Crazy farmer: you've been killing my livestock! silver: that wasn't me! crazy farmer: you're a coyote! silver: and you're a hooman. bye-bye. (silver presses a button on a remote and three ursaring drag the crazy farmer away.) silver: are we good?

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Furry Fable2: Prologue

I immediately ran back up the wooden planks, or 'steps' as the farmers call them, and quickly turned the corner again, almost sneaking into the farmhouse, with my thoughts barely able to break through all the loud talking and laughing from the farmers

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Idly munching one squash and tapping the other on what was pushing the boundaries of the potbelly spectrum, the gluttonous deer resumed perusing the farmers wares, waiting for something to catch his attention.

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"The Thin Line," Part PP

The farmers were gathering in the temple.

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Chapter the Fourth: Ghosts

The farmer and his wife found their way wearily to bed at the end of yet another day in their difficult, but happy and simple lives.

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Down for the Farm

She trundled into the pasture and turned to look at the farmer as he closed the gate, happy he found a place for her boyfriend. without saying a word the older man turned back and headed towards the house.

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Voided Traveller: Chapter 2

Skyclaw stopped on the dirt track to stare over the farmers, his mind wandering back to his past. he used to be like them, a farmer, a slave to the land, but he was only 7 when he was allowed within the void knights.

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Chapter the Fifth: Youth

He had truly grown a lot in the short time that he was known to the old farmer, and as hoped he had almost seemed to have found some peace in his life here.

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Anger Issues

She was happy that she was kept on, given that she had something of reputation amongst the other nearby farmers, but he was a blithering idiot. "what?!" she yelled feeling her overalls begin to tighten.

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Rocky Mountain Cattle

"i just came to tell you, i overheard the farmers talking, and they are taking me out on a mission tomorrow." "a mission, really. sounds fascinating." ella said, going back to her grazing.

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"The Thin Line," Part BB

We paused to allow another ant-cart belonging to a farmer to pass.

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Stranded Thief

When the money began to run out, he decided to work for some older farmers in exchange for accommodation and very little money. one day, one of the farmers sent the raccoon to another village to buy some special seeds.

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