The Interpol Files: A Precarious Prohibition

Using his normal voice, sly told murray "looks like he wants to do this the hard way, murray." "what the bloody-" began patrick before murray knocked him out.

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Movie Night

-"thanks, murray," the rabbit said just before dozing off, "if only you were a woman..." and he was gone. murray stepped up and carefully grabbed his blanket.

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The End of the SWAT Kats! Part One

murray went upstairs, but found it deserted. "hey, murray!" burke suddenly called. "yeah?" "get down here!" murray hurried back downstairs.

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New in Town

"murray, stop!" he said. "what?" cried murray. "are you nuts?!" "that city worker guy--" "can fend for himself!" murray replied, really putting the pedal to the metal, silently urging the hunk of junk of a truck to go faster.

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The Interpol Files: Beware, the Shaman

Sly told murray. "nah, doesn't have any stuff like that, but i did find a tin of this stuff called 'pem-i-con'." said murray before dropping the contents into his mouth. "that's pemmican, murray" corrected bentley.

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The Interpol Files: Full Moon Menace

"calm down, murray. even if this guy is a werewolf, you're.... **murray!** you could take him out with a few sharp punches." murray exhaled sharply and responded in a much calmer way. "oh yeah, you're right.

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The Interpol Files: Ice-Cold Betrayal

murray buzzed on bentley's earpeice. "murray, be quiet." whispered bentley. "deadeye has me, sly and inspector fox tied up." "what about webb?" asked murray. "deadeye is webb. he fooled us with some dead cop!" explained bentley.

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Battle Fur Freedom - Chapter One: Thieves and Flags

Shouted murray. "i wouldn't speak too soon murray." bentley stated in a slightly nervous voice, pointing up. sly and murray looked up to see the same glass viewing dome for the audience way up in the sky.

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The Interpol Files: Prologue

Argued murray, shoving another mouthful of old candy into his mouth.

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Battle Fur Freedom - Prologue

Asked murray. "well murray, space and time aren't that easy to play around with. i dobt sand can do that." answered bentley. murray, pointing towards the sudden source of bright blue light on the other end of the room, told him.

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The Doctors of Doom, Part One

murray laughed at him, so burke turned the deluge towards his shorter sibling, drenching him. murray coughed and spluttered. ignoring them, jake tends to chance.

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The Giant Bacteria: The Novelization, Part 2

Ick, thought chance, and stood back, his hatred of murray renewed now that he was okay. "thanks, burke," murray wheezed, and indifferently waved chance and jake away. "i'm fine, i"m fine..."

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