Chikorita Catches a Mudkip

Chikorita tightened the grip of the vine on mudkip as much as she dared. mudkip dropped. sure there was no more fight left in him, chikorita released the vines.

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Chikorita's Pee Story

#5 of chikorita/mudkip chikorita was well curled up beside mudkip for the night safely inside the pokémon center, when she opened her eyes and realized something wrong.

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Chikorita Catches a Mudkip: Chapter 3

mudkip was so hilarious, she could just not contain it. oh, why was he so afraid of her? they should be friends. after awhile, jennifer tried again to let mudkip out of his pokéball. mudkip just stood there, hunched over cowering from chikorita.

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Mudkip Has a Bad Dream

"kip," mudkip replied with a nod, more than a bit of sadness in his voice. so chikorita curled up next to mudkip, and mudkip took in the warmth of her company.

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Chikorita Catches a Mudkip: Chapter 2

In a swirl of energy, a mudkip appeared. mudkip was hunched in on himself, still sore from his earlier encounter. he looked at jennifer nervously. and then he saw chikorita, watching him with big starstruck eyes. he coward.

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Sweet Treat

Still the machine churned on, blasting the mudkip - or the living blob formerly known as a mudkip - full of the oran-flavored sherbet. "ugh... so much... so... full..."

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A warm memory on a cold night

Giggled the fire buizel as he ran up the trail, almost pulling the mudkip off the ground. the mudkip laughed as he his warm furry buizel friend pulled him along, not minding it at all. "what's your hurry, buizel butt?

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Back away from the situation

The jackalope scurries out from underneath you as does the mudkip. then the mudkip shoots a jet of water at you with a growl and you are instantly drenched.

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Approach the sleeping jackalope and pokemon

The jackalope continues sleeping so it squirms away and over onto the top to nuzzle the mudkip. the mudkip stirs awake and moves its head to look at you with the same curious expression.

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The Path of Mew

The jackalope continues sleeping so it squirms away and over onto the top to nuzzle the mudkip. the mudkip stirs awake and moves its head to look at you with the same curious expression. you kneel down beside the mew to pet it on the head.

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Out of the Blue

mudkip! use mud bomb!" grinning mischievously, the tiny mudkip summoned a large, dense sphere of mud, and hurled it straight at pyro.

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The Missing Noble: Part 1 (Story)

The mudkip shouted, randall walking over to his partner as the both of them read the sheet they had found.

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