Mudkip Has a Bad Dream
Mudkip kicked his leg, he whimpered, he was reliving the moment when it all happened. The river was rising, he was stranded on the bank, he called for his mother, his father. They were coming, but the rain was fierce, lightning pierced the sky. His...
Wings of Fire: The Pee of Pyrrhia
Sunny felt content as she slipped through the elegant water of the Oasis, the way it rippled across her scales, the way it's warmth - heated by the desert sun - soaked into her body, for a SandWing, she had never felt more at peace. What was most...
Hummingbird and Ostrich Egg and Vice-Versa and No Fun to It
"An egg! I can't be about to lay an egg!" Mary fretted in her hummingbird way as she came out of the nurse's office." Eggs are supposed to be painful, and ouchy... and I can't do it." Some other of the birds looked at her fretting and rolled their...
The Snork Maiden Kicks Moomin
The Snork Maidan was in the woods tossing a large fruit back and forth with the Silk-Monkey. "You like Moomintroll why?" Asked the silk-monkey. "Well," answered the Snork Maiden indignantly, "because he's so strong and manly, and he's very very...
Opossum Time-Reversal
As the possum couple walked out of the theater, Mina couldn't keep the big amused grin off her face. Osmund looked over at her as she let out a chuckle. "What's so funny?" Osmund asked. "I just keep thinking," Mina said, "about when that character...
Sunny Accidentally Kicks Starflight Somewhere... Sensitive...
"Tips for smaller dragons," Starflight said, reading the battle scroll out loud, "If you are a smaller dragon, and you are fighting a dragon of a bigger size, specifically male, get in close underneath them, and kick them in the..." Starflight went...
Legend of the OmeletWings - Chapter 27: Cracked
Complete silence filled the pavilion, dragons looked at one another in shock. Not a single word was spoken, not a single claw mark was thrown, but one thing was abundantly certain, the Kingdom of the OmeletWings had fallen. Em looked at the...
Gidget Lays an Egg
_What is it like to lay an egg?_ Gidget thought dreamily as she looked at a picture of Max and her on the wall. Gidget had seen a girl bird the other day lay an egg after falling in love with a boy bird, and it was from that moment that Gidget knew...
Legend of the OmeletWings - Chapter 2: Embryo
Embryo ran her talons through the grass, feeling the individual blades bending underneath her weight as her talons gently flowed through them. Oops, she accidently knocked am ant off a blade and felt it rebound from the loss of its weight. Embryo...
15,000 Foot Plummet to Electrified Barbwire
**Please Note, this story does not intend any negativity to the sports team The Jaguars, I just chose an animal I wanted to write about, and it turned out there was a real sports team by the same name.** The Mascot of the Jaguars couldn't hold in his...
Legend of the OmeletWings - Chapter 1: Intro
**Based in the world of Wings of Fire by Tui T. Sutherland. Prior knowledge of the series not required.** It is a long known fact that dragons lay eggs. With or without a partner, a dragon will lay an egg anyway. From this truth, many great events...
Cat Takes Down Dog
When Miss Potts first brought Bucky home, Mittens couldn't stand him. She knew she shouldn't but her as a cat, and him as a dog, she couldn't help but notice he was just a lot dumb. Eventually though, her feelings calmed, and she even began to like...