Entry 35

Story by KitTheSoulless on SoFurry

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#35 of Diary of an Awkward Youth

Dear Diary, So, I know I haven't written in the past month and a lot of things have happened. I'm back home finally and strangely enough? That thing that they found turned out to be nothing. The doctors said it was just a malfunction of their systems or something, but I really doubt it..

So, we've set up our own little meeting place in that shack, met a few of the local kids and you know what? It turns out that there's a lot more happening around here than the adults are willing to see.. It's too much to go into everything in one entry, but I'll be writing a little more of it as the days go by.

I will however explain about some of the people we've met in the last month. First, theres Emily. She's a skunk, which as weird as it sounds isn't too off-putting. She doesn't smell bad like most people think, in fact? She goes to great lengths to be clean. She's a psychic, or so she says and she specializes in things like communicating with the dead... Yeah.. she's a little strange.

Then theres her boyfriend, Jeremy. He's a hacker, which is sort of weird too but well? At least he can get into a database pretty well. He's a deer, which is sort of cool, it's funny to hang things on his antlers too but it pisses him off when we do it, so I usually just give him the ol' puppy dog eyes.

So, the five of us have met a few times, we keep in touch by skype with Jeremy and Emily and such and we've agreed to start looking into some of the weirder stuff thats been happening around here.