15,000 Foot Plummet to Electrified Barbwire

**Please Note, this story does not intend any negativity to the sports team The Jaguars, I just chose an animal I wanted to write about, and it turned out there was a real sports team by the same name.** The Mascot of the Jaguars couldn't hold in his...

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Bloodwhisker: Chapter 1 ~A New beggining~

~Prolouge~ A meadow, somewhere in eastern europe; December, 15, 2012. A loud and somewhat raspy, tired sounding feline voice, broke through the thick and hazy, dust cloud and shouted out,"Damn you, Jimmy. I swear on my mothers grave, you will...

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Sky Diving...

Short story poetry sky diving...

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Isiat's Biography, or something like it.

On the flip side, he also has a bad habit of tossing caution to the wind in the name of doing things he'll likely regret later, such as sky diving and other 'thrill-seeker' activity.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book X Chapter 38

She shot through the sky, diving through the only opened shutters above that connected the main hall with the room next door "incoming!"

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