Five Nights at Furries
Ewwww, i wouldn't want to use that, especially if it was man-made... hahahahaha.
Wreckage: Pawradisio Entry
Even though this story is a little rough and kind of short i'm still proud of it especially for being accepted by that anthology even if it never ended up happening.
The Sealed Planet: Chapter 22
I guess stealth was not the answer to everything, especially if it was against saukaurs.
Wolves' Legacy 3: Chapter 12
He may be a strategist better than you are, but he has no place for two strategists, especially one that could not fight effectively!)"
The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book X Chapter 60
He couldn't do it though, his own naivety wasn't really bothering him that much, especially not in the face of the almost depressive sense of loss he currently felt.
The Guardians of Equestria - Introduction
He wasn't sure why celestia wouldn't tell her about this change to the garden; especially with it being of such importance.
Kingdom of the Old Demons: Chapter 27
While they were demons, after all, the spectacle was disturbing enough for the rest of the group, especially after they were aware that belial had started to feel something else other than violence.
Desiderio 2
I wasn't entirely expecting it, especially from a new kid. but after thinking about it, it all fits. " that's why you got him working there." tessa perked her head up, interested in my thought.
Pastelitos de Navidad
Del año mi pastelito favorito es de res porque para mi no hay nada mejor mi familia y yo no cocinamos pastelitos muy frecuente solo lo hacemos en ocasiones especiales y no hay una ocasión más especial que la navidad estos pastelitos
Entry 3
especially when they decide to have sex in any room other than their bedroom.
He doesn't seem to mind, especially as he pulls out his phone to look at the time.
Naira's Search, pt 1 (MHO)
It took a lot of convincing for her to be allowed to take it up, especially given her lack of survival experience compared to her missing friend.