The Puzzle: Chapter 1- The Beginning
I sighed and went down stairs to snatch the handset from james as he shifted into redneck mode, shot him the dirtiest look i could manage before brightly exclaiming, "hi!
A new beginning: Chapter one: Allies or enemies?
I don't care about that, but for the love of rednecks everywhere, please comment. gotta be able to improve, and i can't improve without feedback from the readers.
Toni’s Diary Entry #9 - Knowing Your Place
The sad and pathetic redneck also quit soon after, probably because he wasn't making nearly as much money anymore without fridays or saturdays.
Misha's College Calamity
The end of summer sat in fullness over the green grass and myriad buildings in Bowling Green, Kentucky. At Western Kentucky University, the air was heavy with heat and humidity thanks to a recent rain. It was thus that Misha found it as he stepped out...
Betting on Trains
That you must be a "redneck" ... or something. that ... it would show in your voice. that you were ... "well, honestly, you don't seem the type," she repeated. however, upon second look, he actually did.
How Legends Are Made Part 2 Chapter 3
As owen had put it as he had quartered the beast; "thank god for gun-toting rednecks keeping guns handy at all times. and their preparedness." despite everything, john had found himself growing attached to little romulus.
Valewood Eyrie Communiques, a POSC crossover with Zmeydros.
Email: [redacted] phone: 555-[redacted] re:re:re:valewood eyrie npo transfer request date: [redacted] what do you mean some redneck one stripe pissant accidentaly triggered it in transit?!?!? i am not available!
Tonight, Tonight, Tonight
Tough sports players, though, threatened to beat me up and the wangster and redneck kids tried to recruit me to their camp, but gave up when i wouldn't even make eye contact with them.
“More Then Meets The Eye” (A Story Where Fur-haters get what they deserve)
Goddamn rednecks!" the fur-hating duo affectionately known to josh and andrew as "troll and thug," are two brothers who live just six housed down the block from them.
For Who I Am Chapter 1 - Commission for Yeetkkt
Were there any rednecks? which side did they fight on during the civil war? a nagging paranoia overcame him, picturing fat slobs in greasy wife beaters, dixie emblazoned on their baseball caps. "where ya from boah?"
"i too know the bitter tale of rejection" sydney said, putting on a more dramatic intonation before shifting to a hick accent, "turns out the most redneck wrestlin' companay in this gosh darn worl' don't give no shit about acts involvin' trucks."
Moroneae Domesticus
"it's a bunch of my redneck friends; guaranteed to have a lot of booze, people to gawk at!" "ellis," ledding heard abrams shout from the basement, "this one isn't even legal!" "that's its appeal!" answered ellis.