Zion Journal 2

Story by Rocelin on SoFurry

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#3 of The Tales From Zion

Dear Mom and Dad

Here is a quick lay out of everything that has happened since the last letter I wrote.

Day of the Ogre Battle.

I haven't seen Aris since a few days ago. I really wanted to seed you guys the letter I already wrote, but I guess it will have to wait. There is so much more I need to tell you and I hate to say it, but the beginning will be very heart-wrenching. The battle with the ogres started off somewhat good. We all were hurt after taking out the front runners of the group. One of them almost killed Zachary and when I saw the ogre pressing his blade down upon the rabbit; I felt the rage from the undead/bandit battle come back. I can still see Zachary down on the ground bleeding from where the ogre was trying to impale. It gravely disturbs me every time I see it in my dreams. I hope for the rest of my life I never have to see him like that again, but if I do, I won't hold back killing whoever is harming him. As I helped Zachary off the ground and gave him a supporting shoulder, Rust and the others finished off the remained ogres nears the caravans.

As we finished off the small batch of ogres Dillan demanded that I come back to the caravan. The moment he ordered me to go back to with him, I knew I had two choices. Go with Dillan or help Zachary and the others. To be truthful I didn't every consider going with the ferret. Zachary was in far more important than Dillan would ever need help with the caravan. He wouldn't stop arguing with me over my choice so I did the first thing I could think of; I resigned my commission. The argument ended there, but for a terrible reason. The Da'Cho was a shaman and he tried to burn us all to death. I truly don't know why, but I rushed over and pushed the paralyzed ferret out of the way while everyone else was taking cover.

The pain of getting burn is something that I can't even begin to describe; not only that, but the smell of roasted fur and flesh made me nauseous. I could barely even breathe as I rested on the ground, but thankfully I was able to not only breathe, but stand up after Rust's healing prayer. My first concern though was Zachary; thankfully the rabbit remained protected from the flames. There wasn't any time to make sure everyone was alright as the Da'Cho Pa appeared and rallied up all of his troops. I don't know why, but I have an easier time fighting when I know there is a reason for it all. Every large ogre that got in my way I dispatched without a too much to worry about. There was this one small ogre that did nothing but cause me trouble every with every swing. I barely had killed the ogre when I heard Narissa yell out. My heart raced as I ran to help Zachary protect Narissa and Rust. The echidna look to be in absolute anguish. I... I don't even want to continue to talk about the battle. All I can say is that we all fought to save Rust and in the end we overcame the odds and vanquished the monsters.

We took as little time as we possibly could in returning back to the camp, Rust he was bleeding out. Within seconds Zachary started to care for Rust. The whole time the priest worked upon the echidna I couldn't stop worrying if Rust was going to die. Not only that, but what would have the battle outcome been like if I hadn't helped or if Zeke and Dillon were to have also aided our fight. Zachary and Jasper were starting to argue over something, which brought me back awareness. Jasper was talking about some Sickle Moon ritual that could help ensure Rust's survival. Everyone around took a vote and the majority of us voted in favor of the ritual. Zachary and Zeke were the two who were most openly opposed to the motion. Zeke immediately left once Jasper started to call for volunteers, I guess he hates the Myrh prayer. Zachary stayed, but I could see that he was angry and wanted nothing to do with it. I truly hadn't thought about it much and offered to help the rat. Had it not been for Rust, I might have died in the battle and this was the easiest way to repay him. Haldyn was the only other one willing to help. I really am not sure why he participated in the ritual, but I am thankful he did.

When the rat called us up and pulled out a dagger, I got really scared, but I saw Zachary and I knew I had to be strong and everything would be all right in the end. I don't really remember much of it, but Jasper tricked my paw as well as the lion's and then we joined paws around the echidna. Then the moment Jasper started to speak, everything went black. I'm not sure how long I had been unconscious, but when I finally did regain my senses I felt so tired. I slowly limped my way to Dillan's wagon. I asked him if I could lay down in his wagon and he said some choicey words before throwing my stuff at me. The first thing I did was make sure none of my papers flew away. Thankfully they were all saved including the other letter I had planned to send before. Looking back as I write this, I feel partially helpless without anything to do. I'm sure that I will receive a new purpose within the group, even if it's just to help raise moral, it better than just being an extra mouth to feed. I also don't want Zachary to feel uneasy around me. He has been the nicest to me since the journey started and I don't want to lose that kindness.

I was so close to crying when I finally gathered my things up. Slinging it around me, I just started to walk and dry my eyes. Narissa found me staggering alongside one of the wagons and came over to make sure I was okay. I told her my situation and she told me to talk with Zachary, if anyone could help me find a new place to say it would be him. After thanking the tigress I ran to the rabbit's carriage. I didn't know how he would welcome me after participating in something he was openly against. Pleasantly, he welcomed me with, well, open arms. We ended up spending the rest of the day talk and, believe it or not, drink Doenian Must. Funny thing is neither one of us likes to drink. Come to find out, Zachary has a lot on his mind. And well, for the first time, I've really begun to open up to someone else. He doesn't know as much as you two do, but I really trust him and within time I hope I can open up to him more. I would really like to tell him about my life before coming to Doen. Finally we got on the topic of where I was going to live and he let me stay with him until something else is figured out (I personally hope we don't find any other place for me to live, the carriage is so homely and wonderful. Plus I get to be with Zachary). After dinner and prayers, the two of us continued to get tipsy. I don't ever remember drinking that much wine in my life. Eventually we went to bed and curled up for some rest.

Time of relaxation

The next morning I felt the rabbit move and whisper something into my ear. I was about to move my paws up to my ears when I an angry yell calling out my name. After a long ranting speech, I find out Rust would had prefer we didn't do the ritual. I thought he yelled at me harshly, but he hadn't even seen Jasper or Haldyn yet today. He yelled at them for so much longer than me. I think because Zachary was there he his contained his temporary anger. I'm thankful for that too; I've had nothing but a massive hangover from last night. Drinking all that must last night was worth it to spend time with Zach.

With Rust in his current health condition, we rested a bit longer than normal to help him recover his strength. I do hope that he calms down, stressing over something done out of good will isn't going to help him. The whole day has done nothing but drag out and I hate to say it, but I was right last night. I miss having something to do. I hate to say it, but Rust's outburst has been the most entertaining part of the day. For the most part I've been in Zachary's carriage helping the rabbit with whatever he needs; the rabbit won't let me do anything to straining though since Jasper wants everyone involved with the ritual to relax. Oh my, I think I just hear Narissa scream. I hope everything is alright, but she sounded scared. I'll be back as fast as I possibly can.

Intruders and Kidnapping

They took her, those thinks took Narissa. Fey, that's what Dillan called them. They came in a swarm and took her. So much happened in such a short amount of time, I can't even make sense of what happened. Rust wanted nothing more to kill every last one of them and go after Narissa. Dillan told us it was pointless to go after her and that we'd do nothing, but get ourselves killed if we tried to save her. As expected not a single one of us felt like leaving her behind. I know I don't have to worry about this, but if it had been Zach taken and the ferret had said that, I would have probably punched him in is cowardly face. In the end there were three choices for us to make. Kill every one of them and go after the tigress, do our best to avoid the fey and go after Narissa, or to try to negotiate. I originally was with Zeke about negotiations, but what the ferret partially mentioned scared me to the bones. Something tells me they are bigger tricksters and liars than the ferret. In the end me, Zachary, and Jasper all voted for us to avoid and chase the fey. Unsurprisingly Dillan once again stayed away from battle.

It didn't take too long for us to catch up to Narissa, but when we did arrive we were heavily surprised. We found her lying naked to a giant stone boulder. Rust went to make sure she was all right when she attacked him. That's when she or I should say her body spoke. That's when this giant buck came out of nowhere. It was either a druid or a shaman, but he had control of her. The things and images he forced into our minds of what he was going to do the tigress disgusts me to no end, even now as I write this.

You all will be happy to hear this; I came out unscratched. It's bitter sweet though. Everyone else was harmed in some way by the fay and the stag. The fey, they... they swarmed us. I felt my heartache as I saw one of the fays cracked a rock over Zachary's head. I could tell that the rabbit was starting to slip into unconsciousness and I immediately started to keep every fay away from Zachary that I could. I turned my head paranoid as I heard the stag threaten someone. The stag had Zeke pinned down. The wild male called for Narissa to cut the fox's throat. I couldn't more or do anything to help the trapped vulpine. I felt my heart stop as Narissa reached down with a dagger. I don't know how she did it, but she broke free of the stag's control. I don't even know where she got it, but she busted a jar of Hefflys over the stag. Jasper ended up being the one to kill the stag.

As we finished off the fays I rushed over to Zachary to find that he was no longer conscious. I carried him all the way back to his carriage. I was so thankful to finally lay him down inside. I know Jasper was going be busy with helping healing everyone else that I asked what all I needed to do for Zachary. While I was dressing Zachary's head where he was hit with the rock, I passed out. I had another one of those nightmares where I relived the day my parents disowned me. I got up to the point of seeing my sister yelling and crying as I'm walking out the door. This time though when I pushed the door open, instead of the cool night air assaulting me, a warm comforting breezes encircled me.

It was roughly this moment I woke feeling tears falling down my cheeks. Looking down and seeing Zachary didn't help. I feel so pathetic. I care for him so much and I just can't get the courage to tell him. One of the main reasons is I don't know if we can even be together. I don't even know the first rules about Doenian Priests. I really should stop thinking about this, it is starting bring me down.

Well I should be heading to rest now. I don't want to be tired in the morning if Zachary is still out.

Good night
