Episode 9A: Inquiry
#17 of FotR Fiction
Harry is brought under investigation after the events of the disastrous Epsilon Three computer tests. While dealing with his own trauma he has to deal with unresolved issues with his brother as he returns home after a long time to see his family.
Harry sat near the window watching the stars streak by as the U.S.S Monitor rapidly flew to Termia. No one came up to start a polite conversation because his face was locked into a grimace that was fixed on his drink. It was either that or the current storm of infamy circulating around him. The horrors of the disastrous Epsilon Three tests were still on his mind, as well as everyone else's. Only a week had passed.
He took a drink of his Cherry Fizz and frowned, noticing it had gone flat while he was pondering his fate. He really wanted something harder, but figured he was probably being watched on the trip back home to talk to Fleet HQ for a board of inquiry on the matter.
"Mind some company, Harry?" He heard Captain Stiles ask.
"Yeah, I'm not exactly busy," Harry replied.
Stiles sat across from him. "You look like a condemned man, son."
"I just might well be," Harry said, finishing his drink.
"We don't know that yet," Stiles said. "Questions need to be asked, answers need to be given."
"Great," Harry said, rolling his eyes, "I was only in command of not one but two potentially dangerous prototypes that were thrown together, despite my objections, and it just so happened to go haywire." Harry set his glass down with a clink. "They are looking for someone to roast and I can damn well assure you it won't be Admiral Leyton. I know how these things work."
"I will admit, it doesn't look good," Stiles said, "but I doubt they'll lynch the Hero of Sector 942."
"That was years ago," Harry said, "regardless, I doubt they'll let me keep the Raptor."
"We won't know 'til it's over," Stiles said. "You should at least try to ease up on yourself just a bit."
"I am. See? I'm drinking soda," Harry said.
"Are you going to go home while we are there?" Stiles asked.
"Yes," Harry said, "I know we got a few days before the inquiry. I may as well pay a visit."
"I think you should. It'd do you good," Stiles responded. "I'll be busy getting everything in order, so just leave it to me.
"You haven't met my brother," Harry sighed.
Special Episode 8A
IDP 2020, 2021
By: Vakash Darkbane
Edited by: Saurex Conoway
Harry materialized in Kirton Station, one of the larger towns in Ketha Province on Termia. It served as a spaceport for exporting crops and other goods made in the area. Harry noticed he stood out a bit because most of the other echidna's were dressed in civilian garb. Even though he was from this area, most Kethans liked to live simple, uncomplicated lives and weren't used to seeing many "fleeters" come through their area. It was also about midsummer, which became quickly apparent after the wheat harvest. Harry quickly headed to a clothier and got a more appropriate outfit. A few credits later he emerged with a T-shirt, jeans, leather vest, and sunglasses. His uniform was packed into his duffel. He'd already decided on his method of going home and headed for a monocycle dealer.
He found one that fit him perfectly. It was much nicer than his old one and had sleek features. He rode it around the parking lot a few times to get a feel for it.
"How much?" He asked the merchant, who seemed impressed that he knew how to handle himself.
"150 k," the older echidna said, "you know a lot of you fleeters come down here and usually end up in the hospital with one of those things. You seem to know your way around one though."
"Rode one for years...a lifetime ago," Harry said confidently, "been meaning to get one again, just been busy. This thing collapses for storage right?"
"The best ones do."
Harry thought about it. It wasn't like he couldn't cover the cost, hell it barely put a dent in what he'd earned. Credits were just for luxuries and stupid impulse buys at merchants like this one.
"I'll take it," he said, handing the merchant his card. At least with the suspension on this thing the ride home would be a total breeze. The merchant came back and handed him back his card. "She's yours. Take good care of it."
Harry put the card away.
"Oh, I will," he said, revving the engine and rolling it out of the small lot. As soon as he was on the open road, he gunned it, taking off down the gravel roads.
As he zipped along at high speed he could feel a familiar sensation. He even practiced a few jumps with the vehicle and found he was still capable of it. The gyro-stabilizer on this cycle was damn near perfect. He hardly had to make any adjustments to the controls to correct the balance for it.
The hills and fields flitted by as he zipped down the road. Finally, he stopped at the top of the hill of his home and, looking down, saw the little valley between the rolling hills where his birthplace and childhood home sat. The smell of the grain, the hot midsummer breeze, the clinking of his aunt's wind chimes surrounding the one-story four-bedroom house, all of it was so familiar it made him wistful.
He hesitated, but the last time he wrote he promised he'd come by if he was in the area. He pushed the throttle forward and rolled down the drive, noticing the hover-car was missing. He parked under the shade of the large tree in the yard, detached the duffle, and collapsed the bike to its storage form. He took a deep breath, walked up to the door, and knocked.
As he waited, he noticed that the yard was surprisingly uncluttered with his brother's art projects, save for a few. It was well tended. There was a rather large, bountiful garden occupying a lot of it. In a way, he was grateful. He feared it would be a lot worse. He heard someone approach and the door opened. A short, white-furred echidna female with dark hair looked him over.
"Can I help you?" She asked.
Harry was a bit off-balance. He didn't know this woman. "This is Krysta-Zen's house is it not?" He said with a smile.
"It is. She's off to town to get groceries."
Harry was relieved. "I'm Harry Martinez, her nephew. I am sure she has mentioned me."
"Oh! Yes, of course! Come in! I thought you looked familiar," the female said, opening the door wider so he could pass her. "Come in!"
"Thank you," Harry said as he stepped in and closed the door. "So...I am afraid I am at a loss as to whom you are. The last letter I got from Krysta made no mention of a houseguest, though that was several months ago."
"Let's just say I'm your sister in law. I'm Diane-Kay."
Harry was a bit shocked. He didn't know what to say. It never seemed possible his brother could find a girlfriend, let alone a mate.
"Krysta sent a letter a week ago telling you, but I doubt you got it," she chuckled.
"When did you..." was all Harry could croak out as he processed this.
"We met three years ago at one of James' shows in Rockhollow. We kept it on the down-low until he proposed to me. He was on the road so much that not even Krysta knew about us."
"Ok, that makes sense," Harry said as Diane watched him with a smile. "So, what do you do?"
"I teach primary school in Carday. We're on summer break right now, so I don't have much to do at the moment except enjoy the peace and quiet. So, what brings you here out of the blue?"
"There was some...trouble. I was in the middle of it and now have to participate in an inquiry," Harry explained. "If things go south, I'll either be here for a bit until I figure out what to do or I'll be incarcerated. I'm hoping that's not the case, but I am weighing my options.
"What did you do?" Diane asked.
"My ship had an experimental battle computer placed on it," Harry replied glumly. "The A.I. was faulty and went berserk, destroyed and crippled some ships. A...a lot of people died."
"That was your ship?" Diane gasped. "We heard reports, but they never stated what exactly happened."
Harry nodded. "I'm not surprised. I was able to stop it, but only after it was too late. I was wondering if you had a place I could stay while I visit?"
"I'm sure Krysta will be thrilled and we have room," Diane replied, "I don't think it will be a problem."
"James might have a problem." Harry noted.
Diane laughed arily. "It's not his house! I'd be glad to have you around and get to know you. I'm sure you have lots of stories I'd love to hear."
"Not really...unless you want to hear about two brothers fighting a lot," Harry said dryly. "James and I never really got along all that well. Krysta spent most of her time trying to keep us from killing each other."
Diane went to a cooling unit and pulled out a beer and gave it to him. "Oh, it can't have been all that bad! Although, most of what I hear about you I hear from your letters. James doesn't really talk about you much."
"He's probably still pissed that I trashed his hovercar," Harry said, opening the bottle and taking a swig of the beer.
"He actually has gotten it repaired and restored. It's in the barn. He keeps it in there during the summer months so the paint doesn't get bleached." Diane explained, grabbing a beer for herself and sitting down across from him. "What exactly did you do to it? The most I ever got out of him was that you totalled it."
"I stole it and dumped it down a ravine because I could," Harry smirked. "Looking back, it may not have been one of my better decisions."
"I'm sure! Being a starship Captain now? You've changed your ways."
"Well of course," Harry said.
"I think you might be surprised with James," Diane said, leaning back in her seat. "We're very happy together and he's getting a lot of recognition for his art and talents."
"Well good. Maybe he is a bit less of a jerk then," Harry smirked, taking a swig of his beer. The sound of a repulsor engine coming up the drive caught his attention.
Diane got up and looked out the window. "Oh good! They're home already!"
Harry took a deep breath and waited for them to enter.
Krysta came through carrying two bags full of groceries, obviously carrying on her conversation with his brother as they came through the door. She looked good, maybe a bit older, but still as he remembered her. Her spines were filled with beads that jangled with every movement. Her hair was a bit faded, but it was still long and braided.
"I don't want you bothering someone else with my problems! You have your shows you have to go to and I get that. I'll manage if something falls apart here."
"Krysta...you had a hole in the roof that nearly ate through the entire house! You could have called a handyman or a carpenter or someone to fix it." James said sternly, carrying a few more bags and setting them on the counter near the door. "I have already got someone lined up to help you take care of the place if you'd stop being so damn stub--"
He suddenly spotted who was in the house.
"I'm not being stubborn! I just don't want people in my business," Krysta said dismissively. Then she noticed James was staring at something. She followed his gaze and after a moment of recognition.
"HARRY!" She shouted, running up to him.
Harry quickly stood up as she slammed into him, embracing him tightly, the beads in her spines jangling loudly.
"It's been forever!" She held him out at arm's length. "When did you get here? How long can you stay? Oh, it's so good to see you again!"
"It's good to see you too Krysta. I'll be here for a week or so. Mind if I crash here?" Harry said, returning the hug.
"Of course! Of course! We don't have a room, but you can use the hide-a-bed in the living room." She said excitedly. "Have you eaten yet? We just got back getting food for dinner."
"No, I haven't, but I'd be glad to join you."
"Good, it's not like you had a choice. Why don't you and your brother get reacquainted? I'll go get your bed ready." She said, quickly heading for the living room.
"Dear, could you go help her? I'd like a moment alone with Harry please," James said.
"Of course," Diane said, getting up and heading to the living room.
"So, the galant Commander has descended from on high to mingle with us commoners...for once." James glared at Harry.
"And the starving artist seems to be eating a bit too well," Harry quipped, observing that James--who was a bit taller and stockier than him--seemed to have put on a bit of weight.
"Well you tend to do that when you get credits for extra luxuries and you are on the road a lot," James replied.
"So I've heard," Harry replied evenly. "Good to see you've let it go to your belly and not your head."
"This is my home, Harry. Unlike you, I never felt a need to leave it." James said, walking over to the cooler to grab one of his beers and open it. "The peace and quiet help me with my sculptures. I've been all over this planet a few times now, seen most of the sights, met a lot of people who've offered me places that are palaces compared to here, but I'm none happier than when I'm here."
"I'm glad you are doing well," Harry said sincerely.
"Thanks," James said, seeming confused that Harry wasn't trying to provoke him, "so why are you here out of the blue?"
"Got caught up in something I didn't want to be in and I'm probably going to be lynched for it," Harry replied, taking a drink of his own beer. "Although, I'm not really the one at fault. I promised Krysta I would come by if I was in the area, so here I am."
"I suppose I won't have any say in it," James sighed. "The living room couch had better do. I'm not giving up my den just because it used to be your room."
"I don't really care. It's bigger than most places I've stayed," Harry chuckled. "That living room is bigger than my quarters on my ship."
"If you have time, could you go through your stuff? Krysta won't let me throw it out and it's been sitting in the barn loft for a decade. It would be nice if you could do that," James said. "I got a project going on up there and I need the space."
"I'll try," Harry replied, "I'll be here in the afternoons and evenings, so I'll make time. Do you have a connection to the world net here?"
"We do. It was hell getting Krysta to agree to it, until she found out about all the media that can be watched and books she can get access to. You got some work to do?"
"Yeah, not much though, just things I need to sign off on from my crew."
"There's no password, just sign on. There's no one else out here," James shrugged. "If you are crashing in the living room, you'd better get used to the girls watching their shows in the evening. I usually turn in early."
"Still?" Harry said.
"I still get up early," James said, shrugging.
"Ok...well, if you can get me up too, I would appreciate it," Harry said.
"What would you two like for supper?" Krysta asked, suddenly appearing in the kitchen again. "I can make anything."
"What about your Gulat grub fajitas?" Harry smiled over his shoulder at her. "I'll help."
"That's a first," James noted under his breath.
"Hey, there's a lot about me that's changed! I think you'll be surprised," Harry said, standing up. "Where're the peppers and the knives? I'll start cutting."
"Oh thank you!" Krysta said. "You don't have to."
"I insist, plus I am getting hungry," Harry said, going to the sink and washing his hands. "The food isn't going to make itself."
* * *
The next day, Harry was seated in the round, high ceilinged room of the Inquiry Board as three judges walked into the room. He and Captain Styles stood at attention as they entered. One judge was a Cabarran male, the other an Avian female, and the last was an Altarian male. All from the admiralty walked in and took a seat. Harry didn't recognise any of them. Only their names: Kelb, Conroy and Egorov. This part was just the opening formalities, but it still made Harry tense. He was watching everything he did, trying to remain the picture of calm.
The one in the center, Admiral Conroy, announced that they could be seated.
"Commander Harry Martinez, Commanding Officer of the U.S.S. Raptor, do you understand the reasons you have been called to this inquiry?"
"I do sir," Harry replied.
"Due to the disastrous events of the Epsilon Three tests, resulting in the destruction or disabling of several starships, causing the deaths of hundreds of personnel. I hope you understand the seriousness of the potential charges you now face, Commander."
"I do," Harry said.
"Very well. You may be seated." Admiral Conroy said cooly, resting her hands on the bench and interlacing her feathered talons. "Lets begin with the initial questions, shall we? First, in your own words, please explain what happened."
Harry took a slow, deep breath, and nodded.
Here we go, he thought to himself.
Several grueling hours later, Harry and Stiles were leaving the chamber. Harry was burned out. After laying bare every detail he could recall of the events, he was reamed by every single member of the Inquiry. He knew they were doing their jobs, per say, and that they needed to be sure that every detail was accurate, but it still left him feeling like warmed over gelatin on the verge of collapsing.
"You did fine, Harry," Stiles reassured him, slapping him on the back. "You answered every question quickly and consistently."
"I feel like I got put through the wringer," Harry said, unbuttoning his dress tunic, trying to catch his breath.
"Naw, they break out the needles and hot pokers tomorrow," Stiles chuckled.
Harry looked at him, horrified.
"Just being honest with you," Stiles said with a shrug. "Look, just stick to the facts and don't slip up. They are looking for inconsistency tomorrow when compared to what you said today. Go get a drink, relax, and get a good night's rest."
Harry nodded. A small drink and some food would be good before he headed home. He couldn't imbibe too much since he had to pilot a monocycle home. He didn't need to be showing up to the inquiry looking with a wicked case of road rash.
"Same time tomorrow?" Harry asked.
Stiles nodded. "You got it," he smiled. "Have a good night Harry, are you heading home?"
Harry nodded.
"How is the family?"
"They are good. My brother seems a little annoyed I'm around, but that's not unexpected." Harry replied.
Stiles nodded. "Well enjoy your time while you are here, if we clear this it's right back to work."
Harry nodded and Stiles went on his way. Harry headed for the officer's lounge and made his way straight to the bar. A Taurid--a bovine like race--was running the bar. Harry ordered a drink, sat, and nursed it for a while, deep in thought.
"Wow, the nerve of some people! I've been here the whole time and you can't even say hi?" He heard a familiar voice behind him and smiled.
"Nora...Nora Kinsach," he said, spinning to see the blonde Cabarran female behind him. "What are you doing here?"
"I'm on shore leave. We just got back from the outer reaches," she said, folding her arms in front of her. "I saw you when you came in. I thought you'd come over, you looked right at me, but you just stormed right to the bar."
"Sorry...I haven't had the greatest of days. Come here!" He said, walking up to her and they embraced each other. "It's good to see you again. It's been a long time."
"Likewise. How have you been Harry?" Nora asked, smiling.
"Well, pretty good...until recently."
"I heard you finally got a command."
"I did."
"Great!" Nora said. "What class?"
"It's a new one: Predator. Only one so far," Harry said.
"How big?"
"It's fairly small."
"Hey, nothing wrong about that! I love the Intrepid for that reason," she smiled. "It's homey, with just enough room that you can have a little privacy. Why don't you join me out on the patio instead of here, looking gloomy?"
"Sure," Harry said, following her out onto the patio, which was a bit less crowded, where they sat in the shade of a patio table.
"So, what brings you here?" Nora asked.
Harry took a bigger drink and then sighed. "I am in deep shit."
Nora laughed. "Again? How so?"
"Well, you've been gone, but you should have heard about the disastrous war games a week ago," Harry said
Nora's amusement suddenly collapsed. "You...were involved in that?"
"It was my ship that was responsible for it," Harry said.
"Ohhh," Nora cringed. "That was you?"
Harry nodded.
"What happened?"
"The computer they installed went haywire and decided to take things a bit too far," Harry explained, "that's about the most I can say on the matter. I'm currently in an inquiry about it."
"Damn! Sorry to hear that," Nora said, "must have been terrible."
"You have no idea."
"That puts a damper on things."
"Anyways, where're you staying?" Nora asked.
"At my family's place. You?"
"I got a room over at the beach for the week, been getting a lot of surf and sand," Nora said. "Tell you what? We could catch up! Mind if I tag along?"
"Well, we don't have a lot of room. I'd have to bring you back," Harry said.
"I remember you said the place had a porch in the back. I haven't changed much. I'll sleep out there. You know I don't care. Besides, I could use the changeup! We have some catching up to do."
"Yeah we do," Harry said, finishing his drink. "Meet me at Transporter Pad K6 in about 30 minutes? I'd be glad to have you along."
"Sure," Nora said, smiling and getting up. "I'll see you there."
After 30 minutes, Harry had changed out of his dress uniform and packed it away in his duffle. He was back in his casual clothes. He was waiting by the transporter terminal when he heard Nora's whistle and saw her waving at him as she approached at a jog, dressed in a blouse and jeans.
"Told you I'd make it!"
"That you did."
Nora smiled slyly. "So, want to hit up a few bars in your home town and give the locals what for? Like the good ol' days?"
Harry grinned. "As fun as that sounds, I am in deep enough as it is. I don't need to make the hole deeper."
"Phooey! I could use a good dust-up. My first officer won't let me off the ship half the damn time." She chuckled. "What about yours?"
"What do you think?" Harry asked, smirking.
"Ha! Well, either your guy wants you out of the way or he likes to play it safe."
"Maybe a little of both," Harry shrugged. "I don't mind going on away missions, plus he knows the ship better than I do. Hell, he was part of the team that built it."
"Well, I have all evening to hear it," Nora smiled. "Let's get going, the sun isn't getting any higher in the sky."
"Right," Harry said, entering the destination into the controls and the number of people in transit. "Let's go."
In a matter of moments, they were over in Ketha province. They gained an hour in time. Harry got the monocycle out of the parking area and brought it to the pad.
"Oooh! Nice ride," Nora said, impressed. "How much did that cost?"
"You don't want to know," Harry said, activating it and then trying to get the rumble seat to extend. "I hope you remember how to stay on one of these."
Nora laughed. "Don't insult me, Harry!"
"Hey, it took me a bit to get used to riding one again," Harry chuckled. "It came back eventually." He slung his duffle over his back and climbed into the seat. "Been a while since we did this."
Nora smiled. "Yeah, it sure has," she said, climbing onto the seat behind him and wrapping her arms around his midriff.
Harry gunned the throttle and they sped down the road. After a short ride, they pulled into the drive at Harry's family home. Harry saw his aunt sitting on the porch and she came out to greet them.
"Who's your friend?" She asked.
"This is Nora, we're old friends from way back," Harry said, "she wanted to spend some time with me while I'm here."
"I don't mind having guests, but we are a bit full up at the moment," Krysta said apologetically. "I'm Krysta-Zen, Harry's aunt. You are?"
"Nora Kinsach," Nora said, introducing herself. "It's ok, I was wanting to bunk under the stars on the porch, if you don't mind." Nora said smiling.
"No, of course not," Krysta smiled back. "We might have to get a couple of extra things at the market. James hasn't got back yet, I wasn't expecting more guests, but any friend of Harry's is welcome."
"Where's he gone off too now?" Harry asked.
"He teaches an art class at the community center in town once a week," Krysta replied.
"He took the hovercar instead of walking?"
Krysta shrugged.
Harry shook his head. "You know, I could use a walk. It's only a few kilometers. How much do you need?"
"Just a few things," Krysta said, "I'll get the list."
"You know, if you'd got a replicator you could cut down the number of trips you guys make every month," Harry said patiently.
"I won't have that infernal contraption in my house! Besides, James said the generator wouldn't be able to handle it," she hollered back from inside the house.
"You could always get a better generator," Harry called back, "it's not like you can't get one! It's a basic need. All you have to do is--"
"Harry, if it works, I am not going to replace it," Krysta said, scoldingly exiting the house and handing him a handwritten list of ingredients and a small canvas carry bag. "We had this argument years ago and I am still not going to change."
"I'm not arguing, I am just saying it's a basic necessity. You can request it, no problem, is all," Harry said smiling.
"Go," Krysta commanded, rolling her eyes and shoving the list and bag handles in his hand before gently slapping his cheek. "If you are going to hoof it, you better get going. Now shoo!"
"All right, we'll be back in an hour or so," Harry said, turning and walking back up the drive.
"Oh, I like her," Nora snickered, following him and giving him a friendly slug in the arm. "I wish you'd introduced us back when we were in the Academy."
"I didn't bring you because I didn't want to get into a fistfight with James," Harry said.
"I suppose that's settled down over the years?" Nora asked, falling in step with him.
Harry shrugged. "Maybe. That remains to be seen."
They walked for a bit before Nora spoke up again. "So, I can tell it's bugging you. Maybe let me in a little bit on what's eating you?"
Harry didn't say anything, but frowned. "I've been grilled enough today, if you don't mind. I just want to relax before I go through it again tomorrow."
"Aw come on! You know if you don't vent of a little of it you're just going to be pissy the rest of the night. Come on! We're best friends. You can tell me."
Harry sighed. "Fine, but this stays between us."
"My lips are sealed."
"I had a bad feeling about it from the beginning," Harry started, "the Raptor is...dangerous. It's bleeding-edge technology, built on top whatever else could be thrown into it. It's unstable, unpredictable, and way more dangerous than it needs to be. You should see her in action Nora. At full force, she just rips vessels in half...no matter what they are made of. That...machine...is under my command. It's astonishing. It's impossible. I hate it. It's evil. Yet I find myself in awe of it." Harry sighed and kicked a rock off the road.
"That's quite the ship." Nora said quietly.
"Oh if you only knew." Harry growled. "Now suddenly, here comes Fleet Command saying, 'Hey! Let's put an untested battle computer in it and see what happens!' Well...they sure found out, didn't they?"
Nora shrugged her shoulders, she was trying to keep the conversation from going hyperbolic and just letting him vent his feelings.
"My Engineer, Fara, was bold enough to speak out against it," Harry continued. "It was like somehow, deep down, she knew it was going to go wrong. She just couldn't voice it properly other than borderline insubordination."
"What about you?" asked Nora.
"Me? Despite my reservations, which I had made known, I was trying to keep an open mind about it," Harry growled.
"Sounds like you were between a rock and a hard place," Nora surmised.
"In a sense. I mean, it was Admiral Leyton's project. What was I going to say? No? I voiced my concerns and they were ignored. I logged it...not much else I could do at that point."
Nora nodded. "I can see why you are upset."
Harry snorted. "Upset barely scratches the surface of how I feel. Especially now, in the aftermath."
They walked for a bit until Harry got his thoughts back in order.
"The worst part is," he said, "when that computer went berserk, it killed people I knew aboard the Aether. I'd pulled a brief stint on it while my ship was in the lurch. They were good people Nora...a lot of young officers with promising careers and lives ahead of them and they were just...snuffed out. It probably ruined a relationship I'd built with their Captain too."
"Captain De'sol?" Nora asked.
"I've met and worked a mission with her ship before...very fascinating woman," Nora said.
Harry nodded, but didn't add to it.
"Did she survive?"
"One of the few that did," Harry replied solemnly. "Let's just say we're...not on speaking terms."
"I'm sure being the target of her ire isn't pleasant at all." Nora whistled. "Sheesh Harry! You really have gotten yourself into a mess, haven't you?"
Harry nodded. "Look...that's enough for now." He smiled wanly. "Can we talk about something else? It's been all over the Fednet Broadcasts and the Network for the last week, if you really want to know, you can look into it."
"Oh, I will. Is there anything I can do to help you?" She asked. "You know I got your back."
"Captain Stiles is planetside and is attending the Inquiry with me," Harry said. "There's not much else that can be done at this point."
Nora nodded.
"So, what was the Outer Reach like?" Harry finally asked.
"We studied a few stars, quite a few subspace anomalies, and discovered a few new civilizations," Nora listed quickly, "and it was a blast overall. We brought back a lot of data for Fleet HQ to look over."
"That's great," Harry smiled, "then what are they having you do after that?"
"Well, just back to normal patrols for a while. The Intrepid is in for a refit, so we're all on shore leave right now. Once she's fit again, it's back to the normal grind until they send us back out into the frontier again." Nora said smiling. "So, you know, normal stuff. What have you been up to other than, well...."
"Mainly border patrol. We've been getting more exploration missions lately," Harry replied, "but, mostly it's chasing Urtheans and other riff raff. Occasionally, they send us off to fetch something from abandoned outposts in the middle of nowhere."
"Do you like it?"
Harry shrugged. "I like the people I work with. They're good people...for the most part. A motley lot, but they make one hell of a team."
"Well that's good. So, you like your crew, just not the assignment?"
"I've learned to accept it," Harry replied with a slight sigh. "I had a chance to get out...and...I didn't take it. Maybe it was for the best...considering how things played out."
Nora nodded. "Not everyone gets a dream assignment. It's a crapshoot on what you'll end up with."
"Honestly I was surprised I ended up with it. I was on the Neosho and we were heading home several months ago when I got it," Harry said.
"Look Harry, I know you," Nora said, "and I'm sure you did everything you could. Just grit your teeth and get through this. If you didn't do anything wrong you'll be just fine. We all go through this at some point in our career."
"What'd you do?"
"Ugh! Let's just say it was a first contact mess that one of my crew members caused," Nora sighed. "I try not to dwell on it. It's over and behind me."
Harry smiled, feeling a bit lighter. "Well, that gives me some hope."
Nora slapped him on the back. "You'll do just fine! As long as you kept our head and did all you could, you got nothing to worry about. They just like to rattle your cage and make it all scary just to see if you'll slip up and are not being truthful with them." Nora chuckled. "Besides, if you remember, you are the big hero who saved everyone's asses a while back. They can't just publicly crucify you."
"I'm not a hero," Harry said flatly. "I pulled something out of my ass and got lucky. I was just doing my duty."
"I always loved that about you Harry. You never let things like that go to your head. Well, it may not mean a lot to you, but it does to everyone else." Nora smiled. "I think you forget that sometimes."
Harry grunted and noticed that they were starting to pass a few houses near the settlement. "Well, that didn't take long."
"So, is this where you went to school when you were little?"
"Yep, good ol' Nova Springs," Harry said. "Haven't been here in a long time. Maybe about five hundred live in town. You'll probably get a few looks, not too many offworlders come out this way."
"That doesn't bother me," Nora replied. "Thanks for the heads up though."
They were soon in the middle of town and located the store. It didn't take too long for Harry to round up the few items and they were back on their way. Nora bought a case of beer and pulled out one for her and Harry on the way back.
They talked about various things and reminisced about their times together at the Academy, which made the time pass quickly. When they got back to the homestead, Harry saw that James' hovercar was in the drive. Harry figured he must have left town before they had and beat them home. He'd also had a few beers on the way back and was definitely feeling it too, much to Nora's amusement.
Harry offered to help prepare supper, but Krysta insisted she do it. So he and Nora sat on the porch and drank a few more beers.
"Sheesh Harry! That's your sixth one! You might want to slow down," Nora chuckled.
"It's just beer. I haven't hit my limit yet," Harry said. "Besides, it's helping my mood."
"Showing up tomorrow hung over won't help your case," Nora noted, polishing off another of her own and fishing out another beer from the case. "I, on the other hand, don't have that problem."
"Who's your friend, Harry?" He heard James ask behind him. Harry turned and saw his brother, wearing shorts and a ratty t-shirt, drying off his hair. He must have gotten out of the shower.
"This is Nora Kensach. She's an old friend of mine from the Academy," Harry explained, "we're catching up on old times. Nora, this is my brother James."
"A pleasure." James said, nodding.
"Likewise. Care for a beer? They are still pretty cold." Nora offered.
"Sure, thanks," James said. She tossed him one and he caught it.
Nora nodded. "So, you're the infamous James Martinez. Thought you'd be a bit taller."
"Infamous?" James snorted at Harry.
Harry only shrugged.
James laughed. "The only thing I'm infamous for is trying to corral the hooligan he used to be when he was younger," he said, taking a drink. "I think he forgets what a punk he used to be."
"I haven't forgotten anything," Harry said, also taking a drink.
James scoffed and leaned on the railing on the porch. "Neither have I. You know how long it took me to fish the hovercar out of the damn canyon you dumped it in?"
"No, but I am sure you're going to tell me," Harry said, rolling his eyes.
"Asshole," James grumbled around another swig. "Three months, because you just had to do it right before the rainy season! I was lucky the wreck got hung up on a rock and didn't wash out to the ocean."
"Well, I'm sure fixing it back up wasn't beyond your more than capable talents," Harry replied.
James grinned. "I am not sure if you are trying to piss me off or pay me a compliment."
Harry merely shrugged with his best poker face. Nora couldn't help but stifle a laugh.
"I bet you two used to have some impressive spats when you were younger," she commented idly.
James grinned. "Yeah, the little punk always thought he could take me. We probably broke this banister a dozen times falling through it."
"Ah! Well, you should have seen him in the Academy," Nora chuckled.
"Nora..." Harry said tersely.
"Oh lighten up! We're just visiting Harry," she chuckled.
"So?" James prompted, "are you in the Fleet as well?"
Nora nodded. "Yeah. A Captain to boot too."
"You're a..." James snapped his fingers as he tried to recall, "Cabarran! Right?"
Nora nodded. "Last time I checked."
"I had someone from there buy a few of my pieces last fall. Very friendly fellow, took my wife and I out to dinner as well. I would like to see the place someday. He sure talked it up a lot," James said with a wistful tone.
"It's a bit too wet for my liking, but it's home." Nora shrugged. "Now, here? I could get used to this prairie in every direction, rolling hills, blue skies and ocean not too far away, lots and lots of land? You grow up on Cabarra, you get your island and everyone you have to share it with. Most of the planet is an ocean."
"Before I forget, Harry? What is your schedule tomorrow?" James asked.
"Get grilled from 0900 to 1200. Then come here and probably do this again. Why?" Harry grumbled.
"The irrigation pump is on the fritz and I could use a hand fixing it. I can do it on my own, but if you don't mind getting your hands dirty, we can get it done quicker."
"I thought the well wasn't worth using," Harry asked, a little bemused.
"By us? Hell no. But, Krysta's sun fruits like the extra water and it broke down the day before you showed up." James explained. "If you help, I'll take you to and from the telepad. Deal?"
"Sure," Harry said. "I don't mind helping, I just need to check and see what Nora wants to do."
"Let me use the monocycle and let me worry about me, Harry," she grinned. "I'll be just fine."
"Thanks. It was nice to not have to pull your spines...for once," James smirked.
"May as well pull my weight if I can. You are letting me stay here after all," Harry said, shrugging.
"Krysta is letting you stay here," James corrected, "if it was my house, you'd be out in the barn. On that subject, where are you going to crash Nora? we are a bit full up at the moment."
"Actually, out here on my bedroll. And, no, I don't mind," Nora added quickly when James opened his mouth. "I'm on vacation and looking forward to sleeping under the stars."
"You sure?" James asked with a slight frown.
"Ok, have it your way," James shrugged. "How long are you planning on staying?"
"As long as he needs me, I suppose," Nora smirked at Harry. "However, you two should do your little project tomorrow. I'll get some riding in and swing by for supper, if you don't mind?"
James shook his head. "It's only a problem if Krysta says it is."
"James?" Diane called as she came outside. "Could you help me with the dishes?"
"Yeah, I'll be right in." James replied. "Duty calls. I'll holler when supper is ready."
Harry nodded and he noticed Nora had got up. She was walking out into the yard. He followed her.
"This is a nice place, Harry," Nora said as she looked around. "I could probably retire to a place like this and be happy, you know?"
Harry shrugged. "I mean, I guess if you like rural...boredom."
Nora just laughed at him. "Yeah, I do! I'm not ready for it quite yet though, just saying it would be nice is all."
"I don't think I could handle it...I never could. Great place to grow up though," Harry admitted, taking a drink. "Just don't want to end up stuck here."
"What are your plans for the future?"
"You know? I mean, seriously, you don't have any other goals, like having a family? You just want to stick to your career?"
"Never really thought about it," Harry muttered, "I like what I do. What else could I ask for?"
"I suppose I shouldn't be too surprised." Nora chuckled.
Harry smirked. "You shouldn't be. You know me better than most."
"Yeah, I do," Nora smiled. "I'm glad I ran into you today Harry. It's been way too long since we've seen each other. I really have missed you."
"I missed you too, Nora," he smiled. "It's hard getting together with old friends when you have a ship to captain."
"That it is," Nora nodded.
"Suppers on!" James called from the doorway.
"I hope you like echidna cuisine," Harry said almost apologetically.
* * *
The Next Morning
Harry sat rigid in his seat as he watched the internal video logs of the events play out on the screen. His worst moment was there for all to see when he nearly throttled Doctor Sarne after the computer killed one of his men. He had to admit, even under the circumstances, he could have handled it better. Watching the life of one of his crew be so casually snuffed out by that machine, however, nearly pushed him over the edge.
"Commander Martinez," Admiral Conroy said coolly as the lights came on, "what exactly were your motivations for activating the Raptor's self destruct protocol?"
He stood up as he was being addressed.
"At the time, we could not get the Epsilon Three to respond to any commands from the bridge or engineering. It had taken complete control of the ship after it had attacked the other vessels in the skirmish," Harry answered matter of factly. "Not wanting to endanger any further lives, I decided that the destruction of the Raptor was preferable to continued loss of life."
"Commander," Admiral Kelb spoke up, "are you aware that the records from your vessel during this incident are insufficient due to the data files being corrupted and nonrecoverable?"
"I was not aware of this," Harry admitted, deeply troubled by this news.
"A substantial amount of data was missing from the Raptor's flight recorder and it appears to have been deliberately scrubbed. Can you explain this?"
"No, I can't. I wouldn't condone such an action," Harry replied.
"Then do you understand, Commander, why we find your reason to destroy the Raptor a bit suspicious?" Admiral Egorov spoke up with his heavily accented Altarian voice. "What was it you are trying to hide?"
"I am not hiding anything, sirs," Harry said, feeling a bit annoyed at this accusation. "My reasons are as I stated. I would rather have given the lives of myself and my crew if it meant stopping that...monstrosity that Doctor Sarne created from doing further damage."
"Then who would have scrubbed the records, Commander?" Conroy asked patiently.
"The Epsilon Three is the most likely culprit," said Harry. "It stated repeatedly that its intent was to see itself pass the test by any means necessary."
"You are blaming the computer itself?" Conroy asked, seeming a little startled.
"It was a near-sentient artificial intelligence, acting under its own motivations to preserve itself," Harry said, sticking to its guns. "It made its own intentions very clear to me and others in multiple instances."
"Commander, forgive us, but it feels like you are trying to shift the blame here," Kleb said, leaning back in his chair and steepling his fingers.
"Dr. Sarne stated that the Epsilon Three was capable of making its own decisions and that it could operate a ship better than any crew. He stated that ships wouldn't need people on them risking their lives with his system." Harry took a breath before continuing. "I shudder to think what might have happened if the test had been successful. Additionally, and with all due respect, if you are so convinced I am responsible for this incident, why did I disengage the self-destruct if I was so committed to covering up my trail?"
"That's enough, Commander," Conroy said firmly. "Admiral Kleb was simply stating that, from the outside, the situation and events appear suspicious."
"If I may, sirs," Stiles spoke up.
"You may, Captain." Conroy allowed.
"Commander Martinez has never demonstrated anything but the utmost integrity during my dealings with him. His prior commanding officers have nothing but glowing praise for him," Stiles said. "If he says he had nothing to do with the doctored records, then he stands by that. Also, I will add that there was hardly any time during which the Commander could have altered the logs himself and his crew's actions are well documented, traced through every moment of this incident. The only way those logs could have been wiped would have been from the Epsilon Three."
"Your vote of confidence is appreciated, Captain, but I'm sure you understand how this looks as well," Conroy responded coolly.
"If he knew about it, he would have reported it to me. If anything has been remotely out of order on that ship, he has reported it, regardless of scale, from something as major as the warp coils needing alignment down to something as minor as a corner of the carpet coming up on one of the crew decks. If he knows about it, I know about it. If you want proof of this, I have every log entry and record he has ever turned into me."
Harry gave Stiles a grateful glance as Conroy drummed her taloned fingers. She looked over at Kelb and Egorov, who nodded. Apparently, there was something discussed that Harry was not privy to.
"Very well. We will have our Data Technicians re-examine the records, as well as the core on your own vessel. If we find any evidence that you were responsible for the tampering, you will be facing criminal charges."
"I have nothing to hide," Harry stated firmly.
"For your sake, we hope so," Conroy said ominously. "This session will be convening early today while we reassess our findings. We will reconvene tomorrow at the same time. You are free to go for today."
The three Admirals stood up and headed out a door in the back of the room.
Stiles looked a bit exasperated, but merely shrugged. "Well, that was unexpected."
"Yeah, tell me about it," Harry said, flustered.
"Hey, let it go. If you didn't do it, you didn't do it," Stiles said. "I believe you. I'm pretty sure that faith isn't misplaced."
"Thanks," said Harry.
Stiles gathered up his things and put them in their satchel. "We'll hit it hard tomorrow."
* * *
Harry spent the ride home scowling at nothing in particular as he sat in the passenger seat of James' hovercar.
"I've got to swing by my shop in Nova Springs and get some tools we'll need," James said.
Harry grunted, staring off into the horizon at nothing in particular.
"So...I take it your thing went well today then?"
Harry grunted again and rubbed his forehead.
James sighed. "All right, we're still going to make the stop."
Harry grunted and James rolled his eyes.
The hovercar pulled into town and up to what looked like an old mechanics shop that had been retrofitted to be some sort of gallery, lit up with neon lighting. It was enough to make Harry look up from his funk as he heard James get out of the vehicle.
"Are you coming or not?" James asked as he fished for his keys.
Harry, his curiosity slightly peaked, got out of the car and followed. James entered the building and turned on the lights. Inside were several sculptures made out of metal and other junk. Although Harry hated to admit it, they were way better than he remembered them being.
"What do you think?" James asked, beaming.
Harry looked one of them over and spotted another he swore he had seen in a shop on Starbase 186. "I see you took my advice and started resin coating them so they'd last longer."
"Yeah, I did...you were right," James said. "Do you want a fuckin' medal?"
"More like an apology. You beaned me with a spanner when I suggested it," Harry reminded him, pointing to his brow, "I still have the scar."
"Fine, I am sorry. You were right. Drop it already," James rolled his eyes, flustered.
Harry just nodded and followed him inside.
"You know, that's what always pissed me off about you little brother. You always have to be right. I'm sure that hasn't changed, has it?"
"It comes with being a starship Captain. You have to be on top of your game."
"If that's true then why are you in trouble?" James asked. "Don't worry, the girls filled me in."
"I didn't do anything wrong, it's just...bad things went down on my watch and they are looking for a scapegoat," Harry said darkly.
"Well, I heard a bit of what happened," James admitted, going to his tool bench and grabbing a box and some tools. "Close to a thousand casualties is pretty bad. Got to be pretty rough for mister big hero. You make it sound like you broke a few eggs."
Harry tensed as he felt a flash of anger rise inside him. "I lost people I knew!" He snapped. "Can you for once stop trying to piss me off?"
James stopped, eyes fixed on the tools in his hands. "Sorry bro," he said but the words were hollow, "just trying to talk is all."
"Do you have your tools? Let's get this over with," Harry growled before storming out.
Harry left the shop and got back into the hovercar, slamming the door. James carefully placed the toolbox in the back seat and got in the driver's side. He glared at Harry as he resumed his scowling into the distance. They were soon on the way back home. James took the car off the drive aways to where the pump sat on top of the hill. The two brothers didn't say a word as James went about removing the outer casings to get to the pump.
Harry finally broke the silence. "I can't believe you are still using this relic."
"It works," James grunted as he started checking the pump, "and usually it's easy to fix."
"Are you sure a rat didn't chew through the power cable?" Harry asked.
James pointed to what looked like a metal pipe with a removable sheath that housed the power cable. "Ran a line and sunk it five years ago," he beamed, his chest puffing out a little. "No more fried rats and getting new extension cables."
"Ah," Harry said nodding approvingly, "so what do you think it is?"
"It's not the motor. I checked that yesterday. There's just no pressure," James said.
"Mind if I take a look?"
James shrugged and stepped back.
Harry grabbed a spanner and quickly disconnected the intake hose. "Ah ha!" He said, taking his finger and reaching into the front of the pump and pulling out some decaying matter. "Looks like it sucked some junk out of the well."
"Shit! That means the screen is shot," James growled. "You work on getting that junk out and I'll pull the hose up."
Harry nodded as he set to work. The task at hand helped keep his dark thoughts at bay. He worked quickly, reminiscing on how much he missed being an engineer and getting his hands dirty. As James grunted, reeling in the intake line up, he got the pump housing off and removed the impeller to get every last bit of junk out of it.
"Damn it! It's rusted through," James grumbled, "going to need to replace it. I have wire mesh in the barn."
"What about that coating?" Harry asked. "If it is covered it won't rust"
James snapped his finger and nodded. "You know what? I may have some ready for a sculpture and I am getting sick of fixing this damn thing."
"No time like the present." Harry grinned. "Everything looks good on the pump," he added, checking the gasket and finding it in good condition. He started putting the impeller back on with the assembly.
James unhooked the filter and dropped the hose to the ground. "I'll be back in a few," he said before hoofing it back towards the house with the intake.
Harry got the pump back together, then removed the cover of the well, grabbed a small torch from the toolbox and peered down into it. He could see the gravel bottom through the clear water. He reasoned it must have been a windy day the last time James messed with the pump and some debris got blown down into it. He looked around the well, seeing that the grass had been mowed. He shook his head in wonderment of his brother's carelessness. Some things never changed. At least with him being here he could offset some of his brother's lack of foresight and keep things running. He wondered what else was breaking down around the farm.
He put the cover back on the well and went to the hovercar, opened the driver's side door, and sat on the seat to wait for his brother to get back. However, as he sat, his dark mood came crawling back. Worse yet, it was being accompanied by a very vivid memory.
"Captain, the Epsilon Three has just acknowledged Admiral Leyton's fleet call to begin the test engagement."
"Tell them to veer off! Warn them off if you can!"
Terri worked her buttons quickly and didn't respond. Harry got out of his chair and went back to assist. "What's the problem Ms. Lu? Tell them to veer off!"
"I'm trying, sir!" Terri snapped. "No response...I'm totally locked out!"
The sound of the ablative armor engaging resounded through the hull and the red alert sounded.
"Captain, we have gone to Attack Mode!" Jakar announced. "All weapons are going hot!"
"Those ships won't have a chance!" Harry snapped.
Harry rubbed his eyes and groaned. He was going on a trip down memory lane whether he wanted to or not. All he could do was watch as his ship closed in on the Aether. He screamed at Sarne to do something to stop his berserk creation. The next thing remembered was seeing the volley of fully armed torpedoes screaming towards the Aether.
He could do nothing. All he could do was think of Jayna. In the blink of an eye the Aether was shot full of holes and so many lives were snuffed out because of his monster, the Raptor. The images came strong and powerful and overwhelmed him and he started to sob.
James had completed the repair and was making his way back to the hovercar when he saw Harry sitting in the car's passenger seat, door open, with his head in his hands.
Not sure what was going on, he hollered. "Hey! I got it! Let's get this thing going."
Harry looked up at him with a strained expression, tears in his eyes. However, Harry quickly forced down whatever he was feeling and pulled his expression into a scowl, wiping at his eyes. Something didn't seem right.
"You okay Harry?"
"I'm fine! Since when do you fucking care anyway?" Harry snapped. "Let's just get this over with."
James glared at him, quickly put the filter on the hose, lowering it into the well before starting the pump. After a few moments water started to flow down the trench to the garden.
"I am so glad you came back just to be a total prick," James said.
"Shut your damn mouth Jimmy!" Harry growled, clenching his fists.
"I know things between us have been...well...terrible. But, I thought maybe we could move past it. Yet, here we are," James growled.
"I told you to shut up!" Harry roared, trembling, tensing like he was going to lunge.
James knew what was coming, so he started to roll up his sleeves. "Or what? You gonna hit me? Is that going to make you feel better? Let's go you little piece of shit! Your ass whooping is loooooong overdue!"
Harry screamed and rushed in, catching James in the midsection. They went careening down the hill and into the water channel, tumbling end over end. They were exchanging blows while getting pummeled by the stone laden sluice until they ground to a stop in the mud. Both struggled to get to their feet in the slurry.
"Don't you even start to act like you give a damn about me!" Harry barked as he staggered around, trying to get the mud out of his eyes. "My whole life, all you ever did was treat me like garbage!"
"It's not like you gave me much reason not to," James growled, flicking mud from his face. "Always disrespecting me, carrying on however you felt like, causing Krysta nothing but grief!"
Harry let out another cry and charged, swinging for Jame's jaw but catching his forearm instead. James staggered, but reset his footing and brought his knee up hard into Harry's ribs, throwing him to the side.
"Son of a bitch! That actually hurt, you ass!" James said, flailing his wrist, which had already started to swell.
"Stop running your mouth and fight Jimmy boy!" Harry gasped, putting his fists up.
James stepped forward and Harry lunged at him again, but this time James was ready. Harry's punch hit only air and he slipped in the mud. James cracked him on the side head and he crumpled. Before Harry could get up, James wrenched him up by his shirt and decked him across the snout, yelping when he realized he'd used his injured hand. Harry staggered backward, tripped, and fell on his backside as James caught his foot on a rock and landed face first in the mud.
James sat up, cradling his injured hand and they both started to laugh. This all felt so stupid they couldn't help but laugh. All those years he'd wanted to get payback for Harry wrecking his car and now here they were, two grown echidnas, making fools of themselves.
"We're getting too old for this shit," James laughed between hisses of pain, cradling his swollen wrist and what appeared to be a broken finger.
"Yeah...we really are," Harry agreed, wincing at the large cut in the side of his face and the ache in his side. "I'm sorry...for everything. It was just...after mom died...."
"I know Harry...she was my mother too," James said, snarling as he set his finger.
"You changed...." Harry said.
"We both did brother," James said. "It wasn't all bad. Don't you remember? We used to do everything together when we were kids?"
Harry blew some blood out his shout and nodded.
"When I lost my dad...it was the worst thing that ever happened to me. But when you came along, I was so happy to have a little brother," James said, his voice softening. "I miss that little guy. Who used to play space patrol with me. But...he's been gone for a long time."
"I do that enough as is," Harry sniffed, "but...I miss it too."
James smiled at Harry, then set his hand with the broken finger in the cool mud to alleviate some of the pain. "So now, since we're done trying to kill each other, what's going on?"
"They're trying to pin this all on me," Harry sulked, "I didn't do anything wrong. If anything, I did everything I could to try to stop it." Harry's voice cracked a little. "No matter what I did, nothing worked. All I could do was sit there and watch it happen." He said, starting to choke up. "I tried and I tried and nothing worked and that damn machine just kept killing and killing and there was nothing I could do to stop it!" Harry broke down into tears. "All those people....just gone...and...and...and there was nothing I could do!" He moaned, putting his head in his hands.
James let his brother sob for a few moments, giving him time to try to regain his composure.
"You never could handle losing control of a situation, could you?" James asked softly. "If you did everything you could, and it didn't work then that's that. It's better than doing nothing at all." James got to his feet, walked over, and offered his hand to his brother. "Beating yourself up over it doesn't accomplish anything."
Harry nodded, taking James' hand and getting up.
"Are we good?" James asked.
"Yeah...I don't feel like kicking your ass anymore," Harry sniffed, but he was grinning.
"You mean trying too?" James chuckled.
"Pfft! Whatever," Harry chuckled, "we're good."
"Want to start over with...everything?"
"Good. Let's get started by cleaning up."
"Might want to shut the pump off," Harry said, gesturing to the slurry surrounding them.
"Shit, your right," James sighed. "Oh man...Krysta's gonna kill us."
* * *
Krysta and Diane arrived later and they heard laughter over music blaring over a radio. They had walked to town to grab a few items for the home and Krysta's craft projects.
"I wonder what they are up to?"
"I don't hear screaming, so they aren't murdering each...other..." Krysta said, catching a whiff of damp soil on the air. Her eyes panned over to her garden that now looked like a small swamp. "My sun fruits!" She exclaimed. "They are drowning! I'll kill those idiots!" She growled, dropping her bags and storming up to the house, leaving Diane to pick them up.
Krysta only got a bit angrier when she saw the mud tracked through and around the kitchen, leading to the bathroom. She quickly followed and went to the back porch. The brothers were drunk and lounging on the porch, singing along rather badly to the radio. They were both wearing t-shirts and shorts and she spotted their discarded muddy clothes on the porch.
"JAMES! HAROLD!" She snapped. "Just what in the actual hell have you done to my house and garden!"
James burped and sat a beer bottle down on the floor. "Oh you're home...uh oh. Well...we got the pump fixed?"
"I can see that! Is that why is my garden underwater?" Krysta shrieked, trembling with rage.
"We had a little problem. See, the valve got...stuck open," Harry said, snickering.
"Yeah, that's what happened," James nodded with mock solemnity.
Krysta scowled at both of them. "And I suppose the fact both of you are covered with bruises and cuts has something to do with that?"
"Well, see...he fell...'cause there was mud right? And then I fell and then he fell again..." Harry said, lying badly, "so it just...happened?"
Krysta shook her head, still glaring holes in their souls. "Get. Both. Your. Asses. Up! Get the mud out of my kitchen, right now!"
"Alright, alright! You don't have to scream. Come on bud, you heard the boss," James chuckled.
"If we have too," Harry chuckled, wobbling as he stood up.
* * *
Harry winced as Nora ran the dermal regenerator over the cuts and abrasions on his face. "I thought you said you weren't going to dust it up with the locals?"
"I never said anything about my brother," Harry smirked.
Nora rolled her eyes and kept at her work. "You're lucky I happened to bring one of these with me!"
"I'm just glad you two worked it out," Krysta said as she went about preparing supper. "All the years of acting like jerks to each other wasn't called for."
"We worked it out," James said, shrugging. "We just had to do it our own way."
"Ha! I don't see what beating the snot out of each other accomplished! If you'd just talked like adults instead of scraping like boys," Krysta huffed and shrugged. "You two should be ashamed of yourselves. Then you make a mess of my house on top of it."
Nora shook her head. "Look, the dermal regenerator has done all it can at this point. You better have a damn good reason you look all puffy tomorrow when you go in."
"I'm not too worried about it," Harry replied, "thanks, by the way."
"We're going to run to Corday and get his finger fixed," Diane said. "Honestly how do you break your own finger throwing a punch?" She said, scolding James.
"I'm out of practice," James replied. "I'm an artist. I don't really get into too many fights anymore. Besides it's really starting to hurt. Can we go get it taken care of?"
"I should let you suffer, but I don't want to put up with your whining," Diane sighed through her smirk. "Let's go get you fixed up."
James nodded and got up. "You better leave some food for me," he said jokingly to Harry.
"Crumbs, got it," Harry replied in equally mocking fashion.
James smiled and followed Diane out of the house.
"So, I take it the hearing didn't go that well today?" Nora surmised, putting her dermal regenerator back into her kit.
"Nope, not at all," Harry said.
"Tsk tsk," Nora said, "it just keeps getting better for you doesn't it?"
"Right?" Harry chuckled.
"How bad is this thing you are wrapped up in Harry?" Krysta asked, peeling some root vegetables.
"It's pretty bad Krysta. Like I said, they are looking for someone to lynch and you are looking at him," Harry sighed.
"Sorry to hear that," Krysta said empathetically. "No wonder you got in a scrap with your brother. You got a lot on your shoulders."
"Bah! It needed to happen," Harry said dismissively. "Would you hand me some of those? You don't have to do everything yourself."
Krysta sighed and slid a peeler over to Harry along with a few of the vegetables. Harry grabbed a waste bin and started peeling them.
"I swear you like doing things the hard way," Harry said.
"I am just being a proper host is all," Krysta said stubbornly.
"You are trying to work yourself to death. I appreciate what you are doing, but you take it too far," Harry said, shaking his head as he finished peeling one of the vegetables and tossed it in a bowl.
"You aren't going to get me to change, so shush," Krysta responded.
"I can help too," Nora offered.
"I am allowing it because he's family," Krysta smiled. "You are a guest, so relax."
"Ok ok," Nora chuckled, putting her hands up defensively.
"However, if you don't mind wading out into my garden, I could use a few sun fruits," Krysta relented. "I should make Harry do it, but he apparently hasn't forgotten how to peel." She said as Harry tossed a third peeled root into the basket and grabbed a forth, smiling at her.
"Not a problem," Nora said, "I will be back in a flash."
Harry chuckled as she left.
"What's so funny?" Krysta asked.
"Just you getting a Starfleet Captain to wade out into the muck for you is amusing."
"Oh she is?" Krysta said with a hint of a smile. "I thought she was your girlfriend."
Harry flushed, the peeler slipping slightly. "She's a friend. Only a friend...a good one at that."
"Oh, that's a shame. I like her," said Krysta. "She's nice, for an offworlder. Do you have anyone you are seeing?"
"Not...steadily," Harry admitted. He really didn't want to go into the mess that was his love life, ranging from the recent disaster with Jayna to the awkward relationship with Fara and the giant question mark that was Doctor Aspen Cordell. "Can we not do this Aunty?"
"Well, are you even trying to find a mate or is your head just stuck in the clouds?"
"I...it's a mess, ok?" Harry relented, taking a large chunk of root out as he peeled a little too hard.
"Well, at least you are trying dear," Krysta smiled.
Harry groaned and shook his head, grabbing the last vegetable and starting to peel it. "So, how goes the love potion business?"
Krysta gave him a dirty look. "Harold! I do not make magic potions!"
Harry shrugged to show he was joking and she continued. "But it's going fine. Thanks for asking. I still make herbal remedies, teas," she gave him a wicked smirk, "the odd aphrodisiac. Things are going good. It keeps me busy. I wish your mother was still around. She was really good at finding the herbs. I'm lucky to stumble across something on a good day, even with the notes she left."
"What happened to the greenhouse?" Harry asked.
"Oh, it was destroyed in a hail storm before you got here. James is working on modifying the loft of the barn to make a new one." Krysta responded. "He's reusing the metal from the greenhouse to make the racks for the herbs, something about hydroponics. I'll show you what he's got done before we turn in for the night. That reminds me, you look really puffy. I'll make you something for that."
"Could you?" Harry asked.
"Of course," Krysta smiled, patting his hand.
Suddenly the family's communication console started going off.
"Wonder who that could be?" Krysta frowned. "We hardly get calls on that thing."
She walked over to the device and activated it.
"Hello?" She said, looking into the monitor. "Yes? Yes, he is. May I ask who's calling? Ok, one moment. Harry! You have a call!"
"Who is it?" He asked.
"Someone named Fara," Krysta replied, before whispering, "is this your girlfriend?"
Harry shook his head and got up, heading over to the monitor. "No! I'll get it, thank you."
Krysta smiled wistfully and went back to working on supper.
Fara started laughing once she saw his bruises and cuts. "What in the hell happened to you?"
"It's a board of inquiry. They are really working me over," Harry said sarcastically. "What's going on, Fara? I thought I told you to let Commander Rivas handle any concerns you may have."
"Well, I did, and he has, but I wanted to let you know there's some spooky Fleet security people that have been crawling all over the Raptor today. They won't let anybody aboard and they were supposed to do a patrol today," Fara explained.
"Wait, I thought you were on leave until you got to feeling better?" Harry replied.
"I am on leave." Fara groused. "That doesn't mean i'm just going to let people run roughshod all over the Raptor."
"I have enough problems without you adding to them." Harry sighed. "Just don't do anything to interfere."
"You told me that last time and saw what happened?" Fara scowled. "You know I don't like anyone messing about with my ship."
"Well, I didn't know it was my ass last time," Harry replied. "You have my blessing to give everything a thorough once over when they finish, but please, Fara, just FIND something to do and stay out of their way...please? I can not stress this enough."
Harry heard some muttering in the background over her feed and Fara looked to her left, rolling her eyes before turning back to Harry.
"How is it going?"
"It's going. I can't really discuss it," Harry replied. "Anything else?"
"No, I guess not. Nikolai is telling me I should stop bothering you," Fara smirked. "Have a good night. I hope to see you when you get back."
"I hope so too. Good night."
* * *
The Next Day
Stiles looked at Harry with amusement before they entered the inquiry room.
"Just what the hell happened to you?" He chuckled. "You look like you got stung by something."
"My brother. Everything's fine though," Harry smiled.
"Seriously?" Stiles said, raising a brow. "You picked now, of all times?"
"It was more or less going to happen eventually," Harry said. "We're good now. I am fine, by the way."
Stiles shook his head. "Thankfully they use the light from outside to light this room. If it weren't for that your bruises would really stand out." He glanced up at a wall clock. "Well, it's time. You ready to head in?"
Harry nodded. "Yeah, let's get this over with."
They passed through the doors and took their places at the counsel table. No sooner had they entered, than they heard the door open to the back of the room. They both stood at attention as the three admirals entered the room.
"You may be seated," Conroy stated and they did so. She paused, spotting that Harry looked a bit puffier than usual.
"Commander? You seem to have been injured. Is there something we need to know about?" She asked.
"No sir. Just had a spill off my monocycle yesterday," Harry said. It was as good a white lie as any. "I hit some sand and it threw me. I am fit to proceed."
"Very well. I would recommend that you exercise more caution in the future," Conroy said warningly.
"Yes sir, thank you, sir," Harry replied.
"After an exhaustive review of the evidence, including a thorough review of the flight recorders, we have found nothing that conclusively proves that Commander Martinez's actions led to the events during the testrun of the Epsilon Three computer system." Conroy adjusted her uniform before she continued. "As to why or how the data in question was destroyed: the Epsilon Three had access to all command codes and a close examination of the corrupted files leads us to believe it had the means to destroy the data. Doctor Sarne's creations have demonstrated remarkable abilities in the past. Anybody who has tried to teach a replicator to create something from scratch, or bounced an idea off a ship's computer to solve a problem, can attest to that."
Conroy paused and let that sink in.
"Therefore, Commander Martinez, this inquiry into your role in this tragedy is closed. You performed your duties to the best of your abilities and despite the catastrophic events, you prevented further loss of life. You are free to return to duty in four days."
"Yes sir. Thank you, sirs," Harry said, feeling a wave of relief wash over him.
"This Inquiry is adjourned," Conroy said, standing and leading the other two out.
The Admirals left the room and Stiles slapped him heartily on the back.
"The system works," he declared, "I told you not to worry."
Harry nodded shakily. "Let's get the hell out of here!"
Harry and Stiles walked down the streets of Logopolis. Harry had taken his dress tunic off and was carrying it over his shoulder.
"I seriously thought that was it. Poof! My whole career out the garbage shoot," Harry sighed. "You don't know how good I feel right now!"
"I can imagine," Stiles smiled, "but I still got to go back and deal with the mess though."
"Yeah, well, perks of the privilege I suppose," Harry replied.
"Well, you have to watch out for Captain De'sol. Regardless of what happened here today, it probably won't matter to her," Stiles noted.
"I will deal with that in time," Harry grumbled. "So? Now what?"
"We have four days and I still have a few old friends I want to visit here, plus schedule a trip home. Enjoy it kid. I'll contact you when I have got a fight lined up. Just don't get into any more scraps with your brother, yeah?" Stiles said smiling.
"Got it," Harry said rolling his eyes, "see you in a few days."
* * *
Harry and Nora zipped across the landscape. On the western edge of Ketha province, the plains ended in the sea. It was only a ten minute trip by vehicle. Harry pulled the monocycle up to a small parking area. They got off and followed the trail down to the beach.
"What's so special about this place?" Nora asked as they walked down to the ocean
"Just haven't been here in a long time," Harry replied looking around deep in thought.
"What's so special about this place?" Nora asked.
"I ended up here when I tried to run away, after my mother died. I didn't know what I was doing. I just picked a direction and a road and walked as far as I could go."
"It's quiet," Nora said, just seeing a sandy beach stretching in both directions.
Harry nodded. "I remember I was tired and lost. I sat on the beach. There was a girl there too...about my brother's age. I never got her name."
Nora giggled. "What are you looking for? Her?"
"No! Don't be silly! It's just...she told me I was lucky to have a family and a home and I should probably go back to them." Harry continued. "There was something else. We both saw bright flashes above us."
"Yeah. All of a sudden, up in the sky," Harry explained, pointing in the general direction he remembered. "We could see some sort of skirmish in orbit."
"Did you ever find out what it was?"
"Later I tried, but whatever it was it seems to have been covered up," Harry said. "Whatever it was, it was destroyed and her and I nearly got killed by falling debris."
"Yikes," Nora said, looking around, trying to picture the scene. "What'd you do?"
"Well...we ran. We were kids, what would you do?" Harry chuckled. "I went home. I still wonder what happened to the girl I met though."
"You think you might find something out here?"
"Maybe," Harry said, kicking sand around, looking for anything that stuck out. "I know there were crews out here for weeks cleaning this stuff up. They had it blockaded the whole time."
"I doubt we'll find anything now then, especially if it was that long ago," Nora said. "How long do you want to look?"
"Not long. It was more just satisfying my curiosity," Harry shrugged.
As they walked along, they noticed there was something black and shiny mixed in with the sand. It had an unnatural, metallic sheen to it.
"Looks like we might have some luck," Nora said, bending to pick up some of the black shiny pieces. "It might be some sort of plasteel...or glass," she asked, brandishing a small chunk at Harry, "it definitely isn't natural."
She handed it to Harry, who was digging out what looked like a piece of metal from the sand. He took the small piece from Nora and looked at it, spotting something.
"There's a number on this," he said, looking at it. "It looks like a registry number."
"No way! Let me see!" Nora said, looking at it as well. "It sure does...either an 85 or 35...I can't tell. It even looks like the font our ships use."
"Yeah, it does. That's very strange," Harry said, looking at the chunk of metal. It appeared to be the corner of something, heavily scorched, but likely having been chrome-plated prior to whatever happened. "This is very strange. I am kinda starting to regret coming here."
"How long ago did this happen?" Nora asked, picking up another scorched piece of metal.
"Almost twenty-five years ago," Harry said, looking out over the ocean and pocketing the two pieces.
"This kibble all looks like wreckage of one of our ships. Whatever it was, there isn't much left," Nora said, looking up and down the shore. "Just what the hell happened here?"
"That's something I've always wondered about myself," Harry admitted, patting his pocket. "When I have the time, I'll try to figure it out."
"Seems pretty spooky. You might do well enough to leave it alone," Nora cautioned.
"That's funny coming from you," Harry said.
"Yeah, I guess it is," she admitted with a sly grin.
Harry shrugged and walked down the beach, looking around. Nora fell into step with him. They didn't say much, but she could tell that Harry was deep in thought
"So, are you going to be ok?" She finally asked.
"Yeah, eventually." He responded. "I have to go back in a few days. I am looking back to getting back to the routine. Time off like this gives my mind time to wander."
"I know the feeling," Nora said. "Looking forward to getting back to work myself. Although it's been fun, I've really enjoyed spending time with you and your family." Nora smiled.
"It's been great seeing you again." Harry smiled. "We should really try to do it more often."
"Yeah, it's hard to do with a ship to look after, but we should try," Nora said. "It's easy to forget everything else. It's like the ship and crew just become your life. By the way, thanks for loaning me the monocycle while you've been away. I had a blast on it."
"No problem," Harry said. "I think I'll keep it this time and have it put on my ship. Who knows? Maybe one day if we make planetfall on some survey mission I'll break it out again."
"I think that'll do you some good," Nora said. "You need to remember to take time for yourself once in a while."
Harry nodded. "There is a little grove of trees over that way. We could sit and watch the sunset? Been a long time since we did that."
Nora smiled. "Yeah, it has."
* * *
The Next Morning
Harry decided to finally go to the barn and rifle through his old belongings. Nora offered to help him at breakfast and they spent at least an hour going through totes of his things that had been sitting for years, gathering dust.
"Ok...that's the last of it," Nora announced, exasperated. "All I saw was just a bunch of old kids stuff we can take down to the market, and clothes." She suddenly sneezed. "Not one model ship," she grumbled, sneezing again.
Harry sat on the floor, looking a little bewildered and defeated. "Damn. I hoped to find at least one of those. The rest...I don't really care about. We can haul it off."
] He'd only had five. His collection consisted of at least 10 now, but he had avoided rebuilding the original five. After his mother had passed, working on the models had been a way of keeping his mind busy. He usually worked on them on days when he couldn't be outside, up until he'd left home.
"You could always rebuild them you know," Nora said, sitting on her haunches. "It's not like you couldn't have the computer recreate the kit for you."
"I know, but it's the sentimental value," Harry relented. "They were important to me." Harry said, trying to think if he had stowed them somewhere in one of the other outbuildings when they heard a creak on the stairs. He turned to find James coming up the stairs.
James looked around and grunted in approval. "So, finally got it done."
"Yeah, most of what I did want to keep is in that trunk," Harry said, pointing to the one plastic foot locker that contained a few heirlooms and trinkets. "Do you know what happened to my ships?"
James smiled. "Yeah, I do actually."
He walked over to a tool locker, opened it, and pulled out a thin plastic container, three feet long and about 5 inches high. It appeared to be stuffed with paper.
"I think this is what you are looking for," he said, setting it on the bench he was using to weld the hydroponics racks together.
Harry hopped up and went to open it. He slowly rifled through the paper. His smile sprouted when he saw the white plastic hulls and the glint of the translucent red of the warp engines.
"I figured you'd come back for them eventually," James said. "I even took the batteries out so they wouldn't corrode."
"Thanks. This...means a lot to me James," Harry said, admiring a model of an Ishaka class cruiser. Since it had been stored properly, it looked just as he had remembered it.
"So, is this before or after you put the little antigrav's in them to fly them around?" Nora asked, stepping up beside them.
"This one was the first," Harry said, carefully turning the model in his hands. The only things he disapproved of were some of his sloppy glue work and painting. That could all be touched up easily now.
"Well, Krysta let your room sit for a while until I needed my own office," James said. "Once we heard you got your dream we started packing your stuff up. I figured some day you'd be back for them."
Harry nodded and placed the ship back gently before he closed up the box.
"That's another project done," Harry smiled. "Still got the rest of the day. Is there anything else you need me to do?"
"Do you know anything about hydroponics?" James asked.
"I do," Nora said.
Harry and James were both startled as Harry asked, "You do?"
"When your Science Officer is a botanist you pick up a thing or two," Nora chuckled.
"I can learn as I go," Harry added.
"Fair enough," James said, "lets haul this stuff off and we'll set up the last few racks and run the water lines before Krysta starts supper." James went back over to the locker and pulled out some tools. "I suggest you work up an appetite. She's going all out to celebrate your ongoing freedom."
"She doesn't have to do that," Harry sighed.
"You want to tell her that little bro?"
"No not really."
With the three of them working together, they were able to get the work completed in the barn.
"Looks pretty good," Nora said, wiping the grime off her hands.
"Thanks for helping," Harry said, putting the tools away and seeing James admiring the work with a smile. "You seem pretty happy."
"I wasn't planning on getting it done so quickly. All I have to do now is just run a hose up here and it's finished. Thanks Nora."
"Anytime! It was fun," Nora smiled. "At least I could do something for you after putting up with me, eating your food and crashing on your porch."
"I'm still shocked you wanted to do that." Harry admitted.
"You kidding me? Being outside listening to the crickets under the stars? It's been great!"
"James!" Diane called from below them.
"Yes dear?" James replied.
"Krysta says dinner will be ready soon. Are you done with your project?"
"Yeah! We just finished."
"Then get cleaned up! You know how Krysta is."
"More than well aware," James smiled. "We'll be in to clean up in a bit."
"What's she got planned?" Harry asked.
"Oh, she wanted to go all out since you've been cleared," James said. "That's why I said bring an appetite. So, the two of you had better be hungry."
"Oh, I'm sure I could eat more than enough," Nora grinned.
"After sweating it out up here, I could eat anything," Harry smiled.
The table had been set with enough chairs and there was a lot of food set out. Harry shook his head. His aunt's hospitality sometimes went a bit overboard. He took his old seat at the end of the table and Nora sat off to his side, Krysta on his other. James sat at the head with his Diane to his side.
James stood up and tapped his glass to quiet the table as they all sat around eating.
"I know we're all celebrating my little brother's continued freedom from incarceration, which we are all grateful for." He tilted his glass towards Harry. "I would like to make some announcements of my own. First of all, Krysta, I want to thank you for allowing my wife and I to live here and for putting up with me all these years."
"James we're family. You don't have to thank me," Krysta smiled.
"Now hold on! I do because we are moving out in the next few weeks."
Krysta looked shocked.
"Before you say anything, it's the next place over, just down the road. It's a fixer upper and it's close enough I can still come by and help, but...it's time I moved out. I have the means, so I acquired the house."
"I'm happy for you James," Krysta said, "but why the change? We've always had plenty of space here."
"Because we won't soon enough, if you'll let me explain," James smiled. "This is a bit harder then I thought."
"Go ahead just tell them dear," Diane smiled at him.
"Yeah, don't leave us in suspense!" Harry said, teasing him.
"Ok...since you asked for it...Harry, you are going to be an uncle," James said.
It took Harry a moment to process what had just said. "An uncle? Really?"
Krysa squealed happily and hugged Diane.
"Yes! Really!"
Harry smiled, with everything he had been through this little bit of good news was quite welcome. "Congratulations James."
"I'll expect you to come as soon as you can when he or she arrives," James said. "I know you are busy, but I would really appreciate it."
Harry got out of his chair, walked over and hugged his brother. "You can count on it, even if I have to make up a reason."
* * *
"I'm so glad you came home," Krysta said, trying not to cry and fidgeting with Harry's uniform, although it was unnecessary as they all stood near the transporter pad. "You look so handsome in this!"
"Thanks. I'm glad I came back too. I'll miss you. I'll miss all of you." Harry said gently, trying to get her to stop fussing. Krysta looked a little embarrassed and stopped.
"Don't be a stranger! Come by anytime. I'd love for you to see the new place once it's fixed up," James said. "You won't even recognise it."
"I will make the time, I promise," Harry said, shaking his brother's hand and then they exchanged a brief hug. "Diane, it was nice meeting you."
"You too Harry. Good luck out there," Diane smiled at him.
"Good luck with my nephew," Harry smiled.
"We'll let you know when the day gets close," Diane replied.
"Take care, all of you," Harry said, stepping up onto the transporter pad. He hated saying goodbye. That was as best as he could manage. He looked back at his family. They all waved at him and wished him well as he and Nora were transported back to the Starbase.
Harry sighed heavily as they stepped off the Starbase's transporter pad and exited into the corridor.
"You going to be ok?" Nora asked.
"Eventually," Harry admitted, "I take it this is where we part ways?"
"Yeah. The Intrepid is waiting for me," Nora smiled, "you know how it is."
Harry nodded with a wan smile. "Thanks for being there for me," he said, giving her a hug, which she returned.
"For you? Anytime," Nora said, choking up a bit herself. "If we run into each other out there, you'll have to give me that tour of your ship you mentioned."
"Of course," Harry smiled. "Godspeed, Captain."
"You as well Commander," Nora said, nodding her head, obviously feeling as emotional as he was at parting ways. "See you out there."
She turned and headed up the corridor. Harry watched her go, and as he did, he felt his heart sink. For some reason, he felt like this would be the last time he would ever see her.
"I hope so I still owe you those credits," he shouted after her.
"Yeap! And with interest! You better pay me back soon! You're already up to 500," Nora yelled back as she disappeared around a bend.
Harry smiled and headed for his own ride. The science vessel Caprice was heading his way and were due to leave in the next thirty minutes. There was work to be done and it was time to get back to it.
The End