My Dream, My Fantasy

Story by KitTheSoulless on SoFurry

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#3 of To Love a Crow

I've had this dream, several times now and somehow I know that it's more than just a dream, that it'll some day be real.

I dream of a day when I wake up with him, my beautiful crow, in a home of our own without the fear that he'll have to leave again. I dream of the life we will some day have, of the children we've talked about for so long and the wedding that feels closer to reality with every day we spend together. I dream of time spent with our families, I dream of all of this and yet, when I wake I wake in tears because I know that for now, it will have to stay a dream.

We still have so far to go, but I promise you, my beautiful crow, that no matter how long the road before us is, I'll walk it beside you, no matter how far it seems or how long it takes us.

For you,

I could wait forever.