Emperor's Shadow: Chapter 31
#122 of scales and honor in which tiamat goes to make a final speech, someone moves to confront him. emperor's shadow: chapter 31 the time of victory was at paw tiamat thought as he held firm against the clouded sky.
Dragon's Paladin: Chapter 2
Chapter 2: A Dragon's Day Two years had passed over Lumara, although those who did not inhabit a city or found themselves breaching Lumara's lands during times of strife would not have noticed the time pass by. The country kept expanding, and...
Emperor's Shadow: Chapter 27+28
#119 of scales and honor in which lyndis and infinity launch a one person, one dragon assault on the uniter! emperor's light: chapter 27 even through her leather armor and gear, lyndis' couldn't ignore the icy teeth of the sky upon her.
Scales and Honor: Dragon's Paladin: Prologue
#2 of scales and honor in which a king's loyal gryphon travels off on a task through the treacherous forest of despair. their mission? to find a woman deep within, and illuminate a future shared to them.
Scales and Honor- Night Rising: Epilogue
scales and honor- viridian night epilogue nigelius walked along the corridors of his tower, eyeing the large stone archways covered in runes.
Scales and Honor: The Shattered God: Chapter 31
#149 of scales and honor fred applebottom is many things, cheat, liar, entertainer, businessmen. but one meant to talk to a dragon? not likely! hopefully he can stall for time, long enough for the dragon to reconsider killing them all!
Scales and Honor: The Shattered God: Chapter 30
#148 of scales and honor we pick up with nivra and the others a month later. relaxing at port they still can't catch a break! chapter 30: antics in willsden who would have thought the month return journey would pass so quickly?
Scales and Honor: The Shattered God: Chapter 12
#123 of scales and honor in which a dragon is trapped within a dungeon. yes i know the reference.
Scales and Honor Chapter 29: Shady Dealings
#45 of scales and honor lyndis head out in the morning to go to her "business deal" she snags asterion for this venture for the muscle. they talk and stuff, and meet a hobgoblin. if you read the story dont forget to favorite it!
Scales and Honor- Night Rising: Chapter 15
#17 of scales and honor- night rising + here we have the final chapter of night rising. the end to this roleplay i had with infinities creator https://voidlegend.deviantart.com/. i hope you have enjoyed the journey so far.
Scales and Honor- Swirling Storm: Chapter 15
#16 of scales and honor: swirling storm ramakox shows fremra to his lair. she plays some music and they think back to the past. scales and honor: swirling storm chapter 15 ramakox guided fremra back to his lair midst the rain.
Scales and Honor- Swirling Storm: Chapter 12
#13 of scales and honor: swirling storm ramakox has a chat with the dragoness fremra. scales and honor: swirling storm chapter 12 "h-how is it that you know my name?"