#14 of Tales of Ethorian: Legends of Alchemy
The first shreds of dawns light shone across the horizon, setting the sky ablaze with hues of orange and pink. The lapping sound and the salty smell of the breaking waves filled the air around them, a pair of male Kerosai - Hyenas from far to the west of the Imperial City - standing at the edge of the cliffs, leaning against the Stones of Varren with arms crossed, mirroring each others appearance with absolute precision.
As Alexander rounded the last tree he saw them, the mirrored pair standing against the stones. Without a thought his blades flashed from their sheaths, held ready. "What have you done with him?!" he called out with his teeth bared, anger burning like fire against the azure hue of his eyes. The Kerosai both let one eye open, both studying him in mirrored gaze, then snickered quietly. "Adorable," the Kerosai said in unison, their voices the only thing about them which didn't match, the one to the left having a deeper voice while his reflections was somewhat higher, more melodious. "It thinks those toys could hurt us." "I'll tear you apart if you don't tell me what you did with him!" Alexander snarled, his white-knuckled grip on the hilt of his swords tightening a little more.
The Kerosai both tilted their heads, watching Alexander for a moment before looking to each other. "Talon, do you suppose he think we did this?" asked the Kerosai on the right to his reflection. "Perhaps, dear Luca," said the Kerosai on the left, a little chuckle following his words. "Oh dear, what an odd mistake." "Indeed, most peculiar." Then the two turned to Alexander, both giving a little smile as Talon pulled away from the stones, his body vanishing from sight to reform beside the enraged fox. "I am sorry, my dear fox," he began, a thin smile drawn over his lips, "But the white one--" Enraged beyond reason, Alexander swung at Talon, his sword carving through the air, streaking towards the Kerosai's arm, though where he should have felt the slight jerk of a blade cleaving through soft flesh and muscle, he felt only air as Talon once again vanished.
"Poor fox," mused Luca, clicking his tongue and shaking his head, "You should learn that violence is not always the answer." "Quite right, dear brother," mused Talon, standing fully ten feet behind Alexander now. "He is too quick to strike. I was trying to expl--" His words were once again cut short, but this time to the sensation of a thick fist crashing into the back of his head, sending him staggering as Derius rounded the final tree before the stones.
Talon took a moment to correct his stance, rubbing at the back of his head with a growing smile as he looked to Luca, then to Derius and finally gave a little chuckle. "Well, dear brother. It seems they won't see this resolved peacefully." Talon said calmly, once again standing straight to give his brother a glance. "Shall we indulge?" "Perhaps it will do them some good." replied Luca with a smile, "Lets try not to kill them though, hmm? Lessons in humility are typically lost on corpses."
The water flowed around him as Vael rose from the sea, the water below swirling around him with such violent intensity but still he felt only a gentle current. As he reached the height of the stones and stepped back onto land, the sight that awaited him filled the slender fox with rage. His father Derius, pinned to a tree by a slender Kerosai and Alexander lay battered and beaten on the ground, one of his swords driven into the earth beside him, the other in pieces, scattered across the ground.
The fur along the back of Vael's neck began to rise as he watches Talon deliver one final blow to the battered barkeep, sending him spiraling into the cold dark of unconsciousness. Luca - who stood watching his brother, his back rested against a nearby tree - was the first to take notice of Vael, his lips curling up in a little smile. "There you are." He said with a slight bow of his head, trying to show the fox his respect despite the circumstance. "We were wondering when you'd sh--" His words were cut sort as a burst of energy exploded beside him, sending him sprawling sideways, hitting the ground in a crouch with a stunned expression. Quick to turn, Talon spun just in time to see his brother land, his cheerful smile suddenly fading away. "Another one for us to play with?" he asked, his brow arching ever so slightly. Luca however was far from jovial, his eyes wide and his heart practically beating through his chest. "H-he didn't move.." Luca stammered, trying to find the words to explain.
Before Luca could say more, Vael's gaze shifted to Talon and another explosion of energy rocked the Kerosai, sending him flying against a tree with a resounding thump. "This one's strong.." Talon barely managed as he pulled himself to his feet again, his head swimming from the impact. Luca merely nodded and darted in, quickly closing the distance between himself and Vael. With his paws clenched into a fist he took his swing, the air around his fist solidifying into an almost crystalline structure. Vael quickly ducked the first punch and caught a second in one paw, the crystalline structure around luca's fist shattering like glass and vanishing into the wind. "Big mistake." Vael said bluntly as his free paw came up, wreathing in flames as he grabbed Luca's arm and pulled him forward and into the path of his uppercut, forcing the air from his lungs and singing his fur. All Luca could do was fall, desperately gasping for air.
With his attention on Luca, Talon steadied himself and raised his paws, letting his eyes close as he focused on the earth around him. Dirt and dust began to rise to his will, forming into a tiny stone before his paws, swirling in place in the air, growing a little more with every rotation until he finally let it loose, sending a stone the size of a wolf's head flying towards Vael. Vael was quick to react though even with his attempt to dodge the strike it still clipped his shoulder, spinning him around almost entirely.
With his anger building, Vael gripped his shoulder, wincing a little as his lips pulled back, revealing his ivory teeth in a vicious snarl. "ENOUGH!" He yelled, the ground around him distorting, rippling forward to hammer up beneath the two Kerosai, sending them both flying backwards to skid across the ground. "Explain yourselves! Now!" He demanded, glaring daggers at both of them. "We.. were sent--" Started Luca, his voice raspy now. "To find.. you." Talon coughed, finishing the thought. Luca couldn't help but look at him now, silently questioning his choice of lie. "Why did you attack my friends?" Vael asked, his expression slowly beginning to soften. "Who sent you?" "They attacked us," Luca managed, rubbing the back of his head where it'd hit the ground. "We were simply--" "Defending ourselves." Talon continued as he sat up finally, watching Vael for a moment before giving a sigh. "Our Oracle told us to seek the Dreamer."
The darkness seemed to flow around him, it's cool embrace rippling around his being like the calming waters of a pond. He could feel the sensation of mist filling his lungs, slowly building against his fur, leaving it slick. The pungent scent of wild herbs filled his nose, overwhelmed his sense of smell as if there was nothing else. He could be at ease here, lost in the rippling void, in the soothing scent in the air. Alexander could have been at ease here, until those violent eyes opened before him. Swirling madness, countless hues of red - many of which he had never seen - all shifting together as the darkness itself glared at him.
Alexander sat up suddenly, his own eyes opening as a sudden cry burst from his lungs. He sat panting for a moment as he studied his surroundings, noticing finally the wooden walls, the soft sheets beneath him and his armor suited to an old tailors doll in the corner of the room. His heart slowed now as he wondered if it had all been some horrible dream. He reached over to wake Vael but when his paw met the cold bedding beside him his heart skipped, the panic racing back, taking hold again. "Good, you're finally awake," came a familiar voice, causing his eyes to dart over to meet Mina's gaze, her soft smile offering him a moments comfort as she added, "I was wondering when you'd come around, you've been out for three days." "Three days..?" "Uh-huh, Vael brought you back down from the cliffs, you'd taken quite a beating." Alexander's heart skipped once more as she mentioned Vael, his body tensing. "Where is he?" He asked, the panic evident in his voice.
With a soft sigh, Mina limped over and leaned against the bedpost, offering him a warm smile. "He said he was going to find medicine." she explained calmly. "He said he'd be back by nightfall." "I have to see him," Alexander said as he tried to calm himself once again, pulling back the blankets which covered him and started towards the doll which held his armor. Mina quickly snapped her eyes shot and tilted her head down and to the side. "Next time," Mina said, somewhat hesitantly, "Warn me before you decide to present me a view of your ass." Alexander gave her a glance, then looked down and only now did he realize the draft that swept through his fur. He gave a frown, shaking his head as he grabbed his leggings from the lap of the doll and pulled them on. "You shouldn't be looking that low in the first place." Alexander mused, then began pulling on his armor, piece by piece, fitting each one snugly in place. "Keep watch here, I'm going to go find Vael."
Mina opened an eye after a moment, taking note of Alexander in hgis armor and giving a little sigh as she relaxed, giving him a questioning glance. "You don't even know where he went." She began to argue but stopped when she noticed him give a thin little smile. "I have an idea of where to look." And with that, Alexander started for the door, picking up his sword belt from the foot of the bed as he passed.
The mist-like fog swirled and danced across the surface of the still pond, the fading light of the sun through the trees above playing casting their rippling glow through the air. At the edges of the water it lay, breathing in the scent of the wild herbs which grew all around. Using the bundled cloths it no longer wore as a sort of pillow as it sprawled out on it's side, enjoying the new sensations.
It wasn't until the sound of metal scraping against the wood of a sheath that it sat up, it's ears perked forward, alert. The feral fox turned it's violet eyes towards a distant bush, it's soft, white fur, marred by black strips across it's back and neck, rippling slightly in the wind. A long moment passed before he heard the sound again, though this time accompanied by the soft clink of a hilt meeting the lip of a wooden sheath. The feral fox watched as Alexander stepped past the bush, staring in awe at this creature he'd stumbled upon. It was far too large to be a normal fox and far too familiar and as he looked into it's violet eyes, a single word slipped from his lips: "Vael...?"
The faintest hint of a smile crossed the foxes lips as it stood, standing level with Alexander's abdomen on all four paws. It gave a languid stretch, then walked slowly towards Alexander. It's eyes flickered with a soft glow after only a few steps, the light trailing across it's fur as it rose to it's hind paws. It's flesh and form distorted with every passing step, little by little reverting back to the form it's mate would recognize.
Without words, Vael stopped mere inches from Alexander, reaching out to caress his muzzle delicately before brushing a loving kiss over his lips. Alexander's paw fell away from the hilt of his sword, tension in his muscles simply melting away into that passionate kiss, but his confusion remained. As Vael drew back from the kiss, Alexander began to ask, "How...?" "It's hard to explain," Vael said with a smile and a slight shake of his head.