is one of Deyin IV's three powerhouse corporations; the GRC is responsible for Varandion technological development and Outer space exploration along with importing various products from other planets, including slaves. They construct the starships necessary for their exploitation of interplanetary resources and their solar system's asteroid fields richly laden with minerals required in the design of their warp engines; GRC recruits Arcathion Tribals as their muscle to secure their Assets, namely their slave engineer race called the Recidians, a Race of Humanoid Tenrecidae that were misfortunate enough to be picked out.

The Kada'Wah Agency , GRC's rival company and an Advocate against the usage of slave labor which fuels GRC's Tech developments as well as their profits. The KWA has taken a militant approach to his Abolitionist stance by sabotaging and stealing their Starship then reverse-engineering, refitting them to Rapid-Assualt Vessels to eliminate Ga'Roa interstellar assets. The Kada'wah Agency actually makes its money insuring individuals and Cities in cases of natural disasters, such as the typhoons that rip through cities like Tol'Ris which its City council happens to have a ton of funds stocked away with the KWA in case of emergency. The Agency also has investments in Agriculture, Mining, Construction and Medicine, meaning they double their profit when the Monsoon seasons come about during the summer when the crops are still in bloom.

Technology: It has been a dream for their entire race to ascend into the stars, wandering between solar systems but sadly it's still somewhat beyond reach for them due to an unknown design flaw in the engines that causes their Warp systems to overheat, rendering them unusable for seven days, meaning once they make a warp to another system, their ships are stuck there until their ship's engines cool down. Varandion technology is a bit backwards at best, amongst the civilian population, they have your basic amenities such as running water and electricity powered by steam turbines fueled by Geothermal vents, which is how some cities maintain their power supplies, the 72 Nations on this planet have a pact to never utilize nuclear power after an experiment in a GRC backed City State exploded in an Atomic Fireball, leaving nothing but a smoking crater.

The Ga'Roa Corporation further researched into this unstable form of power , despite the restrictions, to discover a clean burning source of fuel that could power their starships awaiting in Drydock. This source of energy is called Lithium Isotope Catalyzation, using an Isotope of Lithium then mixing it with Depleted Einsteinium and charging it with massive doses of electricity to create these Catalyzed Fuel Rods which burn more efficiently than your standard Uranium Fuel Rods and last longer. CFR's are used by GRC in their Interstellar expeditions due to the negligible level of radiation that a ship's engineering crew would be exposed to as long as the Rods are kept in their Liquid Nitrogen Containment Units, The rods are more volatile in the sense that they can burn through the hull of the Vessel if you dropped it on the floor because they generate enough heat, 11000 degrees Fahrenheit, the equivalent temperature to the core of a planet; Sadly, CFR became obsolete for Spacecraft fuel once they discovered the Daesidyne's Plasmatic Ionization Reactors, a power source equivalent to a microscopic sun in a jar, that was a completely safe source of power.

Allies: Varandions, despite what Zephyrian Propaganda portrays, have great political relationships with other worlds via Tol'Risian Emissaries who go to great lengths to maintain their bonds, mainly for the fear of planetary invasion.

Arcathions : These large imposing crocodilian humanoids are a Varandion's best friend so to speak. Arcathions and Varandions share a common ancestor that was transplanted from another world by the Solskips, who separated two populations on the two different inhabitable planets in the Deyin system, Deyin III and Deyin IV, then proceeded to adapt and evolve to their according environments. The two races sadly can't interbreed due to chromosomal pair differences that occurred over time, namely Arcathions possessing 25 chromosomal pairs while their stalky cousins have 24 pairs. These Humanoid Crocodiles inhabit a rather swamplike planet in contrast to the tropical paradise the Varandions inhabit though some tribes of arcathions have been imported to Deyin IV and have adapted to the planet's climate.

Daesidynes : The Daesidynes are allies with the Varandions through the Ga'Roa Corporation and the Planet Runner Program; They are GRC's biggest consumer population though do not exactly agree to the entire idea of slavery, instead allowing imported slaves to work off the debt for the amount they were acquired. The Planet Runner Program was capable of designing their starships based on the original Solskip Blueprints that were provided to them by the Capitalizing Entrepreneurs in exchange for the Daesidyne's Plasmatic Ionization Reactor technology that now powers entire Varandion nations.

Apacians: The story with these mongoose-like humanoids is pretty much the same as the Daesidyne's, Ga'Roa attempted to invade the planet but was foiled by native creatures called Luffies, a common Apacian housepet that evokes sensations of pleasure whenever coos, so the GRC being the sportsmanlike company that it is, offered the same blueprints in exchange for the Apacian's Astral Mooring Technology that enabled their space stations to stay in place without drifting off into unknown vacuum. Unfortunately, the Apacians do not have the immense resources required to produce a fleet of starships but still trade with the Varandions via the GRC.

Enemies: Varandions as a race have a poor image set upon them by the Zephyrian Astrologistical Naval Core's propaganda and the GRC's Recklessness when it came to interstellar affairs as well as poor diplomacy on Ga'Roan Representatives.

Zephyrians , namely the ZANC, have been at a political stalemate with the Varandion City-States that wield the most influence on Deyin IV due to the fact that the Varandions allow a free market to encourage the flow of wealth from private businesses to large corporations; meaning that in a quasi-political sense, The Ga'Roa Corporation is its own entity separate from any governmental body to define its laws. This is the reason why the Core can't make any progress with the GRC is the firm stance that the Varandions take a firm stance against governments interfering with any sorts of businesses compared to ZANC heavily regulating any Economic entity that maintains assets or investments involved with civilizations outside of their own solar system.

The Heraxions , Generally, the natives of Hera are historically Xenophobic to outsiders but the Ga'Roa Corporation even made them more paranoid. A GRC Slaver expedition found the Heraxion's planet due to a mysterious signal with many names that is often referred to the Daesidynian moniker "The Conductor's Signal" due to the series of dots and dashes that resemble a communication system that Daesidyne locomotive engineer would use to message other trains on the same route to indicate their position. The Varandions in lieu with Daesidyne cryptographers have tried to decipher the message but end up getting a series of ones and zeros that seem to form a numerical sequence but cannot translate it due to the lack of a language to equate the numbers to create a coherent message, determining that the message is from a civilization yet to be discovered....

The Iotanid Empire , this massive empire of chitin bearing creatures is comprised of several races that are an ever expanding force to reckon with. Once the Varandions heard of such an empire, they feared they were likely to be invaded since their homeworld borders on the edge of Iotanid territory; fortunately, Propaganda can be a useful defense. The Zephyrian Astrologistcal Navy Core accidentally released faulty information about the average Varandion's diet that listed insects and arachnids as a primary food source for their race, now the Iotanid Empire is fearful of the race of reptilian humanoids.

Hostility: Varandions are not hostile but they can be competitive for acquiring resources and wealth

Physical Description: Varandions are descendant from Lizards that would lurch on the coasts and travel from land to land using Sea currents as a means to carry them to exotic locations to where they would reproduce without their natural predators which has led to their evolutionary success. There is an old proverb amongst this race "Ye who runs the fastest gets to frock another day!" which in the early days of their civilization meant that the ones who can escape from the predators the fastest is the one who gets to mate. Varandions are built for running from Deyin IV's native predators such the Kraydra, a race of massive dragon-like serpents with a dual skeletal system, an internal skeleton that supports their body frame and an Exoskeleton that acts like a set of armor plating; these reptilian humanoids aren't high on the planet's food chain but they have managed to progress without much hindrance.

Eyes: Varandions have binocular vision with a bevy of eye colors available to their species.

Hair: Varandions don't exactly have hair per say but have a set of feathery scales similar to a Hairy Bush viper's scales, a peculiar species of snake found on Earth. This scaly plumage actually serves the purpose of keeping their heads cool to allow for greater brain function and attracting suitable mates, some Varandions even trim the scales to make an image for themselves. Males of this race can flex their scalpel when aroused, indicating their interest to mate.

Scales/Skin: Varandions have some interesting skin color variations to soft scaly hides, mainly to adapt to their surroundings, even within a few generations. You might find a variety of hues and patterns that correspond with the locations that have been settled in for centuries.

Sexual Dimorphism: The differences between male and female Varandions can be pretty obvious when you first see them: Women of this race tend to be on the shorter, stouter side while males are can be rather lanky and tall along with the fact that they tend to have brighter 'hair' colorations.

Sexuality: Varandions normally mate during the warmer months of the year, mainly spring and summer when their libido tends to kick into overdrive when hot weather gets their blood thinned out. They are very romantic with their mating, often nibbling at their partner's neck while mating out in the sunlight. Homosexuality is perfectly accepted amongst their race since some Varandion parents will often or not, let these couples adopt an egg from a clutch that would be a financial burden in raising its siblings.

Reproduction: Male varandions possess three penises, well technically three Hemi-penises with small barbs to stimulate egg production in females; Varandion Females luckily have two vaginal passageways within them.

Gestation: 4 Months for the egg to for and 6 months for it to hatch.

Brooding (Average # of offspring): One or three eggs, depending on the female.

Abilities/Traits: Varandion bodies are geared for survival and fleeing when the opportunity arises, so here's a list of their natural traits that nature has granted upon them.

Eye See You! : Varandions are natural marksmen because their eyes have an incredible resolution, standing at 1072 Mega Pixels. This enhanced eyesight is the best tool to their survival because when you see a Kraydra coming at you at 100 miles per hour, you better have a head start to run away. Varandions also have a special lens over their eyes that allow them to see underwater, this has contributed to their race's progression in a way that most others wouldn't comprehend.

Run Legs, Run!: It is a joke amongst Arcathions who reside on Deyin IV that the Varandions are born running from the moment they hatch, which to them is somewhat of compliment from the big brooding crocodilian beings. Varandions have long history of running away from the planet's mega-predators, and boy can they run for hours! The Varandion Cardiovascular system burns energy more efficiently than some of the behemothing monsters that will chow down on them any given second, allowing to run faster and longer to make their escape. This is why writing letters is still popular amongst the Varandions, some city states operate their own postal services with the motto of "We'll deliver your mail even if we drop dead!".

When in Doubt, Dive it Out!: Varandions are natural swimmers and divers, mainly because Kraydras are afraid of water but still doesn't deter a Dyloi, a large Hyena-like spotted furred beast that roams their planet's shores looking for scraps of Cetacean flesh or dead meat but it will occasionally group up in a pack to take down a Kraydra, crushing its boney armoring into dust with their powerful jaws. Varandions when being chased by either of these power predators will flee into the water to escape the grasp of death while they wait it out beneath the tide with their lung capacity, this race of reptilians, like their Arcathion cousins can hold their breath underwater for long periods of time without having to surface for air.

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