Untitled, probably...
Its my first time writing anything, it takes place on a space ship, you got a guy and a gal, no descriptions were given, make 'em up. this is also pretty much just two people talking. typed by yours truley on his phone, so its bad...
Atimist's BIG Morning
**Atimist's BIG Morning** By Lykanos Wulfheart The cold ground was unyielding, firmly pushing against the fox's back. Despite this, Atimist was sleeping deeply, his tiny form twitching as he dreamt. In reality, the yellowy-orange canine stood...
Hey guys I need help!!! (Give options!)
Ok so I've been stuck on what to write. So i'm asking you guys! What do you like to read? What do you want me type? I can type about anything nothing really bothers me... just send me a message on what you want to read and I 'll make it...
Super powered evil villein-type-guy (dream)
I was in a supermarket, more specifically, the frozen food section... It was a pretty normal looking supermarket full of normal looking and acting people. This one woman walked along and made eye contact with me, so I'm like "she would be fun to kill"...
Prologue 3/3 THE GUY FROM THE BAR (Concession Stands
I'm about to confront the guy i was hitting on last night, who i essentially stalked all the way to his workplace, and asked around to ensure that he was still here... seriously, what's wrong with me?
American Mustelid Alpha - Episode 7, "I Was Taught These Guys Got Feelings" - Part 2
I can say if i ever got treated like shit by an architect on the construction, then we cut the guy off and find another way."
A Date With Rookie
Said ace said as guy left the table. "all right guy, you can do this," jet pack guy muttered to himself as he neared the smoothie stand. "hi, rookie," he said. "hey, guy!" rookie answered. "what do you think is better?
Realms of Valeron - Chapter 14
The boy wasn't sure what to make of him, hadn't quite decided. the guy seemed fun, but had the air of being a bit of a newbie. the boy didn't mind. "hey" said the message, "you ready for the dungeon?" the boy smiled. "aria coming?" he asked.
The aqua portal-part 1
The boy looked back looking at the two men. he looked confused. "i still haven't got a clue what you're on about." the men exchanged glances. they nodded and grabbed the boy by the arms. the boy was shocked.
The Life of Another - Character Guide *SPOILER ALERT*
Is sports car red except for the dorsal side and tip of his tail where it's royal blue | | david | 17/male | brown bear | - | | dennis evans (roger's father) | 34/male | gray wolf | - | | dylan mcgill | 16/male |
Into The Darkness Of Love
Truck came by ,and hit the boy.
The Guardian Part 1 [One-Hour Story]
When the boy had come too close the strange little insect began to fly away, and so the boy gave chase wanting to catch it in his hands to get a closer look.