Fear and Loathing - Prologue
Everything after that was a haze of red rage. no sound from came from either; one by choice, one by force.
No Light to be Seen: Chapter 19
rage and hate clear in her tone as cressilia primed her blades for the fight was to come. seems she was waiting for darkrai to make the first move.
Part: 6 Disaster In Motion
One of the doctors winced, she was clearly doing deeper into a state of rage, with one great move several of her generals worked together in restraining her down to her bed.
Chapter 4: Do As I Say
Joji's eyes watered in rage, his ears pointed upward like spades, and his sharp teeth grinded against each other. as he approached them slowly, the rottweiler's eye's popped open as soon he saw the incoming shepkita. "you fucking whore!"
Forbidden Blood 5
In a fit of rage, not caring for his own kind being in pain, much less that she was defenseless, he punched her face as if she were another warrior.
The world in the life of a grey husky Chpt. 8 Huskys fight for his life.
Standing up he wastes no time in kicking the lion in his head sending him into a rage. grabbing the husky by his leg, he grabs him by the arms holding him above his head.
Growling, crunching and screaming quickly became his language, and rage was his only message.
The End (part 1)
Alec's body trembled, both the doberman and his supposed lover completely blurred with the rage that was flooded into the kitsune's head. saraiya opened her mouth, her musical voice spilling out. "no idea." that triggered alec's rage.
Indigo Nights- Chapter 20: The Pendulum
He coughs as he tries to make sense of where he is in the manor as the fire rages, consuming the entire hall.
Between Winters, Part 10 - One Magic Fox
The young man clenched his teeth and his eyes narrowed in - what seemed to be subdued rage. he wondered why arbinger reacted so strongly to this particular individual?
Neko Hoshi 5 days
His eyes still were filled with rage, but then tears began to fall down hitting me in my face. why did they hurt worse than link's knee on my stomach. i couldn't help, but cry also closing my eyes so i wouldn't face him. "neko..."
Black Petals: Chapter 2 ~ Reality Check
He had dodged multiple rage-induced swings from amy already, whose style of fighting was not only undisciplined, but also erratic and impulsive. _'...much like her,'_ he concluded to himself.