A Harsh Trek

Her fur was too short for such a trek, yet she had run out of options. she had wasted her time, fearful of the journey, putting it off instead of preparing because she didn't want to grow up. so, she climbed without any aid.

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Episode 1A: Introductions

"i think we'll get along just fine," jakar said, "this isn't my first trek through the stars and it isn't yours either. that alone will be of some benefit." harry just nodded.

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Episode 18: Power Play

Ensign Carmina Rosa entered a briefing room and saw a rather young Echidna who looked like he was fresh out of the academy. He had maroon fur and brown bands around his spines. "Carmina Rosa." She said, extending her hand. "And you are?" ...

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Episode 17: Immunity Crisis Pt. 2

"yes, i am sure it is doctor, but i am more concerned with the billions it may consume, or has consumed, on its trek through the stars." harry said flatly. "do you think it can be destroyed?" "probably.

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Episode 11A: Into Darkness

The Raptor warped towards an area of space known as the Nekros Rift. It was an area of space filled with dark dust and the remnants of a long failed nebula. Its exact origins were lost to time, but a lot of space fayers stayed away from it due to it's...

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Episode 2B: Second

=================== Second Episode 2B, Special 14 IDP 2015, 2020, 2022/23 Written by Vakash Edited by Saurex =================== Don Rivas awoke as his alarm went off. He silenced it and sighed. "Another day." he grumbled as he sat...

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Episdoe 3B: The Naked Eternity

Captains Log: The Raptor is on it's way back from another escort mission. For once it went by without incident. I'm looking forward to returning to Starbase 186 for some peace and quiet. Harry lay in an open hilltop field in Ketha Province,...

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Episode 3A: Supernova

======================= Supernova Episode 3A, Special 05 IDP 2017-2019, 2020 Edited by Saurex Conoway ====================== In a remote binary star system, outside both Confederation and Urthean space, the Raptor sat a safe distance...

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Episode 6: Puzzle

======================= Tit: 06 Puzzle IDP 2009,2010,2013, 2021 By Vakash Darkbane Edited by Saurex Conoway ======================= Fara ran through the corridors of the Raptor. She had no idea where she was going or what was going on;...

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Episode 9B: Games

"Why Jack, you look like the picture of total frustration," Terri said as he sat down across from her at the Replimat--a small public bank of replicators used for meals when one is in a hurry on Starbase 186. "What's up?" "Don't worry about it....

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Episode 9A: Inquiry

Harry sat near the window watching the stars streak by as the U.S.S Monitor rapidly flew to Termia. No one came up to start a polite conversation because his face was locked into a grimace that was fixed on his drink. It was either that or the current...

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DIDUDUDID! **DIDUDUDID!!** The alarm of the alarm clock is getting louder. **DIDUDUDID!!!!!!** A quiver through him. He opens his eyes. Has this infernal machine so it done it again! And once he realizes where he is and why he is here. He...

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