Chapter 3: "Small Things"

I guess you could say i have arachnophobia (it's the same symptoms described in the chapter), but it's nothing that keeps me from going outside or stop my life for.

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Moroneae Domesticus

Foreward: Spiders are just little pests . . . unless you work with a bunch of idiots. An absolutely absurd comedy piece, inspired by Monty Python, cartoons, and my own debilitating fear of spiders. This would probably work better in a more...

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Another Pack Ch.2: Glimpse of life

The previews began and they kept arguing... somehow moving from her being nosy to devon having arachnophobia.

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Priestess to the Spider

The gloom of the woods couldn't be the only reason people said this area was cursed. Her village told her that the deeper you went the more dangerous it became, hauntings and otherworldly creatures would grab you up! So they'd told her when she was...

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The Guardians Shadow ch9

Upon first inspection or fist entrance to the area, it reminded me a lot of the movie ‘arachnophobia'.

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A Basilisk's Journey Around the World: Chapter 1

It's like someone who doesn't like spiders (i believe the word is arachnophobia) see a palm-sized hairy spider crawling up their body. yeah, just like that.

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Graceful Monstrosities - medium poem

Our eight legged friends and foes Are numerous in size and shape. We see them useful and see them as pests. They are a source of our fears and wonder. It's their legs. How numerous they are. It's how those legs spin the webs, That makes them...

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Good Enough (Earning Your Stripes)

"arachnophobia is common and it's nothing to be ashamed of," dr. thayer continued, pausing to keep the tarantula from walking away. "spiders are wondrous creatures. like this one."

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