#11 of Furry Fan Interviews!
10!!! Kataze makes a banquet for the interview team and decides that Mr. Peanutbutter should be interviwed by Silver, who is still on interviewer probation. We learn that Corgis should not be thrown into the air, that Ziggo isn't the adult, Silver thinks there are twelve days in a week, and Foxy from Five Nights at Freddy's wonders if animatronics have feelings. There is also a thinly veiled shot at a well known furry...
(Kataze struts into the prep room, wearing a top hat with a big "10" on it made with white paint.)
SILVER: Hey, Kataze, what's with the hat?
NITRO: Yeah, you don't usually wear hats like this.
TOMMYFOX: Hehe. He looks like a penguin.
SOMBRA: This IS Kataze we are talking about.
ANIRO: He's a derpy skunk, what do you expect?
SILVER: More derpy than me?
ANIRO: Not even close, yoteface.
ZIGGO: I can't even.
TOMMYFOX: Ziggo can't even.
(Tommyfox giggles)
FIESTA: Whatever party he's going to, it's certainly a classy one.
KATAZE: I KNEW this would HAPPEN! EVERYONE notices the hat, but completely misses out on the TEN!
KATAZE: And everyone is QUESTIONING what the ten is in UNISON...that's REALLY creepy...do you get why I'm wearing a ten?
SILVER: Um...because it's the tenth day of the week?
ANIRO: Do you REALLY think there are ten days in a week?!
SILVER: Nope, I think there are twelve.
ANIRO: Stupid dog...
SILVER: So there AREN'T twelve?
(Aniro slaps his forehead)
NITRO: I think I know. You just came back from a tenth anniversary furcon.
KATAZE: That's a SLIGHTLY better guess.
SOMBRA: Okay, Kataze, what is it?
KATAZE: It's the tenth episode, guys...sheesh.
KATAZE: You guys need to stop with the creepy...it's just...eww.
SILVER: Aww if I had known I would have done something special! Like what I did for the fifth one!
ANIRO: That nearly killed us!!
SILVER: Out of my control~
KATAZE: Guys, you don't have to worry. I will throw a party after the interview is over just for you guys! There will be food! I got chili dogs for Silver, chicken fries for Nitro-
NITRO: With ranch?
KATAZE: Yup. ALL of your favorite foods...AND a cake in the shape of a ten!
NITRO: Damn! This just gets better!
SILVER: You said it!
TOMMYFOX: What he said!
(the three give each other high fives)
SOMBRA: Do you guys ALWAYS have to act like you're in a CapriSun commercial?
KATAZE: THAT is not important now.
SILVER: Yeah. Who am I interviewing?
KATAZE: WELL, since it's the tenth episode I decided to go current. Go popular. So who do you think?
SILVER: .......Foxy?
KATAZE: Don't be silly, he's an ANima-ma-TRONIC. He can't talk. He doesn't have feelings.
(Meanwhile, at Freddy Frazbear's Pizza...)
FOXY: Hey...Fred?
FREDDY: Talk to me.
FOXY: Do we...have feelings?
FREDDY: Nope. We're robots. Our minds are nothing but...gears and crap. Now go get that night shift employee and stuff him inside of one of the suits.
FOXY: Oh, okay. Yes sir...
(Foxy runs out of pirate's cove)
NIGHT SHIFT EMPLOYEE: Oh %^&*! I saw him running! That means that-
SILVER: So...who is it?
KATAZE: Well Netflix just came up with this furry themed show.
KATAZE: Yup. And you are interviewing Mr. Peanutbutter.
SILVER: Awshum! This is gonna be great! I think me and him share the same level of intelligence!
ANIRO: Truer words have never been spoken...
(Mr. Peanutbutter enters)
MR. PEANUTBUTTER: Hey, THERE he is! You're the coyote, right?
SILVER: Yup yup!
MR. PEANUTBUTTER: Well, let's not waste any time! Lead the way, desert dog!
(Silver and Mr. Peanutbutter exit onto the stage.)
ANIRO: Those two are so dog.
ANIRO: Dumb.
ANIRO: You know what I mean. Silver is stupid and so is that other half-wit.
NITRO: Silver isn't stupid...he's just...um...a little derpy. Trust me, I know stupid. I had this friend that roller skated off his roof.
ANIRO: That IS stupid!
NITRO: Yepp. He stayed at the vet for two weeks.
ANIRO: Then again, Silver thought that the ice bucket challenge involved tossing 104 ice cubes into a bucket from a distance. Wait...why are you still here?
NITRO: Oh, damn! I forgot!
(Nitro gets his GoPro off of a table and exits through the "Audience" door quickly.)
TOMMYFOX: Oh, Zigoooo...wanna see how high I can toss a Corgi in the air? :3
ZIGGO: No, not okay! I need an adult!
TOMMYFOX: You ARE the adult! :3
ZIGGO: No I'm not! You know that. Kataze is!
KATAZE: I'm not here right now. This is all a dream.
(Silver and Mr. Peanutbutter are on stage. Sparks fall from the stage rafters and balloons fall from the audience. Silver does an impressive knee-slide towards the audience.)
(A few coughs can be heard from the audience)
SILVER: ...Right. Today we have Mr. Peanutbutter from Bojack Horseman. Now before-
(Thunderous applause can be heard and Mr. Peanutbutter waves at the audience with his tongue hanging out in the usual position.)
SILVER: ...Wow. That's new. Anyhoo...absolutely NO HOOMANS are allowed here.
SILVER: That wasn't me!
CRAZY FARMER: You're a coyote!
SILVER: And you're a hooman. Bye-bye.
(Silver presses a button on a remote and three Ursaring drag the crazy farmer away.)
SILVER: Are we good? Good. Okay, first question. What do you think of Bojack?
MR. PEANUTBUTTER: He's alright! Sure he can be a grump sometimes, but what are ya gonna do?Plus, he really appreciates my intelligence!
BOJACK HORSEMAN: You're a friggi'n idiot!
MR. PEANUTBUTTER: See? He thinks he can trick me by saying I'm stupid. But I know that the opposite is true! I'm so smart I scare myself sometimes!
SILVER: I'll say! How did you get the name, "Mr. Peanutbutter"?
MR. PEANUTBUTTER: Well, it's my actor name. My real name is Chance. But that's boring. I chose the name Peanutbutter because it sounds like two words but it's actually one! You get double the words in one, which doubles the fun!
SILVER: Cool! Now, in the show, your house has a glass bowl filled with tennis balls. Why?
MR. PEANUTBUTTER: Why not? Tennis balls are great! You can throw one, grab it in your mouth, and throw it again and again!
SILVER: Well yush but why have a glass bowl filled with them?
MR. PEANUTBUTTER: Well they make better decorations than those little balls with the fake grass on them. They're cheaper, too! AND you can play with them!
SILVER: What a great idea! I never thought of that! :3 Okay last question and then I'll hand it over to the audience! What are your feelings with Diane?
MR.PEANUTBUTTER: All I can say is that she loves my patented peanutbutter hugs!
SILVER: Fair enough, I guess. Seat 18!
STEELE (from BALTO): Um, yeah...what's it like to be world famous?
MR. PEANUTBUTTER: It's great! Everyone knows your name, and you get lots of pictures!
SILVER: Seat 24.
EXILE (from ROAD ROVERS): Why did you go to ridiculous efforts to steal the "D" from the Hollywood sign?
MR. PEANUTBUTTER: It was the greatest thing I could give her. The first letter of her first name! And I really wanted to find a giant "F" to make it "Hollywoof" but I couldn't find one. That would have been perfect!
SILVER: Seat 69.
SCOOBY-DOO: Rut's your ravorite food?
MR. PEANUTBUTTER: I'll eat anything! But the best thing I ever ate was a burrito the size of my head!
SILVER: Seat 87.
SASHA LA FLEUR (from ALL DOGS GO TO HEAVEN 2): What do you see in Diane?
MR. PEANUTBUTTER: She is caring, and very attractive!
SILVER: Well that's all the time we have! Thank you so much, Mr. Peanutbutter!
MR. PEANUTBUTTER: Hey, any time! But not really. In fact, I have a gig to go to so I've gotta get going but this was fun!
(Thunderous applause can be heard as Silver walks backstage and Mr. Peanutbutter walks toward the exit.)
(Silver walks into the prep room where there is a large assortment of food on a table in the center of the room.)
KATAZE: Well, how did it go?
SILVER: Not too bad! He's a really nice guy!
KATAZE: Well then, dig in!
(Silver can be seen immediately shoveling chili dogs into his mouth)
SILVER: Hey there's bacon here too!
(Silver gnaws on the bacon as well)
NITRO: These chicken fries are pretty good, too! Almost as good as Tyson's...almost. No wait...they are better.
ZIGGO: Guess I'd better eat too.
SOMBRA: Yeah...happy tails.
(Meanwhile, somewhere else...)