A Curtain Falls Over Furdom 38: Overcome
While a uniformed black bear stood alert nearby, dad sat outside with daws at a collapsable table, set with four chairs. their folding chairs faced each other as they spoke in hushed tones.
Green Tea Cup Four
Green Tea, with ice (Cup Four) "This is going to be a long day." Erin said with a yawn. Her and her lover had to get up and early to head back to Erin's house to get a little more sleep before having to get up and head out to school, where they...
Because You Have Wings
For the most part, i'm just an old black bear who can do his job well, no one particularly memorable. i like to think that i give my clients something special, even if it's not a "happy ending."
Bear in a Box
He ran through the shiny elevator doors after they opened, as usual. He pressed the button labeled "39" for his floor, as usual. When the doors closed and the elevator began to move upward, he gripped a large paw on the rail along the walls. Mathis...
For Who I Am Chapter 1 - Commission for Yeetkkt
Dylan didn't have much of a plan or any idea of what to expect once he passed through the border into Missouri. It was just him and his 1971 Ford Econoline, speeding down the highway while approaching midnight. There was the sign on his right, fading...
Death's Blood Ch. Fourteen: Demons' Blight
The black bear asks, "why is that?" "a white fox with one blue eye knows that i need something in return for doing you a favour." the black bear scoffs, "you must've 'erd about my father, then." he pauses, pulling out a book.
Kinktober Day 5: First Kiss
The black bear laughed, rubbing the back of his neck as we walked through the parking lot back to my car. he hadn't gotten his driver's license yet so i'd picked him up and drove him here.
The Assassin's Dark Tales-Chapter II: Virgin Taste
He paid no mind to travelers and he had to occasionally kill some wildlife and thugs, even wrestled a large black bear.
Gift From Heaven World Introduction
Creatures from this level were reminding in their look black bears , well build black bears moving on two legs. eighth gate and eighth level was granted in basic curses magic and seven strongest versions from previous gates .
Furs in Steam Chapter 5
"no one said there aren't other lords, just not ones we could conceivably have here for long without suspicions raised," the black bear said sweeping the dirt into a bin and coming over to pat the lynx across the back.
A Big Animal Family
They said that they had met a black bear and a fox. the black bear told a lot of jokes after it wanted to eat them. the fox was very sneakey and was a little strange.
Chapter 1: Beginnings; Chapter 2: Damages
The group consisted of a polar bear, a white tiger, a bush kangaroo,an artic fox, a black bear, a penguin, and a hyena. "this pack is killing me," josh, the the black bear said. all the others took off their packs and sat down on the rocks.