Realms of Valeron - Chapter 12

He glanced at the fire witch, who had just finished polishing her ogre-spine wand, which somehow made her more resilient to magical attacks. perhaps the ogre's spine has some mystical properties, thought roka.

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Where Ever Fate Decides

They hear roars behind them as the other three ogres come free of the frost. "run for it" rob yelled. sky needed no persuasion other than hearing the angry ogres swiftly following.

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All I Want Is A Drink

The ogre was still recovering from the bite he took, and was unable to protect from roy punching him right in the throat. falling to his knees, the ogre held his throat gasping for air. roy was ready to end him now.

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Balanced on the Knife Edge Ch. 12

"ogres today," she muttered, when she felt nusha stirring awake behind her. "huh?" "we'll be passing through a cavern, the serpent's trail, before entering the valley itself. both are said to contain ogres."

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Cosmic Love: A Star Fell

The scene is set in a medieval time with orcs, ogres, demons, and battles.

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An Era of Chivalry 10 - Trials of Patience

He looked at the audience around him, he could see they didn't care for the bruised ogre. sure the raptor looked closer to the ogre than to the humans, but he didn't have any sympathy for the ogre, it didn't matter to him.

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The Dragon Society - Training

Meanwhile, in the center of the field, fequagor and ogre were in a devastating fight, heavy blows falling on both sides.

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Legend of Phiro Chapter 1

What stood before them all, was a massive ogre. a massive ogre, with a huge war axe.


How I Found it All: Part I

The ogre took his massive hand and rammed it into my side. "aaaagh!" i screamed as i flew across the cave. my back hit a stalagmite, which broke beneath me. the ogre began to charge at me.

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Battle - Teaser from Story

An ogre raised me to his chest. i heard his rock laugh. he squeezed. pain made me scream. till my dying day i wish i hadn't screamed. cleo heard me. she turned. she started running back for me. "no! go on!" i stabbed at the ogre's arms.

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Zion Journal 2

Every large ogre that got in my way i dispatched without a too much to worry about. there was this one small ogre that did nothing but cause me trouble every with every swing. i barely had killed the ogre when i heard narissa yell out.

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CH 1

"hehehehehe, very good elf, but not good enough." the ogre growls. the elf was not sure which surprised her more: the fact that the ogre was speaking in perfect basic or the fact that he was able to sneak up on her.

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