Counter Earth Chronicles - Dual Realities
**Chapter 14: Puzzles, Riddles and Enigmas With No Answers **
March 22nd YOE 35
8:00 AM Wundagore Castle (Free Counter Earth)
_With the empire's inability to track its second class citizens, the...
Aardvarks, Adventure Series, Alien Abduction, Aliens, Bisons, Confinement, Dalmatian, Demon, Devoured, Dinosaur, Doberman, Entity, Feline, Grays, Humans, Hyena, Kobold, Long, Mastiff, Meeting, Mini-series, Monster, Nudity, Others, Otter, Plot Development, Possession, Rottweiler, Skunk, Story Series, Walrus, Wrong catch, attack, conspiracy, decapitation, fundoshi, message, news report, nexus, nightmare, regrets, revelation, undressing