Cat Takes Down Dog

Story by rgii55447 on SoFurry

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In the PG+ range, not R.

When Miss Potts first brought Bucky home, Mittens couldn't stand him. She knew she shouldn't but her as a cat, and him as a dog, she couldn't help but notice he was just a lot dumb.

Eventually though, her feelings calmed, and she even began to like him. A little. But even still, a bit of rivalry still remained among them.

One day, she was rubbing along his legs. When she passed through his back legs, she looked up. Suddenly, she couldn't resist.

Unsheathing her claws, she swung her paw upward, scratching him nice and clean. Before Bucky could register, she swung her other paw, doing just the same.

Mitten's dived out from beneath him as he collapsed to the floor, yowling in agony. Mittens felt instant humor and guilt for what she had just done.

"I'm sorry," she cried, "It was just too good a shot to miss."

Suddenly, his eyes began to clear from the pain, and they filled with fury.


Bucky leaped to his feet, barking his head off as he chased the retreating Mittens across the house. Mittens reached the front door, and jumped out the cat door. Bucky leaped at it in a flurry of barking, trying to follow, but he was just too big.

"Don't worry, I'm coming!" Said Miss Potts, brought to attention by Bucky's barking. She reached him and attached Bucky's chain leash, and opened the door, letting Bucky out.

Instantly, Bucky sprang after Mittens, chasing her across the front yard. He didn't notice that the chain, trailing behind him, was right down the middle, back legs on either side.

Suddenly, the chain reached its end.


And it was over, the chain had sprung up, and Bucky collapsed to the ground, Mittens still inches out of reach, standing their watching him. It was bad enough to get leashed, but to get leashed when you were still suffering cat scratches, it was unfathomable. Bucky writhed on the ground whimpering in agony.

Miss Potts had luckily taken out her smartphone just in time, and ad recorded the whole thing, a future viral sensation.

Mittens turned back to Bucky. Though she couldn't hide her amusement, she sort of felt bad. She stepped up to him.

"I'm sorry. Let's just say when this is over, we forget the whole thing and never let it happen again."

Bucky was in no place to argue. He just whimpered and nodded.

So they did forget it. Or at least they never mentioned it again, Mittens would always hold a special place for it in her memories.

But while they forgot, the internet never did. It got tens of millions of views on YouTube and was trending everywhere.

And that's how Miss Potts became a famous YouTuber.