Entry 3
#3 of Diary of an Awkward Youth
Dear Diary,
So I had a really weird dream last night. Well, I actually can't remember the dream too well aside from some bits and pieces that were a little like what Ingress might look like if it were a Virtual Reality Game, but I do remember waking up on the floor with my ass in the air. God I'm so glad Nicolas didn't wake up, it would have been embarrassing if he saw me like that and the last thing I want right now is him staring at me like yesterday.
Duke made a mess of the trash before I got up, so I had to clean that us, but again it's nothing uncommon for him, he's always been a pain in the butt like that. Oh well though, he's part of the family and for all the crap he pulls, we still love him. So I decided to just wander the house again today in the nude, though I'm going to play my video games without the headset today and I have an alarm on my smartphone to tell me when it's about twenty minutes from when school lets out. Not getting caught with my pants down again today.
Oh yeah, you'd think that him seeing me the way he did would make my relationship with Nicolas weird, nut it really didn't, at least not for me. We've shared a bedroom ever since we were really little so we've seen each other naked quite a few times. Kinda hard not to under those circumstances, especially with a few of the habits him and I have picked up from our parents. They're nudists, or at least they say they are, they don't wear anything around the house. Some people would say it's a little weird, but it's not... Well, okay it can get a little weird.. Especially when they decide to have sex in any room other than their bedroom. Like last week, I came home from school and was kicking off my shoes as I walked into the kitchen and saw my mom with her butt up on the counter and my dad just plowing away at her.
No one in this fucking household seems to have a good sense of time, I swear...