more thing to worry about

The machine is a power converter. the power converter takes out the spirit, good or bad, and replaces it with a power that the body can live without it spirit.

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Anarchy Riders, Chpt 2

"i'm thinking a rider breaking into town at the head of the assault would be our best action, it would disrupt forces there and allow or converted soldiers to get in" "your putting the converted soldiers at the front of the assault?"

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The Doctors of Doom, Part Five

Soon, every single converted kat would be restored to normal. as for the venus trap flies, they were dealt with using regular firearms, blasted apart with well-aimed laser shots.

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Jacks Tail: Chapter-14 Rest Stop

"i'm a little curious, patrick, how old was jack before he was converted? and a question for you jack, was their a sheet of paper stuck to your kennel door after you were converted? and did you get a chance to read what it said on it?"

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VTQ: A Gooey Encounter

Over the course of a few hours the vaporeon slept while the melted down remains of the pokemon in his belly were converted into more of his mass.

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Return of herm ideology + Bigpip and the candy factory

The new pony was converted to neo-harmonism and the room the pony was converted in was made into a full party room, with pillows, loudspeakers and disco ball.

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The Unicorn Boys Part One

The storage room used to be a normal room, but since will and princess had no children of their own, they had converted it into a storage room. now will was converting it back to a room. a baby room.

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Power Fur Rangers- Episode 26

We have worked tirelessly to see if we can convert it to the feline genes of our friend tom here. we can't convert it 100 percent but this is the best we came up with.

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Space for a time.

Nine quadrillion kilojoules of energy (approximately...), if you could convert the mass of your entire stick of butter into energy.

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Bio-Morph FAQ 1

These are closer to uplifted animals, or 'converted' humans. the closest to human they get is a 60% animal 40% human genetic mix, going as low as 80/20.

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The Rise of Serpens: Reptile at Heart Zoo

Cynthia and hercules had converted an entire state of people into snakes and the landscape into swamp in a little over a month. . still, he enjoyed the slow rate at which chris and cynthia had converted.
