Into The Darkness Of Love

Story by Reaper L Grimm on SoFurry

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#1 of ITDOL

"Our story beings with a girl who's a princess of the Terran Famiy Guild ,and everyday she looked out her window at the stars an wonders if theres anybody out there in the stars or if her planet is the only one."

Many years later, The ancient gate on their planet opened ,and thats when the darkness came through to destroy her world as new creatures began attacking the cites as they thought their technology ,and tactics would persevere against the threat that has come to their planet. But, their resources were dwindling as the creatures kept attacking the cites more ,and more. And so the leaders of their world chose to leave their world as nothing seemed to hurt the darkness as it grew over the world like a shroud ,but the leaders send out probes to find suitable world to build a colony. As all hope was lost the princess went to the Sanctuary under the main spire. As she went down deeper under the spire she came to the sanctuary her father goes to when he prays. As she walks into the sanctuary she walks up to the Statues of Vectra and Zetru the first surians to bring life to their world ,and give the people peace. As she looks up at the statues ,then kneels down on her knees and prays to Vectra & Zetru for a way to stop the darkness. "Please, Godess Vectra ,and Lord Zetru give us a way to fight this enemy ,Because we won't be able to keep fighting like this as everything we do means nothing to our people anymore. So please give us a way to fight this Darkness!" As she prayed a tear fell from her face an hit the stone floor ,and then a glowing light began to come from the statues as they came to life an looked down at the young princess as she cried. "Dont worry child ,as we will help those who have given us everything ,and will anwser the call of our distant grandaughter who will be next in line to be the one who will bring peace once again to this world." As they comforted the young princess they opened the doors of Terranas an blue light came from the doors as a young boy same age as her came through the door ,and then stopped an looked around ,then saw the huge statues looking down at him. "Hello, young one" The boy fainted as the statue Vectra said hello to him. Then the young princess came up an looked at the young boy as she never saw anything like him before.

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Chapter 1

"The boy from

another world"


As the boy was walking home he smelled his mother's sunday sugar cookie rolls as he comes to the front door of his house he opens the door as he heads upstairs to his room. But as he opened the door to his room he was transported to another world. Later after the boy awoke he sat up in the bed ,and looked around an saw medical supplies ,but nothing he knew of as the door to the room opened as a nurse who was a wolf like humanoid saw him ,and ran to get the doctor. The young boy got up ,and looked down the hall as the nurse ,and a doctor with two guys who looked like guards came with him. Then the boy ran to the window ,and opened it as he thought of jumping ,then the guards came in an said "Halt! Do not jump!". Then the boy jumped as one of the guards tired to grab him ,but he fell an landed on the ground as the ground cracked when he hit it as people outside the building looked at him scared an then he ran past the crowd of people right into traffic as a freight truck came by ,and hit the boy. People from both sides of the street came to see what happened to the truck as the was stopped an the boy laying out a few feet away from the truck ,and a medical team came to see if the boy was still alive. Then one of the medical staff took the pulse of the boy to see if he was alive ,and then the boy awoke. Then guards came ,and told the medical personel to move away as they aimed guns at the boy as they aimed at the boy one told the boy to get up ,and follow him. The boy got up ,and stood there looking at them ,as a young girl said "Geranas Nussa Verturs!". The guards stood at attention as they saw the girl ,and the leader looked back to the girl as he said "Yors nor beneis va..." "Nu ,vut mes naut cou ters kesn tal tars kus calea lenra sen soan'as vou?" "yos,naz vut ti het nemse wos nalsa comse vurta natu peosoles naz". The boy looked at them wondering what they were saying as he probably could know that she was someone important as the guards stood at attention ,and then he tried to say hi to them ,but then the leader of the guards looked at him wondering what the boy was saying. Then the girl looked at the boy ,and pulled out what looked like a laptop ,but smaller as she gave him the device to try an talk through typing. The boy looked at the device as it was the same layout for a keyboard on a computer ,and typed in their language "Hi ,Umm Where am i ,and whats going on?" Then a voice came from the device as they look at the boy ,and then girl told the guards to settle down ,an then she came closer to the boy an grabed his hand as she pulled him to a vehicle. Then they got in the vehicle as they were driven to a huge building ,and she tugs on his hand to follow her as they got out the vehicle the boy followed her as she went back down to the sanctuary she prayed for a way to fight the darkness ,then as they walked throught the doorway of the sanctuary she prayed for a way for the boy to understand ,and speak her language. Then as a bright light came from a pool in the center of the room as she tried telling the boy it would help ,then pointed to him then to his mouth ,then ears. As the boy started to understand what she was trying to tell him he went into the pool of light as the light grew bright ,then vanished as the boy came up. The boy let out a gasp for air as he looked at her ,and she said "Can you understand me now?" "Yes" "Good now what would you like to know?" she said. He looked at her ,and said "Where am i ,and how did end up in the hospital?" "You fainted ,and your on the planet Primas-Delta 034 the surian home-world" she said. As he got up out of the pool he sat on the floor next to her soaked ,then she asked "So what are you ,and i mean what type of creature are you....i never seen anything like you before?" He looked at her an said "Well...I'm from another planet called earth ,and i am a human being" "Human?" she said puzzledly. "You never heard of a human or earth?" he said. "No ,I haven't i'm sorry..." she looked at him ,and wondered why the gods chose him. He sighed ,and stood up an held out his hand to help her up she grabbed his hand an stood up ,then he asked "Well....Umm why do you look like a wolf?" "A Wolf? Whats a wolf?" she looked at him. "It's an animal on my planet ,also i noticed some of the races on an around the streets look like animals from my planet ,and from my planet's mythology" He said. "Mythology?" she says wondering what he was talking about ,and he says "You know legends,Lore,things that don't exists those types of things" "Oh..." she said. "We have those in the grand library in the main hall. Come on i'll show you" she says as the boy follows her back up the steps of the sanctuary to the main hall ,then heads to the library with her. "See we have legends of our gods,great heros,and lore of our entire civilization here in the library" The boy walks into the library as theres one hundred twenty foot tall shelves full of everything she mentioned ,and looks at her an says "This is your entire civilization in books?" "Yea the rest is stored on the data shards in the vault" she said. Then a man says "Well ,Hello young ones" She looks at he man an says "Hello ,Father" "Who's this dear?" "He came through the doors in the sanctuary when i prayed for a way to fight the darkness father" she says as the boy puts out his hand an shakes the man's hand. "Well...How well can you fight boy?" "Me? Oh umm ok i guess?" "ok u guess? I think we should test out your skills son" her father says then the boy replied "Wait....What?" Then a few moments later he is out on a training ground as there are groups of guards watching ,and the general from the hospital came out from the group of guards an says "I'll be testing your skills" Then her father says "He's our top general ,but if you beat him i'll let you be our new general" Then the boy looks at the general as the general gets ready to fight as the boy takes a stance they don't know ,then the general trys punching him as he dodges his first punch as the general throws another an lands it right in his gut as the boy falls to the ground. "Hmm...Not even a challenge" the general says ,then the boy gets up an says "Come'on one more round" "Fine as you wish boy" As the general trys punching him again the boy appears behind him an punches him as the general smashes into the ground ,and all the guards stop clamoring their cheers for the general. Then her father says "I think we have our new general" then the boy says "No thank you sir he deserves it more then me" "What why not?" her father says. "I cannot take his position for i am not in normal standing as you just saw sir" "I see...Very well we will put you as our Arbiter for combat is that better?" "Yes ,sir" Then the boy looked at the girl ,and she said "Come'on i got some friends who wanna meet you" "Oh..Ok" he said. As they walked to the main hall her friends were waiting for her as they were all girls ,and they hugged her an asked her if i was the one who came through the doors ,and she nodded an introduced them to me as she says "This is Jess,Liv,Laura,Maria,and Tabitha....Oh wait i don't even know your name or told you mine? I'm Serina" "Umm....well Hello everyone my name is Reaper" After introductions we went outside an walked around as they showed me the sites of their city as it was a huge vast city ,and had tons of people living in one place ,but had very little vehicle traffic. Then near the end of the day we all headed back to serina's ,and as we arrive back at the castle like building serina tells me she's a princess of their city. Later we are all sitting in the main lounge where serina likes to go an read ,and her friends sit next to serina talking to her as i look at her friends cause they are animals from my home planet like Jess is a Dragon,Liv is a Tiger,Laura is a Fox ,Maria is a Shark ,and Tabitha is a Husky. Then theres Serina who's a Wolf ,but it just feels weird that i'm the only guy here in the room as he thought to himself ,and then says "Umm....I was wondering do you have any books about species ,and anatomy?" as he looks at them ,then serina says "Yes ,It's on the shelf behind you two shelfs above you" As he reaches for the book ,and looks through it ,and starts reading about all of their anatomy as it is as close to the animals on earth. As he flips through the pages he finds a book between the pages of the book ,and turns red an then maria says "Umm....Serina...." "Yea?" "I think reaper is changing colors or he saw something embarrassing?" "Oh....OH NO!? Reaper don't read that please!?" she says as he closes the book ,and gets up with a pillow an walks away as her friends start giggling ,as i walk out of the room an goto the garden.