Memoires and Dreams Love

Darkness didn't envelope me that night as i felt my body stay warm and my hand still being held as i drifted off into a dream but knew i was going to wake up soon.

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Blood Red: Chapter One: The Administrator

The dragon got up with me and got dressed; i, on the other hand, staggered into the bathroom, trying to wake myself up with a cool, refreshing shower.

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Marillion - Chapter 1

waking from a deep slumber and at that moment, right before you wake, where everything seems possible. in this case, wiggling of ears seemed possible. as i laid there, on my stomach i noted to myself, lazily the darkness of my unconsciousness faded.

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College Life; Part One


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It's time to wake up..." he waited a moment before thudding the lid again, the red goo within stirring like the lava of so many 70's lamps. "wake up... 'm not explaining to the captain why you're still sleeping.

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Lyris had slept soundly until she heard Lyal's cough, which woke her instantly. For just a moment, the doe felt a bit of panic; she was warm (which was unusual enough these days), and she was comfortable, and she smelled something other than herself...

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Approach the sleeping jackalope and pokemon

Do you: try to wake the jackalope up asking, "excuse me, where am i?" kneel down next to the jackalope and pet the eevee on the head kneel down beside the mew to pet it on the head.

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Time I can feel the eddies swirl around me They caress my being with every step One moment I am old and grey The next I am full colored and spriteful I am barely aware of when I am Stepping from the fugue It pains me to see how all has changed...

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Alright well this will be the first of many audio recounts of mine from over my years of travels, best to start from the beginning i suppose....alright here goes nothing. > When you think of an origin story you would think that it would be something...

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Waking Up

It was pretty early though, about the time he was used to waking up anyway. not dawn, but not quite night either. that moment in between the world sleeping and waking where everything had a dream-like state to it. even if it was a bad dream. and cold.

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Waking Up

He did eventually though, and thought of a unique way to wake up the sleeping liger that lay in front of him.

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Waking Dreams

"no... the restriction orb was just a precaution incase you proved to be hostile upon waking. you see... we need your help." the voice said, making her arch an eyebrow in disbelief. "my help? the hunters are asking for my help?"

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