If it weren't for Sega's mandates, things would be different in Archie's Sonic comic book series no doubt!

And again it goes back to sega's mandates, which believe it or not upset a majority of the fans. and just like with the comic at times, you can put the blame if you will on sega's mandates.

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Transformation Story 01 - Bonanza Bros TF TG MC

#1 of transformation the bonanza bros belong to sega , this is for sega fans and transformation writers (or maybe artists) like omg! ,we can play this game! , this can be the best day ever!!


BinBin's Victory - Bonanza Bros TF TG MC

Exclaimed binbin "i will turn those girls into one of the sega characters!"

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I was introduced to him in the early 90s, when the sega genesis came out. i played sonic 2 constantly. when the sega dreamcast debuted, i played sonic adventure and then sonic adventure 2, which i later owned. i loved sonic adventure 2.

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Black Memories prologue

" Thanks for the large coke mom" said Shadow the hedgehog. " Your welcome sweety" said Shadow's mom " Look at this asshole, hey asshole your on the wrong side of the road" said Shadow's father to the transport-driver. " Oh shit this is going to...

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Bonanza Bros' Story (SPOILERS)

#2 of sega superstars origins this is the true origins of the bonanza bros , before:http://www.lukiegames.com/thumbnail.asp?file=assets/images/genesis/boxscans/bonanza-brothers-(rev-00)-(jue)-%5b!

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Sonic.EX3: Chapter 1

The outfit he wore was a shirt and jacket with the sonic the hedgehog sega logo on the front. the way sonic looked in that picture was just wrong.

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Journal of an Ultimate Lifeform: Chapter 1 ~ Life Upon the ARK

Shadow and all related characters are owned by sega and sonic team. honestly, i don't know why i'm doing this. i don't even like writing. but maria said it was a good idea, so here i am.

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Black Petals: Chapter 5 ~ Rome Took Forever.

Characters by sega. "training from hell". the type of brutal, painful, near-inhumane training protagonists are often forced to go through in order to get strong(er). these usually last for an unrealistic amount of time (if they're shown at all).

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Paper Pat's Story (SPOILERS)

#1 of sega superstars origins this is a story about a news girl named paper pat , hi , i'm **patrica** , i'm 8 years old , i lived in the **orphange** in **california** since m, i went out and take a **job** , i felt like i'm the **best news girl** , but

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Black Petals: Chapter 3 ~ The Seed is Planted

Characters by sega. a week has passed since that day. no one had heard from amy since then. cream had tried to check on her friend, but to no avail. tails offered to help in some way, but received no response.

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Black Petals: Chapter 1 ~ Discolored Heart

Characters and locations are owned by service games (sega). running. that's all she could do. she ran and ran and ran until her feet ached. and then she kept running. she could not see where she was going, because her vision was blurry with tears.

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