"but be forewarned my friends, there are those out there -rebels, separatists, alarmists and dissidents that may resent what you are doing and target your group."
(wow, i never thought about that.)
Aardvarks, Adventures Series, Aliens, Buffalo Calves, Epic Adventure, Humans, Hyena, Island Adventure, Islands, Membership Drive, Orientation, Plot Development, Prejudice, Reunion, Serval, Skunk, Staff Meeting, Story Series, Totally Screwed, Weekend Retreat, captured, cruise, intervention, serial killer
The overthrow and execution of the royal family when the dictatorship first took power was also something a number of people were against, and only added to the dissident voices when the threat of war grew close."
Character Development, Gay Relationships, Husky, Macro, Micro, Plot Development, Raccoon, Romance, Size Difference, Tirrell, Wolf, World Development
Chest, "how did you-"
"before a true martial artist, speed is meaningless," lucario interrupted him with a triumphant voice as he thought of a way to sound smart, "by the way, how do you propose to handle a revolution if you can't even handle a single dissident
Astrid, Lucario, Pokemon, Trickery, epilogue, zoroark
The protege of sir ram who is carrying out the punishment of a dissident of the empire one of the many rebels who were crushed by the high evolutionary during yoe 33.
Abduction, Adventure Series, Anteater, Avian, Bat, Bears, Boar, Chakat, Continuing Story, Coyote, Deer-feeder, Dowd, Dual Realities, Forced Transformation, Goat, Gone Rogue, Home Coming, Hostile Welcome, Humans, Hypnosis, Lap Dance, Lioness, Living Death, M/F, Maned Wolf, Manipulation, Massage, Memory Loss, Mongoose, Ogre, Porcupine, Possession, Possum, Pow wow, Prison, Rage, Ram, Savages, Story Series, Vision, embarrassment, embrace, experimentation, motivation, reading
_ _
_"another dissident group perhaps?"_ the hyena pondered.
_"you mean as in another rebellion?"_ doria asked.
damn, dongo had hit the nail right on the head. we are the change we want to see.
Aardvarks, Adventure Series, Alien Abduction, Aliens, Bisons, Confinement, Dalmatian, Demon, Devoured, Dinosaur, Doberman, Entity, Feline, Grays, Humans, Hyena, Kobold, Long, Mastiff, Meeting, Mini-series, Monster, Nudity, Others, Otter, Plot Development, Possession, Rottweiler, Skunk, Story Series, Walrus, Wrong catch, attack, conspiracy, decapitation, fundoshi, message, news report, nexus, nightmare, regrets, revelation, undressing
Even one dissident can spark the fires of rebellion."
"and yet it took a good portion of the entire chariot family to attempt this rebellion." kent replied. "a fact which, for reasons i can't fathom, escaped the notice of your office."
Basitin, Bondage, Fanfiction, Gay, Gay Relationships, Pregnancy, Pregnant, Restrain, Story Progression, Story Series, twokinds
They are a dissident group called the patriots of lylat. they cropped up a few years after we made first-contact and started the recovery effort on corneria." stiles explained, handing him a datapad. "their leader is theodore holtz.
Action, Adventure, Fara phoenix, Space, Star Trek, sci fi
My parents were political dissidents, although i don't know_exactly_ what for. we were separated when i was young. i don't have any medical conditions or nothing. not that i'm aware of."
Action, Akita, Canine, Feline, Lion, Plot Development, Sci-Fi, Space, Star Patrol, Vixen
Torturing dissidents and making examples of betrayers was one of the most delicious rituals of her life; which would've been the perfect cherry on top of the little snack she was going to make out of m'alak and the rest of his followers.
Apotheosis, Dragon, Dragoness, Dungeons And Dragons, Feral, Giant, Growth, Hyper muscle, Hyper muscle growth, Macro, Muscle Growth, Muscles, Quadruped, Tera, ascension, bahamut, etc, expansion, galaxy, giantess, giga, mega, planet, tiamat, universe
But she didn't want their dissidence either. "their support should not be divided," the wolfess thought, cursing the limitations of her current abilities. "if only i was more powerful..."
"you must stop, robert james."
Attribute theft, Corruption, Giant, Growth, Macro, Magic, Mind Control, Muscle Growth, Power Trip, Power fantasy, SuperPowers, Wolf, Wolfess, archeology, artifact, ascension, giantess, intimidation, muscular, powers