Part: 6 Disaster In Motion
MEH.... -3-......
Part: 6 Disaster In Motion
Around a large marble table Devidra,God, Sky, B-man, and the three angel brothers were sat talking, B-man and Sky were both confused as to what was going on. "God" being Beelzebubs brother took B-man by surprise by his appearance, he seemed to fit the old visage or stereotype of "god". White hair, beard, robes. Sky leaned forward with his hands on the table- "so this guy Oggy whatever, was the big bad guy thousands of years ago?"
Devidra nodded slowly but she let Gabriel pick up the baton to explain, The Great war lasted for some time. Millions had died in the war, angels and demons alike.- " I and my brothers were some of the few to be part of that war, but our Lord and Beelzebub weren't part of it." -God let off a sigh as B-man and Sky looked over at him- " we weren't part of it, I really haven't heard stories about it either."
-B-man leaned back in his chair and finally let the air out of it- "You tried to cover it up" -the brothers looked down at the table averting their eyes, God frowned in thought- "But are we sure it is the Archdemon? Without a doubt?" -Gabriel let off a sigh- " I will go and check the gravesite" -Devidra had a stone faced expression, she was hoping she had been wrong about everything. B-man spoke up again this time more forcefully- "But why did those things come after me?"
The Archangels, God, and Devidra looked at him. He had made a good point, why were those demons after him when he had not been anywhere near the gravesite. As the moments passed B-man finally realized just what may have caused it- "My brother..."- a wave of despair overcame in as he slumped in his seat- god, did I do more harm than good again? -To his surprise God spoke- "No I don't believe you did Brandon, if anything you brought it to our attention so we may act upon it."
B-man looked at the assembled deities before him with a look of sadness, sitting in his chair he realized what he had to do- Xavier's Mansion might still be standing, maybe there might be someone still there or some sort of clues. -reluctantly he got up and turned around to leave- "B wait, i'm coming with you" -Sky began to get up as well but gabriel stopped him- " No, if it is indeed the Archdemon we need to start training you."
B-man shrugged slightly- "It's alright Sky, just get to work on that. Wish me luck" -turning back he made his way to the doorway but paused- "umm..just how to I head back down to earth anyway?" -Devidra shook her head slightly then motioned with her staff, in a instant B-man vanished from sight in a shaft of energy. Sky's ears were flat against his head watching the energy dissipate- be careful B, don't do anything stupid
As soon as B-man arrived back on earth he wasted no time in making his way to Xavier's mansion, the very thought of it made him uneasy.- I wonder if anyone is even there anymore, if someone is there or if it's abandoned then I am in trouble either way- Omega shot across the tree line kicking up flakes of snow as it went along, slowly over the horizon the mansion began to rise up with each passing second.
At first it seemed like no one was inside, he couldn't sense anything but then again those he had fought had the ability to hide their life forces to an extent. Circling the mansion several times he wanted to make sure there wasn't any chance of being ambushed, there were no lights on, no windows open, nothing to indicate there was anyone inside. Pushing away all doubt he stepped on a portion of his cloud making it arc downwards towards the front door, landing a few feet away B-man stepped off onto the snow covered walkway.
A chill ran down his spine as fear started to creep up with in, slowly he walked over to the door then reached for the handle. The door was unlocked, cautiously pushing the door open he then stepped inside the dimly lit grand hallway bracing himself for an attack. The door gently closed behind him as he moved that much further into the mansion, eyes darting to each shadow he could see fearing that the demonic creatures from before would be waiting for him.
Reaching the grand dining room unscathed he gauged at his surroundings, it looked identical to when he had last been here a couple of months ago, yet as while walking towards various objects in other rooms he couldn't help but notice that things were clean, no dust or debris littered any of them, Just several travel bags were piled up by the staircase.- Is there a caretaker here?- With a twitch of his brow he finally felt a life force in the distance, not one but three were approaching the mansion via automobile.
Taking cover quickly and lowering his own energy level B-man waited and watched as the front door opened slowly, with the sounds of feet shuffling and plastic bags echoing through the mansion. Eyes narrowed he watched a disembodied hand reach out of the darkness and hit the light switch, B-mans heart leapt into this throat as he saw Rose with the two other men he had fought before Julio and Nacho- "Julio please see these and get dinner ready, and Nacho could you get the fire going before you help your brother? Let's eat something before we leave"
Both of the men acknowledged that was when B-man finally stepped out and spoke- "Hello again Rose" -all three of them whirled around to face the intruder, B-man nodded to the two bodyguards- "Julio, Nacho, good to see that you two are still alive." -the two men winced together as they moved to Roses side to defend her, Julio grunted- "Why did you spare us? " -B-man held up his hand- "I thought you'd figure that out by now, I'm not a killer."
-B-man slowly took a step forward into the hallway-"I'm not here to fight, I just need to ask a few questions."-before he could speak Rose asked first- "he's dead isn't he? DId you kill him?" -B-man shook his head slightly- " No, I didn't kill him...-trying to think of a better word for a moment- "He sacrificed himself after he realized what he had done, and saved Hell by doing so." -the group looked at one another for a moment then back to B-man, Rose tried not to break down-
"Sacrificed himself" -the words hung in the air making the silence linger that much longer, soon B-man lowered his hands and asked - "That Cult you mentioned to me" -at the mention Roses face went pale, Julio, and Nacho's faces almost matched hers in complexion- " what did you want to know?" -B-man spoke softly- "I need to know where they might be located" -Rose slowly shook her head- " I don't know where, why do you ask?" -B-man averted his eyes- " I was attacked by some..."-he hesitated- "demons not to long ago, it is pretty serious" -He went on to explain what he knew so far, had it not been for Roses own experience she would have written him off as crazy-
Nacho spoke up- "You want to seek them out all on your own?" -B-man shook his head- "Not necessarily, just to confirm a few things" -Rose shook her head once more- " I didn't go myself, and Xavier never told me where, only that it was in the mountains in Alberta. I think Castle Mountain in the rockies" -with a sigh B-man nodded- "I see" -with a sigh he nodded once more- " well thank you, I am sorry I intruded into your home." -turning towards the front door he took a few steps- "your front door was unlocked by the way."
Julios brows knit- "what? Unlocked?" -B-man looked back nodding- " Yes" -the three looked at one another, B-man looked around the room slowly having a sneaking suspicion now- "You had all best leave this place -with urgency in his voice he pressed the issue- "Maybe someone came in here and didn't find what they were looking for, you guys really need to leave." -Rose looked down slowly- "That was the plan really actually, we were all pretty much orphans when Xavier came into our lives." -B-man nodded and responded- "gave you a purpose?" -the three nodded, B-man opened the door- "if you want I Can wait till you guys pack up and head out."
Rose nodded softly- " thank would be very kind of you, but Brandon?" -he turned back to look at her- " yes?" -she took a step forward as she spoke- "what is your purpose?" -B-man glanced back to the door knob then shrugged- " I'm not sure...just to survive I guess" -Rose shook her head- "I'm not talking about that, why are you doing this? You are helping us after we deceived you, tried to harm you. Yet you are just shrugging it off as if nothing happened" -B-man sighed- " It's just who I am...Now you all had best get going"
-He stepped out and called for his cloud, soon enough Omega was rocketing down from the clouds. Julio and Nacho were already loading up the car with their belongings, Rose walked over to B-man while he stood waiting- "Is it bad?" -B-man shrugged- " the less all of you know the better, for your protection." -minutes passed which seemed like hours as the two Guards finally finished up packing, Rose walked over to the car as Nacho opened the right passenger side door- "Brandon? I hope you find someone to take care of you, and hopefully live out the rest of your life in peace"
-B-man didn't reply he just watched the group get into the car and drive off, a few seconds later B-man got onto his cloud and followed them until they reached the nearby highway, once he was certain they would be alright he changed direction and headed for the Alberta rockies at top speed. Rose watched on through the cars sunroof as B-mans cloud shot off into the distance, Nacho and Julio remained silent for the remainder of the drive.
-WIth the day the weather was turning and At full speed it would take at least a few hours to reach Alberta, settling into the trip B-man lay back on his cloud to try and take a nap, it's tendrils wrapped around him to keep him secure and at least partially warm. His mind wandered slightly before he fell into an uneasy slumber, Silver, the neko village, Devidra, the angel brothers, Beelzebub even, yet this new foe that was able to create such horrific monsters and had been locked away and hidden on earth by those in Heaven and Hell had come back to get revenge. Why can't it be someone else for a change?
Beelzebub Ruler of Hell, Master of Chaos, the "Infernal Dragon" roared out at one of her generals, She had not felt so uncoordinated in her life- { I said I want that mortal found now!} -the Demonic doctors were alarmed at Beelzebubs sudden physical weakness, and almost primal like rage- {M'Lord we are looking, but you need to stop and let the doctors look at you.} -Beelzebub roared at them once more, spitting hell fire as a couple of demons were suddenly erased from existence- {The answer is clear! He did this to me! And I want him found now!}
Her Generals clearly shocked by her actions backed off, yet they could feel her energy was continuing to drop. ONe of the doctors winced, She was clearly doing deeper into a state of rage, with one great move several of her generals worked together in restraining her down to her bed. ONe doctor rushed over to look at her body, some sort of black substance was clinging to her stomach through her the lace on her corset,
-A chill ran down the old demons spine, he had seen this type of substance before thousands of years ago, shouting at the generals whom were having greater difficult holding her down he began to chant his incantation- {Make it fast Doctor, We can't hold her for long!} -with all of his magical strength the old one unleashed the torrent of magic into her lords stomach, the sap like substance recoiled as if alive then was lifted off Beelzebubs body whom roared out in agony-
-The generals yelled out as Beelzebub pushed back with all of her remaining strength just as the substance was eradicated from her body, as this happened she went limp onto her bad gasping for breath as her generals backed off gasping for breath as well- {W...What was that Doctor?} -the remains of the substance floated in mid air in a small bubble of energy, it's movements were if it with writhe in agony before it stopped all together-
-the old one had a look of shock on his face- {This..this cannot be, he was imprisoned years ago} -the general blinked- {what? What are you talking about?} -the old one frowned- { a great evil from the war, entombed thousands of years ago, Oggstrosse the Archdemon} -the doors to the doctor's office opened up as a soldier rushed in- {M'Lord we have located the mortal, he is on route to a mountain in Alberta Canada} -The general nodded- {very well, we need to inform Lady Devidra of this. Post Guards around Lord Beelzebub, I do not believe she is thinking clearly in this matter}
-Several other demons looked at the general- { You don't suspect the mortal?} -The general shook flaming skull- {No, but I suspect the dead fledgling may have something to do with it} -it took only a instant to make up his mind- {Also contact Gabriel and his brothers, we need to get to the bottom of this matter.} -a couple of the other generals looked to their commanding officer- { and if this is being caused by those in Heaven?}
-the silence was thick in the doctor's office for a long moment, finally the general spoke- {Prepare our army for the worst, If they wish to eradicate our lord I shall do the same to them in return, Now let us go and examine the remains once more.} As soon as the generals left and the guards took their place, Beelzebub awoke having faked her own passing out, she strangled to the guards that rushed in to try and restrain her and threw them so hard their bodies smashed through the walls of the office.
I will have his soul in my hands for this outrage! -Her generals burst into the doctor's office just as Beelzebub vanished in a roar of hellfire, behind them Devidra stepped out a look of worry on her features. The General barked an order- {Go After her!} -but as those tried to follow with the same hell fire teleporting method, it failed something was blocking them from doing so. Only a few older demons had a feeling why it was not possible, as the soldiers scrambled to take flight and track her down Devidra stood there with a look of worry on her face-
Alberta Canada, Castle mountain. B-man stepped off his cloud onto the rocky outcropping of land at the base of the mountain, the temperature wasn't too bad ,but the wind from time to time kicked up the snow which was more like sharp shards of ice. Man this is going to take days or weeks to search -his mind wandered for a moment then he started to look around, figuring where would be the best place to start, he began to look for some opens to some caverns to begin with.-
Grumbling he began to walk towards the first location he spotted while flying on Omega, in a way it brought back some memories if christmas at the Neko village before he had left in the spring. The first five spots he had found had been duds, small caverns that didn't go in more than few meters, but on his walk to the next location he spotted some tracks and they were rather fresh. No sooner had he found the tracks he then walked into a wall, or what he could only describe at one.
A hellfire blast came out of the woods and slammed into the area just before him, just managing to dodge the basketball sized energy blast at the last second he skidded on the ice and snow. Looking down he could see that not only had the snow melted, but the stone had melted as well turning liquid like molten steel, Then B-man looked to his right and up into the crimson red eyes of a black dragon like demon as she stepped out from behind one of tee trees, standing straight at her seven foot five in height with murder in her eyes.
WIngs fully extended with smoke like vapour rising up from her flared nostrils she roared at him in total rage causing him to slip on the ice from the force before she spoke in her deep demonic voice- " You did this to me!" -his heart leapt into this throat at the site of her while he wanted to jump out of his own skin, and the sheer power he felt ebbing from her body. It was like a blast furnace coming towards him, melting snow and causing smaller branches and trees to catch fire in her wake- "I will make your soul suffer for eternity!"
B-man blanched at her words then he couldn't help but ask with trembling lips- " W...W... Who are you?" -then it came to him just before she took another step towards him- "Beelzebub..." -She growled slightly- "So my mother did tell you, then you should know full well the suffering you will undertake at my hands" -Beelzebub glared at him as her eyes turned solid black as B-man started to back away, he was indeed afraid yet something was off with this demon in front of him-
Why is her energy dropping? Or maybe it's just a ploy. Or could she just be playing with me again before she does kill me?-With a hard flap of her wings the demon Lord shot towards B-man who barely had time to react, with a cross arm block he hot the full force of her punch that sent him sliding backwards on the icy rock face. Beelzebub couldn't help but be slightly impressed- "You managed to block my attack, so you are holding back, Just like you did in Hell"
Holding back? -Had she just attacking him with all her strength? No, it couldn't be. -she's just toying with me, Only one way to find out -quickly he removed the remains of his jacket and tossed it into the snow, Beelzebub raised an hairless brow- "Do you really plan on challenging me? You should just accept your fate." -B-man began his attack by first going into a run, in which Beelzebub retaliated by firing off yet another ball of hell fire.
-Front flipping over the ball B-man landed on his feet then kicked off- "Hien ShippuKayk!" -Beelzebub jerked back using her left forearm to block first kick, as B-man spun around in mid air while she attacked with her right arm. His leg swooped over her head as his momentum carried him over her body, landing on his hands he front flipped back onto his feet before attacking once more.
B-man's right forearm collided with Beelzebubs left gauntlet, their eyes locked for a brief second, he could feel her black eyes bore into him before they broke apart and started the melee of punches, kicks, and tail swipes. As the seconds passed things seemed to be going in favour of the demon, yet it began to equal out as each combination she used was being blocked or dodged.
Finally the two broke apart as B-man backed off panting heavily, Beelzebub began to feel winded herself, was it exceleration at fighting this mortal once more. Bruises were starting to form on
This time the Demon lord pushed off and tried to attack B-man, she brought her right arm back then lashed out with a full force punch. B-man fell onto his back but not in the way she had expected too, pushing off as hard as he could with his arms he drove his feet hard into her stomach- "Rising Tackle!" -the impact sent her upwards into the tree tops, while her wings shielded her from the branches that broke, her mind started to race.
Why am I having trouble?! Damnit I underestimated him again -she landed barely on the icy surface as B-man did as well from the attack, Beelzebub roared at him as her mind slipped that much more into pure rage. Once more she attacked B-man, a fury of arms and legs culminating in a right uppercut straight to Beelzebubs, sending her into the air directly into a tree which promptly dropped all of its snow atop of her as she hit the ground.
-slowly she rose from the melting pile while B-man grimaced- "That's enough! Please stop this!" -she turned on him flames shooting from her mouth as he yelled at B-man as she tried to get up and walk over-"No!, I am Beelzebub! Ruler of all Hell! You Filth ridden~" -She stopped in mid comment as her vision blurred and her legs started to give away, while trying to punch him once more. She was stopped in mid swing as B-man grabbed her fit and forearm at the same time-
-she glared at him as he held onto her which only fueled the blinding rage that overtook her, jerking away and slipping from his grip -I'm going to vaporize him, EVERYTHING!-B-man backed off as he could feel what energy she had left beginning to grow-"Try and escape this Mortal...." -her words slurred as she staggered back then took flight slowly, B-man watched on as she spread her arms out and began to gather energy laced with hell fire.
Well above the treeline she brought her arms forward and fired but her vision blurred as the energy ball collided with the ground where B-man had been.What the energy didn't vaporize the Hellfire did the rest, yet it wasn't as large as she had been expecting. - What is happening? From behind a voice shouted- "Haou! Shoukou-Ken!" -she didn't have time to react before the energy blast slammed into her and damaged her wing membrane.
B-man watched on as he free fell back to the ground, he had barely managed to escape Beelzebubs attack thanks to his doubling of the Kayo Ken attack. Belle slammed into the ground kicking up snow, along with the remains of tree trunks and branches, slowly she rose up onto her feet unsteady while B-man landed a few seconds after.
There was no trace of a personality in Beelzebub at this point as he roared at him like a mindless beast as she attacked, using her claws to swipe at him even trying to grab at his limbs with her jaws. Veins started to pulsated and writhe under Beelzebubs scales with each swing, B-man could feel her energy starting to rise again but it wasn't focused, he made up his mind and lashed out before Beelzebub could get any stronger- " Chou! Kyo-Kugenryu- Ougi! "
-Beelzebub roared once more in fury but with being so uncoordinated she fell victim to the full brunt of B-mans attack, the start of the attack riddled her mid section with punches followed by a right uppercut, this caused her to stagger but the following right snap kick to the left side of her face almost spun her around completely if it wasn't for the return kick to the right side of her face.
The Barrage of kicks cracked or shattered parts of her upper body armor before she was sent backwards into a tree trunk, it was the last thing she would remember before the final fury of punches and kicks completely overwhelmed her causing her to black out well before the final double rising uppercut. Her body was catapulted through the tree trunk and into the air where she landed in a pile of snow, she was already unconscious and half naked at this point.
B-man landed panting but paused for a moment before going to check on Beelzebub, his knuckles were red and almost raw from the attack- God she's got a tough hide -the seconds passed and still there was no movement from the demon lord, pushing all fear aside he rushed over to her and skidded to a stop in arms length. B-man knelt down and placed two fingers to her neck, there was still a pulse and she was breathing, it took only a few seconds to make up his mind- "Omega!"
With in mansion Devidra stood by the Beelzebubs bedroom window looking at the courtyard as demons were making a battle plan, the scouts had lost all trace of her daughter with in those first few minutes and had not been able to leave hell through usual teleporting methods. She was deep in thought when she noticed a commotion outside, demons were rushing around then two more in medical attire appeared.
In the distance a blue cloud shot towards and came to a stop, Devidras eyes widened as the mortal stepped off holding his daughter in his arms, she phased through the wall and was outside just as B-man shouted at everyone- "You've got to help her!" -B-man didn't see what happened as he was shoved to the side as Devidra took her daughter in her arms and rushed her off to be looked after as guards surrounded B-man in an instant and he was roughly as he tried to stand upright-
{Lock him up now!} -B-man blinked then struggled to get free as he was grabbed while a flaming sword was brought up then a voice thundered from behind - "Put that man down!" -Those demons who were in front of him froze as Gabriel's voice filled the air, B-man looked back as best he could as the demon general gritted his teeth, more demons and angels gathered as it looked as if a war was going to break out.
Sky who was among the angels looked shocked as energies began to build up, another voice thundered out from the mansions doorstep- "That's enough!" -Angels and demon alike looked to the doorstep of the mansion as God spoke- "Or do you want to invoke my wrath?" -The demon general spat hell fire as he spoke- "what business of yours is Hell?" -God raised his chin- "Oggstrosse"
God looked back as Devidra walked out with one of the doctors whom had extracted the black substance from Beelzebubs body, the doctor nodded slowly- " It is confirmed, the Archdemon has returned." -B-man looked around as demons and angels started to lower their weapons, the mood started to change for the worst...