My Dream, My Fantasy

I've had this dream, several times now and somehow I know that it's more than just a dream, that it'll some day be real. I dream of a day when I wake up with him, my beautiful crow, in a home of our own without the fear that he'll have to leave...

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Into the Blue

As the cool morning breeze drifted through the town of Encarra, Vael and his companions prepared for their journey, each checking their packs for various odds and ends. Alexander studied the edge of his newly sharpened sword with a delicate touch of...

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The first shreds of dawns light shone across the horizon, setting the sky ablaze with hues of orange and pink. The lapping sound and the salty smell of the breaking waves filled the air around them, a pair of male Kerosai - Hyenas from far to the west...

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Two Kings

As the rising sun cast it's first rays what once had been the shattered remains of a kingdom, a cool morning breeze carried the sweet scent of blooming Si`Laan flowers across the city of Meronna. it had been a month since their beloved king Marcus...

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I lay awake and breathe in, tears rolling down my cheeks as I bury my muzzle in it. To most it's only a coat, only cloth and stitching designed for warmth, but all I can think of now, as I lay clutching it to my chest, breathing the last fading...

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I'll be strong for you...

There is a darkness behind the joy you see, but it's a darkness I face for you. Be strong, no tears, you asked this of me the first time we had to part ways and I was, I still am. As we step out the door after so many days of being able to hold you, of...

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Entry 34

Dear Diary, So I'm still in the hospital and I'm starting to freak out a little.. They've had FIVE different doctors all trying to figure out whats wrong with me. They've found a mass in my abdomen, so they originally thought it was cancer, but it...

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Entry 33

Dear Diary, So, it's been a month since my last entry, but there is a reason for this, even if it's a weird one. I'll be doing entries over the next couple days recounting a camping trip we took, though I really hate calling it that since we were...

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Princess of Knives

The setting sun cast it's dieing rays over the planes, the cool evening air carrying the sweet scent of wild Si`Laan flowers into the coming night. It had been two days since Vael and Dante left Meronna, the time spent uneventful save for the distance...

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Entry 26

Dear Diary, So Aaron, Nicolas and I went out on our first little adventure around where we live. Things have been pretty interesting around the house, but we felt like it was time for us to explore a little, you know? So yesterday we went out and...

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Entry 24

Dear Diary, So, I haven't written in a while and boy do I have a good reason. So lets start with why I've been gone for so long: My family up and moved us out into the middle of nowhere! That's right, we're living in the country now for two reasons....

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Entry 35

Dear Diary, So, I know I haven't written in the past month and a lot of things have happened. I'm back home finally and strangely enough? That thing that they found turned out to be nothing. The doctors said it was just a malfunction of their systems...

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