A Curtain Falls Over Furdom 32: Revive

With a wink to him, i made a bee-line to a nearby furshopper section. paints and samples of color were arranged in the dim late-afternoon furshopper. i tried to find the reddest red, but brynn picked out one even redder and brighter.

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A Curtain Falls Over Furdom 33: Distance

When we reached the edge of the furshopper parking lot, burt released his push, and i ground the car to a stop, brakes squealing. burt bent over, glancing back to where howard waited in the distance by the furshopper bay door.

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A Curtain Falls Over Furdom 31: chaos

Sneak out of the furshopper, leaving shadow and i to our fates as they searched for a new haven? would they try to fight only to find the 'distracted' things weren't so distracted?

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A Curtain Falls Over Furdom 36: Secrets

The furshopper furs were well aware of the incident she'd been involved in. the military furs were too busy with their 'official' tasks.

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A Curtain Falls Over Furdom 16: Threats

The trees were the closest available cover to the furshopper. "looks like there's a group of furs with him," i mumbled. "blood and fur! what bad timing," griped helaina. "after the curtain, but a bit too long. give me those."

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A Curtain Falls Over Furdom 37: Disruption

Top blades touched the furshopper facade, tearing into the light material. they bent, and the whole thing spun more out of control.

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A Curtain Falls Over Furdom 38: Overcome

Evans moved further into the room, reassuring the various furshopper residents. the bear and roo worked to secure our survival. the door sealing ritual repeated.

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A Curtain Falls Over Furdom 21: Unsteady

This is because the furshopper does not have an unlimited supply of the goods we use every day. with the number of furs we now have, we cannot last very long with the furshopper supplies.

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A Curtain Falls Over Furdom 15: Recovery

When we entered the restroom, we'd been ready to leave the furshopper. it had seemed imperative from the dangerous way things had been going. shadow didn't seem hurried for us to leave now i was awake. my paws stung.

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A Curtain Falls Over Furdom 40: Travels

I looked forward, and the fur line marched onto the road leading away from the furshopper. the road looked long, stretching into the distance. the long line of us, with frankenstein following, drifted along.

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A Curtain Falls Over Furdom 42: Strays

Asked shadow, eyeing the furshopper furs in the dimness. the furshopper furs were with a few more i didn't recognize. more refugees. the familiar furs were looking at us, gesturing to others to take notice.

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A Curtain Falls Over Furdom 17: Bite

"i should find some antibiotics from the furshopper pharmacy. i don't know why he's not responding, but i need to check on other furs. we were lucky... mostly. those who made it aren't badly injured."

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