Valewood Eyrie Communiques, a POSC crossover with Zmeydros.
#5 of Gryphon's Pride
I was going to put a longer description here, but the on from Zmeydros is better than what I blathered on about.
Check out her work at: And her Patreon: !
What she said...
"What follows is a collection of fan works by Merv DeGriff involving his character of the same name: a Hellenic griffon who's settled into life with his pride in Valewood Eyrie, which is in the mountains of New Mexico. It's possible that my future stories may intersect things mentioned in these messages if I get inspired, but, for now, they can be considered canon in a parallel universe much like the one in the Persephone and Tritonia stories.
Without further ado, I encourage you to enjoy Merv's humor and hijinks. He's got a gift for amusing situations and writing things that read like official communication between government agencies and individuals."
Valewood Eyrie Communiques
Attached is a compilation of noteworthy communique from the site designated "Valewood Eyrie" and it's occupant and operator, a sentient NPO known as "Merv DeGriff".
The Directorate has commissioned this briefing in order to determine how to handle interactions with NPO "Merv DeGriff" in light of recent discoveries at [redacted] facility. POSC records regarding this NPO are incomplete from a historical perspective and this will likely remain incurable without further administrative action.
This NPO, based on communication records and SIGINT, has multiple contact points with assorted Government organizations and NGOs. While the Directorate has inquired into possible infiltration or subversion of assets, the NPO thus far has not been observed doing so. The full analysis of data advises Directorate of possible blowback of actions regarding this NPO given its willing assistance to the organization and allied organizations when asked and the incomplete records hinting at a longer history of benevolent and cooperative behavior.
Recently NPO's primary point of contact was replaced when POC attempted to fulfill a request from the Centrallia facility. This author feels the need to remind the Directorate of a retiring member's statement of: "Watch out for the old things... they didn't get old by accident."
Current Advisement, no change in stance or status.
RE: POSC response to NPO in ABQ/KAFB Airspace
Dear POSC team,
Just a reminder I am not an 'object' I'm a gryphon. I'm just taking care of a few matters before heading back to my usual station. As to my status as 'prosaic' that depends on who you ask. I consider my status as a gryphon 'everyday and prosaic' given I've been this for 280 years now since I hatched. Component pickups for Valewood Eyrie Station are scheduled on 90 day cycles. The local population here is pretty inured to non standard airborne object. (Ref: Roswell NM)
Incident Root Cause:
The LiPO battery pack in IFF beacon stachel failed. KAFB did stand down on FPCON once ascertained contact was not aggressing protected airspace and friendly biological. AA battery was not engaged and ABQ ATC flight traffic was unimpacted.
Go forward plan:
Screw these battery packs, I'm connecting the IFF beacon to an Orb next time. Also, have KAFB contact file a bogus 'drone' flight plan along the deck so there is better paper trail cover.
Risks and Mitigation:
POSC taking my Orb. Remind POSC staff this is my orb and a bitey gryphon has a beak with a shear force good enough to defeat STANAG 4569 Level 5 protection.
RE: Orb of Winds NPO sample
Dear POSC R&D,
Again we must respectfully decline. On premise inspection is not possible due to security, nor can we provide a sample.
To put it bluntly, it's a fancy smartphone built for someone whose anatomy does not mix well with common capacitive touch screens [redacted] and need to store, transmit, and work with information and data. It's only as magical as your understanding and love for the little things go. Asimov was right, and in the last few decades I think you'd agree that most magic is just things too damn complex to explain or are not understood yet.
They are mildly intelligent and I'm not willing to part with mine. While a form of 'technology' the artisanal nature of their design makes them rather personal. Most folks here at the Eyrie are not going to part with one. Nor will I as I've been cataloging my own field notes on the [redacted] at Valewood. As it is intelligence on par with a house cat or lower order corvid, we treat them with respect and care due such things. Although treats for an Orb typically are of an educational nature. Mine likes fanfiction of late. (I am debating classifying Naruto Yaoi Lemons as 'defect' if it tries to get me to read another.)
These devices are on par with a Samsung Note ... well minus the uncontrolled battery explosions. Nothing is overtly toxic as long as you don't smash it and try licking solvent electrons and you're fine... Also smashing it is also ill advised as its owner or friends will take exception to such violent behavior.
A high level explanation of this device's construction:
Estimated time to build an orb base configuration, 120 [redacted]/hours.
Estimated time to "train" an orb... Good luck, this never ends. They are fun, but you will be forever teaching it new things.
Materials are mostly some metals and trace elements doped into a spherical silica dioxide substrate. [Redacted] trace elements, nothing that you don't find in the wild. The process for burning paths, installing nodes, emitters, etc is as much art as technical work. [Redacted] isn't easy to explain. Manipulating the local geodesic and creating SU2 field pinches is not something the written English language is good at.
Charging for its power cell is supplied via internal photoelectric process under normal usage or via hard field induction from its owner or friend if there is a heavy power drain or prolonged poor light condition. Again, you could make a wall plug for it I suppose, but normally they are charged via [Redacted] by [Redacted].
Merv DeGriff,
Valewood Eyrie Comm Relay and Security.
Email: [Redacted]
Valewood Eyrie NPO transfer request
I have come into possession of an item that is not inimical to the function of the facility. This may have at one time been a POSC secured NPO, but due to limited records access, this cannot be determined. It was acquired from nonfunctional OpFor following an attempt on the site. Due to its biologically adverse function, we do not recommend storing the device. Following an emergency render safe procedure, local personnel suggest use of a more dedicated facility. Valewood Eyrie recommends use of rapid symmetric compressive force via a non-compressible electrolyte with a good grounding connection to render device inert.
Device presents a localized change in fundamental constants for a brief period. This triggers a variety of adverse affects ranging from cessation of organic chemistry to all potential reactions in the affected region becoming hypergolic and exothermic, even some reactions that were previously endothermic in nature. Based on observation, device alters orbital and state energy thresholds of particles subject of the electroweak super symmetry group. This is effective to 30m observed at time of neutralization.
In addition, please share data regarding availability of facility for render safe procedure for remaining 2 devices. Recommend > 30km from human habitation.
PS. I am not doing that again. It hurt and I was extremely hungry afterwards. It took a lot to countermand effects during that 'emergency render safe' and I got one hell of a jolt when the power source cut loose. This is some nasty kit, don't play with it. If you come out the the area I'm still game to give a demonstration of hard target defeat by avian/feline hybridization, but you have to supply the steak and the decom'd chassis!
Merv DeGriff,
Valewood Eyrie Comm Relay and Security.
Email: [Redacted]
Phone: 555-[Redacted]
RE:RE:RE:Valewood Eyrie NPO transfer request
Date: [redacted]
Clear 30km safe zone, use any cover needed. Gas leak, spill, anything. Set fire to a ammonium nitrate fertilizer silo if you have to, just clear that area. Anyone in the affected area is toast.
Detonate a large non-nuclear fuel air device of 25KT Yield at 250m above current epicenter. Increased inelasticity of collisions in affected region should give increased effective yield of overpressure wave. Mechanical effects will render NPO non functional.
IMMEDIATE EFFECTS: 1km lethality radius, majority of damage from render safe process detonation.
DAYS ONE THROUGH THREE: Increased background radiation levels as decay processes stabilize. No expected need for NBC or other PPE as effects will stop with dermis or light clothes. Half life of [redacted]. Effects of [redacted]
IMMEDIATE EFFECTS: 20km to 30km lethality radius.
DAYS ONE THROUGH THREE: LD50 at 20km line, NBC type PPE required [redacted]
DAYS THREE THROUGH FIVE: LD50 at 10km line [redacted]
DAYS SIX THROUGH SEVEN: Tapering to back ground level.
IMMEDIATE EFFECTS: Local aleph values propagate. [redacted: OMEGA EVENT]
COM squad notes this sender's site went dark for 12 hours following this transmission and then resumed nominal link status. No after action report is logged with any ORG or MIL repository at this time we can access records for.
RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Valewood Eyrie NPO transfer request
Sorry I went dark earlier. We had unwanted guests. I'll send your teams some samples and an after action. I'm a bit worried, these guys ... things... whatever OPFOR was, were actively after the NPO I transferred. I've never seen this flavor of hostile before... I reached out to a few really old sorts I know and they got tight lipped. I talked to the oldest jailer I know from the old days, [redacted]. He wanted a few bits of remains and then clammed up on me. What ever this was, it was trying to recover an asset and hasn't been used since before my time. I attached what little I have on this religious bunch. My predecessors were never engaged directly with them much.
Tell your repositories to take care, pack for non conventional contacts, and sleep lightly. If one hundred hands could not or would not hold it, I don't like it.
As for the lost and now destroyed NPO, thank you for confirming the elimination of the third sample. I'm sorry your guys in Texas weren't clear when that mess started. If it's any consolation, they were incapable of feeling anything once that went off. I'm just glad it stayed within a 15km radius. We got lucky and I don't like it. Luck runs out.
Merv DeGriff,
Valewood Eyrie Comm Relay and Security.
Email: [Redacted]
Phone: 555-[Redacted]
Attached file titled "opfor and old titanomachy notes.pdf" redacted and archived separately. Please contact director level personnel for release.
RE: Anomalous 10khz broadcasts at your site.
Dear [redacted],
Please disregard the brief spike in 10kz emissions. This is a naturally occurring wavelength associated with meteorological events. Despite the mild cloud cover there were several discharges at this site. We understand there will be fluke incidents that lie outside the long term forecast due to local microclimates.
We appreciate POSC concern over the incident and appreciate NOAA for their diligence and wonderful forecasting products.
Merv DeGriff,
Valewood Eyrie Comm Relay and Security.
Email: [Redacted]
Phone: 555-[Redacted]
PS: Can we leave my date night out of this? It was a nice little thunderstorm and we had a lovely night.
FLASH - Observation of "Fun Ball"
Dear POSC,
Be advised an NPO was detected in transit. NPO designated "Fun Ball" as originally sighted during a nationally broadcast skit comedy.
Fun Ball was spotted heading south from initial observation 73 kilometers NNE of Valewood Eyrie. Contact continued south at a high rate of speed (Estimate: Mach 6.2) until it came to coordinate: latitude 35.105535 north longitude 106.629234 west. Contact changed heading traveled east and contact was lost after transit over Sandia range.
NPO appears to have been registered at KAFB as an aggressing unknown and triggered FPCON upgrade.
Be advised, based on prior observations National Broadcast Corporation will likely have another 'comedic event'.
Merv DeGriff,
Valewood Eyrie Comm Relay and Security.
Email: [Redacted]
Phone: 555-[Redacted]
PS: Who let these guys keep this thing? Just don't taunt the NPO ever again...
RE: Airworthiness Certification
Mr. [redacted],
Are you serious? A 'medical clearance for flight'? Look, I agreed to carry a beacon at times to keep the ATC from panicking. Regardless of regulations, I am insulted that you think I have any need for Airworthiness Certification. I've been flying long before your ancestors figured out twirling an inclined plane and playing with Bernoulli would let you slip the surly bonds of the earth. You don't need a permit to walk your bureaucratic lard bucket down to the Krispy Kreme do you? No. You just waddle into the lobby and tell an intern who has much better things to do to go get it and bring it back. You could be addressing the number of recent events, but you chose to force me to take an exam you couldn't even hope to start the land based version of. You're not fit to operate a desk, let alone anything more important than a freshly dug latrine.
Your office handles this crap all the time. You can pencil whip this far easier than this BS test. Besides, are you going to have the FAA and ATC have specs on file for me? That will be awkward, less NORAD tracks of Santa, more Roswell coverup. You put one detail about me in that file and your superiors won't have your head... they'll send it to me as an apology. Director [redacted] even has an axe picked out from his trip to the old Tower of London.
Finally, your medical personnel do NOT need to try and swaddle me like a catch and release bird! I can climb on a scale just fine IF you ask nicely. Bestial as I am compared to a human like you, I am a person. Forget I'm a citizen chucklehead? Oh, and you can bet someone just lost my vote. Say hello to the IG and General Counsel for me.
To Counsel and whom else it concerns,
Valewood Eyrie has had a long working relationship with POSC and neither party will be interested in that changing due to [redacted]'s actions. Please see attached filing.
Merv DeGriff,
Valewood Eyrie Comm Relay and Security.
Email: [Redacted]
Phone: 555-[Redacted]
Email was received with a Cease and Desist order filed under seal.
General counsel has recommended filing the standard 'DARPA test ultralight' designation paperwork as per standard process and has referred [redacted] to POSC command for sanctions or reprimand. IG and Director [redacted] has recommended personnel audits regarding NPSO interactions as an initial finding.
Incident [redacted] records sealed per General Counsel. NPSO accepted corrective action as sufficient and denied any knowledge of Director [redacted] being in possession of UK historical artifacts.
Dr. [redacted] is expected to make a full recovery after failing to extract a bone marrow sample while the subject was being weighed.
Discussion of medical exam objections, Airworthiness Certification
Dear [redacted],
I am very sorry about the injuries to Dr. [redacted]. I find them regrettable, but not unexpected. Reflexes are involuntary by nature and he did jab a 295kg apex predator with a sharp object while it was objecting to being restrained. Be glad I only buffeted him with a wing and not any of the sharp bits. Hope his ribs heal quickly.
With regards to my objection to providing certain tissue sample types or assisting in helping you keep a tissue sample viable I must decline on legal and moral grounds.
Legally, you forget that my species is an NPSO and also a purpose built weapons platform. We weren't made for frolicking gleefully in the woods. (Despite any photos you may have of it.) Our design was a self sustaining shock troop for point defense, patrol, and interdiction. Any assistance into that sort of research is to be blunt, weapon proliferation.
I'm not in the mood to violate any treaties or agreements. You know how we all are about keeping out word.
Morally, no. I'm not ok with some egghead in a lab trying to clone me or develop toxins effective against me. If you have a problem just come by and talk. Besides, you don't want to raise a gryphon. We are terrible on furniture until about 3 to 5 years old. Just ask the rest of my pride.
If you want to discuss the practical aspects of my biology, come by the relay and we can chat. My own medical staff has included a basic primer for your team. When you come to talk to Dr. Melody I'll introduce you and the Director to my little fledge [redacted]. It would do the old codger good to get out of the office anyhow. He hasn't been by here since right after she was hatched! She would like to meet uncle stuffy pants.
Cheers and Fair Winds!
Merv DeGriff,
Valewood Eyrie Comm Relay and Security.
Email: [Redacted]
Phone: 555-[Redacted]
Email received with attachment primer_on_basic_gryphon_anat.pdf.
PDF is signed by author Melody DeGriff, MD.
PDF contains basic anatomical reference material on musculature, diet, lifecycle, and reproduction.
Melody DeGriff validated as certified by NM Medical Board under maiden name.
Scheduling conflict on 10-16-2020
Dear [redacted],
Need to reschedule tomorrow. We are expecting a large traffic spike at this little site and will need all hands for managing load, hot swapping spares, etc. Good news, however, is that we should be getting some information on the toxicity question you had for the event in Texas.
Also please stop worrying about the relay's alignment. It's fine. RF engineering is weird and wonderful. We get burst signals on schedule.
Dear Director [redacted],
New point of contact is working well. What is POSC's obsession with gherkins and dills? Everyone keeps mentioning wanting a pickle when I come into your office. If you are having another cook off event, can I join in? I promise this time I will store bought poultry since people seemed put off by free range pheasant.
Merv DeGriff,
Valewood Eyrie Comm Relay and Security.
Email: [Redacted]
Phone: 555-[Redacted]
Note to facility [redacted] do not discuss PIKL units around the NPSO's.
Based on [redacted]'s imaging of Valewood Eyrie Relay, there is no known receiving point for the antenna alignment. RF engineering confirms kit is for narrow band high power microwave transmission. This is a non ground penetrating band, the terrestrial alignment is baffling to them. RF engineering is researching possible interference modes that may produce a coherent beam, but equipment as observed does not support this theory.
The traffic reports are even more baffling.. mindless Facebook posts about kids. Searches on pornhub... it's like an ISP that's only open once a month.
Happy Halloween!
Merv here... quick note regarding life. It's really messy right now, but take it from a 280 year old myth. It's going to be ok eventually. Do the right thing, hang in there, eat tasty meat cubes.
Also for the guy who handles filing these things with POSC (I'm an NPSO, I know you are doing that.) The sphinxes appreciated the help with our Imposter Candy exchange. The little one loved it.
Nice to head into town and not be spotted right away.
Merv DeGriff,
Valewood Eyrie Comm Relay and Security.
Email: [Redacted]
Phone: 555-[Redacted]
Email coincided with a FedEx delivery
Box inventory:
1 (one) quart ziplock bag containing assorted candies.
1 Post-it note reading "Orange is sus."
1 Post-it note reading "Blue is sus, he vented."
Packaging passes tamper evident tests, however 3 pieces had their contents swapped.
RE: Historical records request
WWII Photo:
Text included on photo from left to right:
Merv; Primo Victoria Gentlemen!; Wahter I. James, Dept. of A.O.D.; Don't Stop 'Till Paris!; Lt. Col. DJB
My apologies for the paperwork this will undoubtedly cause Director [redacted]. I too have heard some interesting things about a repository making contact with a non-terrestrial organism. As an NPSO in your files I assume there have been some very pointed questions sent your way. This most likely explains your predecessor's sudden and pointed interest in my own biology despite my own terrestrial hatching. I've been happy to discuss this topic as far as I am comfortable to do so.
However, [redacted] I am sorry, I cannot explain this photograph to your or Director [redacted]. While a genuine article from OSI records may exist, I can neither confirm nor deny any item directly or tangentially related to those records. The term of silence and classification of those matters is for 75 years past the last surviving grandchild. This term has not passed. If your predecessor's contacts with the Centralia facility have any asks or issues with my answer, please remind them I take my oaths seriously. That this matter goes to my grave is a concern that is beyond POSC, and forcing my talons on the matter would violate their own charter knowingly or otherwise.
I respectfully request you bury or destroy those records. Those men depicted served their long watch in anonymity for the sake of those they loved. If possible, I'd like to request the photo however, I will safeguard it here within the relay.
Merv DeGriff,
Valewood Eyrie Comm Relay and Security.
Email: [Redacted]
Phone: 555-[Redacted]
Note: SIGINT recorded an AM long wave burst from a directional antenna from the Valewood site following the receipt of [redacted]'s original email. This is noteworthy as it is the first RF transmission not completely in line with a germane ISP/Telecom relay node. Burst was directed to the east coast Virginia and DC region. Cypher used is consistent with US AGF CENCOM. Time to decrypt was 79.2 hours.
"FLASH: OSI File [redacted] potentially compromised."
No response was logged on this band. Receiving party is unknown
By order of [redacted] from [redacted] files [redacted] to [redacted] are ordered destroyed and all transmitting or receiving hardware destroyed with full chain of custody. Director [redacted] is ordered to hand deliver under escort the following.
Photo, original from file [redacted].
Flag from Transfer case, stored at [redacted]
One (1) urn, sealed, stored at [redacted] for internment.
Escort detail to deliver items and provide honor guard for internment if requested.
This redacted email is to be the only record of the incident [redacted] by order of [redacted].