The Life of Another - The Chapter 36 that never happened

Before I could respond, Nick's fork was yanked violently from his hand, flew across the room and stabbed into the refrigerator door where it began to vibrate and glow until the metal melted. The resultant molten puddle on the floor instantly cooled...


Hoosier Tomatoes

"they don't make tomatoes." "god makes tomatoes." "well, i know that, but ... alright, grow. they don't grow tomatoes. red gold grows tomatoes."

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'tomato,' osiris replied. charlotte perked up, tail swishing back and forth a little. tomatoes were her favorite, and she had been waiting for one to ripen.

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Bird's Adventure

Bird pecked the tomato open and flew away at that. leaving the tomato to scream in agony. why you ask ? why can a tomato just scream and why can zucchinis talk ? well this is the world of superjail any thing is possible.

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Shopping with a Wolf

"i, uh, don't really know what makes a good tomato." will chuckled and took the bag from his boyfriend, picking out a couple tomatoes. "what do you normally buy for dinner?" jeff rubbed the back of his head and averted his eyes.

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Digi Kimi Chapter 7: Saving a friends life

Asked draggy 'james he sick and he only have three days to live, if he doesn't eat a tomato berry,' said tony 'ok, then why don't you get one?'

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What Lies Beyond the Walls, Book I: Chapter 17

In his left paw was a soft, squishy tomato that had been bruised. it was dripping fluids all over his paw and had a fetid smell hovering around it. lakler held the tomato up to his face and licked his lips.

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Dreams: Chapter 3

In a large salad bowl, combine the romaine, onion, olives, bell peppers, tomatoes, cucumber and cheese. 2. whisk together the olive oil, oregano, lemon juice and black pepper. pour dressing over salad, toss and serve.

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Briar Ch 6

She held the tomato out to her, and christine couldn't help but smile, bowing her head to briar. "fine work.

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The Taur

Would you like some tomato soup?" stepping full into the room, arius responded, "i would love some tomato soup. that is sex is it not?"

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The Taur

Would you like some tomato soup?" stepping full into the room, arius responded, "i would love some tomato soup. that is sex is it not?"

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