Scales and Honor: The Shattered God: Chapter 31
The halfling rules of procurance, published by the center of commerce, taught numerous things a halfling should know over their life.
Scales and Honor: The Shattered God: Chapter 30
The halfling laughed, only getting the stoic glance back as tenzin awaited feku's cider. "we're just passing through." he stated as the halfling turned round, muttering to another halfling to fetch a heated cider for the nice man.
An Exert from the Crimson Veil
Aliyah was at one time the most dangerous halflings on the streets.
Excerpt from Gargul (part 2)
The halfling too falling forward, and you try to pull him back towards you.
Worlds apart Chapter 1 (rain and memories)
Though the blood of the dragon ran throe his vanes yet he looked like a iguana making him a halfling.
Issue 02: The Folks of Daracoss
Elves: the elves are compatible with humans, dwarfs and halflings. pairing with a human is the most common here, whereas pairing with a halfling is the rarest.
Excerpt from Gargul (part 1)
But in the tavern were also many elves, a small bunch of halflings and one or two dwarves.
Jack: Rexi & Talon -- 24. Rexi
The halfling had no problem arranging accidents, but he didn't care to arrange them for other halflings. if he just _knew_ what zackton was really after!
Jack: Rexi and Talon: 13. Rexi (!)
He ..." the other halfling paused for a moment, thinking. "blends in. following him is ... really tough." "blends ..." rexi said, and then looked across at him, confused.
World of Osmis: Races
halflings:- humanoids that are around the same size as gnomes, but have more beastlike features like tails, horns, fins, etc.
Jack: Rexi and Talon -- 02 Rexi
But they are halfling?" "yeah. best domestics. trained, skilled ..." dez pulled the list out of rexi's hand, scanned it, and handed it to zack. "here. take a look. that's ... uh, partial."
Rexi & Talon 20 -- Rexi
Rexi the halfling broke the wax seal on the envelope he'd found by his bed.