Spyro and The New Chronicler chapter five

tiamat roared in anger. "i know brother, but that is no reason to act this way." bahamut tried to reason. "shut up!" tiamat roared rushing at bahamut. bahamut dodged but his wing was clipped by tiamat's horn.

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Emperor's Shadow: Chapter 31

#122 of scales and honor in which tiamat goes to make a final speech, someone moves to confront him. emperor's shadow: chapter 31 the time of victory was at paw tiamat thought as he held firm against the clouded sky.

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Spyro and The New Chronicler chapter four

He also knew that his powers of poly-morph would not work on tiamat because of tiamat being able to transform into any living creature. he would just transform back when he did. how long would it be before tiamat discovered this.

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Emperor's Shadow: Chapter 30

The spell was connected to tiamat himself. "lyndis." "tiamat." "tiamat? i heard tiamat!" infinity pinned her ears, snout darting around to every corner, "has he found us?" "lyndis...what do you mean tiamat?"

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Emperor's Shadow: Chapter 18

tiamat replied, "when dragons ruled this earth with nobility and honor, before it was held in the clutches of greedy men." "my brother would love to be here."

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Emperor's Shadow: Chapter 27+28

Could they be saved if tiamat was beaten, or would their mental state be forever altered?

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Delicious Final Boss Monologue

Looking back, i see axl, tiamat, greymane, and aldean bringing some food. "it has been a fun ride, right, friend?" aldean smiled. "it sure has, your majesty, it sure has."

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Duty, Chapter 4

tiamat and garuda gave themselves up against mixcoatl, our eternal enemy. now we give ourselves up, so that their sacrifice shall never be in vain.

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Their color was green- tiamat's color. shinryu sought to overthrow his mother, and recruited all but the northeast clan. it remained loyal to tiamat, as did bahamut, of course.

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Duty Chapter 5

Ever since tiamat made you, i've loved and blessed every one i could. we have many followers in the world, but we have just as many threats.

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The Adventures of Mut the Dragonborn ch1

Warrior, though baha had taken the path of the zealot, bringing his father's fanaticism to distant lands, while mut channeled his childhood anger and chose the path of the berserker, and was a hero among his own people, despite his half-hearted worship of tiamat

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